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PSALM 25:4-14
Make known to me your ways, LORD; teach me your paths, guide me by your fidelity and teach me,
for you are God my savior, for you I wait all the day long. Remember your compassion and your
mercy, O LORD, for they are ages old. Remember no more the sins of my youth; remember me
according to your mercy, because of your goodness, LORD.

Good and upright is the LORD, therefore He shows sinners the way, He guides the humble in
righteousness, and teaches the humble his way. All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth toward
those who honor his covenant and decrees. For the sake of your name, LORD, pardon my guilt,
though it is great. Who is the one who fears the LORD? God shows him the way he should choose.
He will abide in prosperity, and his descendants will inherit the land. The counsel of the LORD
belongs to those who fear Him; and his covenant instructs them.
Matthew 19:4-6
"Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator
made them male and female' and said, 'For this reason a
man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to
his wife, and the two shall become one flesh? So they
are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God
has joined together, no human being must separate."
"In his hand is the soul of every living thing, and the life
breathe of all mortal flesh" (Job 12:10)

Every human life, from the moment he was conceived

until he dies is sacred because the human person was
created in the image and likeness of the living and holy
"Whoever is without love does not know God, for God is
love" (1 Jn. 4:8).

Because of this, man be aware that his very existence and sense of
fulfillment depend on God whom he has to reflect through love since he
is of His image and likeness. When an embryo is formed in his mother's
womb, this should be treated as a person and, therefore, must be
defended in its integrity, must be cared for, and reared like any other
human being.
A human being is made for love and cannot
live without love; thus, any act done in the
absence of love or anything that takes him
away from love violates his right as a
human being to live.
"Fatherhood and motherhood represent a responsibility which is not
simply physical but spiritual in nature; through these realities, there passes
the genealogy of the person, which has its eternal beginning in God and
which must lead back to Him. Together, they form a family.

The family is presented, in the Creator's plan, as the

primary place of humanization for the person and society
and the "cradle of life and love." Thus, families are

It ensures that married life be lived out within the

bounds of goodness, truth, and love with Him as the
third party to that union so that the couple finds the
fullness of its dignity and thus create a family solidly
founded in these as well.
"Signifies the essential dimension of the whole
person by which he/she enters into a relationship
with others. It therefore touches every aspect of
personal life, and has to be developed by all men
and women jus as life itself."

It refers to what makes man a man and woman a woman

and is for love-either married or celibate love. A person's
sexuality is for human completeness and for procreation.
Human sexuality is God's gift to us. He precisely created
man as male and female, making them complementary as
they are different. Through the sexual nature of the man
and the woman, they relate to each other in love thus
sharing in God's life of love and in His creativity. As men
and women, we are to associate with one another through
interpersonal relationships respecting the sexuality and
proper bodily expression of each other
The Church's social doctrine emphasizes that all these
reproductive techniques (the donation of the sperm or
ova, surrogate motherhood, artificial fertilization, etc.)
that make use of the uterus of another woman or the
reproductive cells of persons other than the married
couple, and all those that could harm or violate the right
of the child to be born of one father and one mother
biologically and legally are unethically unacceptable
The use of laboratory techniques like artificial insemination
or fertilization results in the child coming about more as a
result of an act of technology than as a natural fruit of a
human act in which there is a full and total giving of the
couple. Techniques involving homologous artificial
Insemination and fertilization dissociate the sexual act from
procreative act. These acts are needed to conform with the
dignity of the person.
God created man male and female so that man
will not be alone and to multiply and fill the
It is in view of these that marriage and family are essential
to man and to his directives from God. God saw to it that
there will be sexual and social order through the laws He
gave to man. Sexual relations should be confined only to
their respective spouses because this is aimed to protect the
family. Sexuality refers to what. makes man a man and
woman a woman and is for love-either married or celibate
Sexuality affects all aspects of the human person in the
unity of his body and soul. It especially concerns mood,
feeling and attitudes, and the capacity of a person to love
and to procreate. The harmony of the couple and of
society depends upon how men and women carry out
their mutual support, needs, and complimentarity
When human reproduction takes place in total absence of an
act of personal love between spouses, the child comes out
about more as a result of an act of technology, the dignity of
man's procreation and the sanctity of marriage are lost.
child suffers the most and becomes a victim to man's
selfish desires rather than be seen as God's gift to man
and the fruit of love brought about by the total self-giving
of spouses to each other. The knowledge that he came
about not as result of a loving union between his parents
as procreators of God but in a cold and clinical process in
a laboratory might create a disorder within him which he
may carry on for the rest of his life.
There will also be a gradual shift of what family is all about
in his mind along with the rest of the society who would
accept this. Eventually, the concept and meaning of life,
love, and personhood would change so that God who is
love will eventually be displaced or relegated to the

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