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   is the artwork created by the

Indigenous people from the

 It is believed that the first inhabitants of the Philippines arrived over

many thousands of years ago.It is commonly thought that they
migrated over a land bridge , which existed at that time , from the
Asian mainland.
 The next known inhabitation is when the Negrito or Aeta arrived in
the islands . However , they were driven back by several waves of
immigrants from Indonesia , only to be followed by the maritime
peoples of the Malayan islands.

5.Body adornment

 Wander over the world heritage site, Banaue Rice Terraces,

Eight Wonder of the World carved from high cordilleras over
2,000 years ago. These rice terraces were carved out of the
mountains by the native ifugao people. The Ifugao people.
The ifugao made the walls out of hardened mud and clay
while they flattened the slopes it could hold water essential
for rice growth.It had been the way of life of the ifugao
mountain tribes for the past 2,000 years, kept alive up to this
SCULPTURE-Is three-dimensional artwork
created by shaping or combining hard
materials , typically stone such as marble ,metal
,glass , or woods , or plastic materials such as
clay , textiles,polymers and softer metals.
Carving is one of the techniques
used in sculpture.
Weaving means to make cloth and other objects.
Threads or strands of material are passed under and
over each other.
Weaving in the Philippines has different forms, functions
and materials. They also vary in design and techniques
used. Most of the common forms of weaving in the
Philippines are in the form of hats, mats, bags ,baskets
and textiles (clothes and blankets).
A malong bearing okir designs

The Maranaos call their ornamental

design okir, a general term for both the
scroll and the geometric form.

The most popular of all the malong styles is the landap. Which is either
dominantly red, yellow, green, blue, or violet. Red is the favorite color
along with yellow; these colors stand for loyalty or aristocracy. Often,
men wear the red landap and women , the yellow.
Okir a datu (gentlemen’s design) The scroll is the dominant feature in the
men’s work composed of various spiral forms. In contrasts, the zigzag and
angular forms are the dominating motifs in women’s geometric art- okir a
bay (ladies design).

-A wooden chair of
-Made of narra or ipil
-Signifies royalty and
-Only the rich people can
have this chair together
with the rituals celebrated
after the chair has been
Pottery are objects that are first shaped of wet clay, then
hardened by baking. Pottery includes both decorative and
practical items such as bowls, vases, dishes, and lamps.

We call it as a "Palayok".  This is used in old

tradition of cooking of many Filipinos back
then.  Most foods being cooked on this kind
pot are rice, fish with sour sauce, and veges.
Mununggul jar
The Manunggul Jar is a secondary burial
jar excavated from a Neolithic burial site
in the Manunggul cave of the Tabon
Caves at Lipuun Point in Palawan,
Philippines. It dates from 890–710 B.C.
[2] and the two prominent figures at the
top handle of its cover represent the
journey of the soul to the afterlife.
The Manunggal Jar is a National
Treasure of the philippines. A secondary
burial jar, it is designated item 64-MO-
74 in the National Museum of the
philippines,Manila. The jar was found in
the chamber A of the Tabon Cave, one of
the manunggol caves in Palawan. The
jar is dated from about 2800 years
before the present. It was found by
Robert Fox and Miguel Santiago.
 Physical ornamentation can be categorized intothere areas specifically the use of
traditional costumes (textile), jewelries and tattoos. The design vary depending on
the location users and fuctionof the comments sice the early 16th century, jewelry
making in the country has been praticed.
Body painting, or sometimes bodypainting, is a form of body art.
Body art is art made on, with, or consisting of, the human body
 The Philippine tattoo as an art has unexpectedly begun to decline in most
recent years, possibly from the assimilation of people into modern
society, thus becoming educated and altogether abandoning what was
once seen as traditional customs in favor of more practical one for the
contemporary lifestyle

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