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Graphic Aids in Technical Report

Presented by: Ms.Rudelyn Son and Mr. Jim Leonard Ros

What are graphic aids?

A visual graphic or graphic aid

is any image that assists you, the
reader, in understanding the text
which accompanies the visual aid.
Too often graphs, diagrams,
charts, and tables are casually
glanced over or bypassed
completely by readers.
What is graphic aids in technical

Professional technical writing often contains

graphics—drawings, diagrams, photographs,
illustrations, tables, pie charts, bar charts, line
graphs, flow charts, and so on. Technical writers
integrate graphics, also referred to as visuals, to
complement text in a document.
How are graphics used in technical

The use of graphics enables writers to present

technical information more clearly and
emphatically than words alone. Therefore,
graphics for a technical document must be
designed, edited, and prepared with precision
to avoid weakness. Readers often look at
graphics quickly.
What are 5 types of

• Photos
• Illustrations
• Callouts
• Infographics
• Data Visualization
Why are graphics important in

Graphics in written and oral reports are invaluable aids

to your audience because they condense text, clarify
relationships , and highlight patterns . Good graphics
display the significance of your data (which may be
more exactly displayed in a table ) and allow the
reader to follow your discussion.
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