Aluminum Echerrar Nabil

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Aluminum is everywhere - industry ( building ,,
packaging ….)
- cosmetics products such as
antiperspirants, lipsticks
and toothpastes.
why aluminum is so important in industry ?

the third abundant element - Aluminum is in fact one of

the lightest metals (The
lightweight of aluminum
makes it convenient,
practical, and efficient to
handle in the factory or at the
building site)
- The material's flexible feature makes it perfect
for designers, architects and engineers
Effects of Aluminum On
health and the Environment
Alzheimer Parkinson
Alzheimer is a progressive disease
beginning with mild memory loss and Parkinson’s malady is a neurological
possibly leading to loss of the ability movement disorder
to carry on a conversation
the aluminum industry requires a lot of electrical energy
and causes a lot of greenhouse gases
solution to reduce the effects
of Aluminum On health and
the Environment
•Cooking acidic foods with stainless
steel or ceramic utensils.
•Favor glass for food preservation.
•Replace the aluminum paper with
parchment paper

aluminum-based additives: E173, E520 à E523, E541, E554 à E556, E558 et

E1452 .
to reduce gas emissions from the aluminum
industry, it is preferable to recycle the aluminum
because it requires less electrical energy and less
gas rejection

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