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Appetizers can be more

appreciated if presented attractively

like the saying goes “the eyes eats
first”. Plate presentation is the
process of offering the appetizer to
guests in a stylish and pleasing
manner. It requires skills, style and
Fundamentals of
1. Balance
The rules of good menu balance
also apply to plating. Select foods
and garnishes that offer variety and
• Color. Two or
more colors on a
plate are usually
more interesting
than one. Garnish
is also important.
• Shapes. Plan for
variety of shapes and
forms. Cutting
vegetables into
different shapes gives
you great flexibility.
• Texture. Not
strictly visual
consideration, but
important in
platting in menu
• Flavors. One of
the factors to
consider when
balancing colors,
shapes, and texture
on the plate.
2. Portion Size
This is important
for presentation
as well as for
• Match portion sizes and plates. Too
small a plate makes an overcrowded,
jumbled, messy appearance. Too
large a place makes the portions look
skimpy. Balance the portion sizes of
the various items on the plate. Apply
logical balance of portions.
• Arrangement on the plate
Basic Principles of Platter

1. The three elements of a buffet

• Centerpiece or Grosse piece (gross
pyess). This may be an uncut portion
of the main food item, such as a pate
or a cold roast, decorated and
displayed whole. It may be a separate
but related item, such as molded
salmon mousse
• The slices or serving
portions should be
arranged artistically.
• The garnish should be
artistically done in
proportion to the cut
2. The food should
be easy to handle and
serve, so that one
portion can be
removed without
ruining the
3. A simple design is
best. Simple
arrangement is easier to
serve, more appetizing,
and still attractive when
are half consumed by
the guest.
4. Attractive platter presentation may
be made on silver or other metals, on
mirrors, chinaware, plastic ware, wood,
or any other materials provided they are
presentable and suitable for food.
5. Once a piece of food has touched the
tray, do not remove it. Shiny silver or
mirror trays are easily smudge, and
you’ll have to wash the tray and start
over again. Good pre-planning should
be considered.
6. Think of the platter as part of
the whole. It must be attractive
and appropriate to the other
presentation in the table.
Designing the Platter
1. Plan ahead. Make a sketch
by dividing the tray into six
or eight sections. This will
help you layout a balance
and symmetrical design.
The sketch should indicate
the centerpiece, slices of
food and garnishes.
2. Get movement into
your design. Good design
makes your eyes move
across the platter
following the line you
have set up. It could be
arranged in rows or lines.
3. Give the design a focal point.
Use centerpiece to emphasize and
strengthen the design by
giving it direction and
height. Note that
centerpiece is not always
in the center.
4. Keep items in proportion.
5. Make the garnish count. Use
garnish to balance out a plate by
providing additional element.
Adding a garnish completes the
picture. On the other hand do not
add unnecessary garnish.
6. Don’t drown every
plate in sauce or
gravy. It may hides
colors and shapes. You
may cover a part of it
or a band of sauce
across the center.
7. Keep it simple. Simplicity is more
attractive than complicated designs.
8. Let the guest see the best side of
everything. Angle overlapping slices and
wedge-shaped pieces
toward the customer
and the best side of
each slices is face up.
Learning Outcome 4
Storing salads and appetizers
is one of the most important
activities done after preparing
them to maintain freshness
and avoid spoilage.
Tools and Equipment

1. Chillers
2. Refrigerator
3. Containers for
salad and
Storing Techniques
Storing foods could be done through the
following techniques:
1. Refrigerate – to keep food cold or cool.
2. Cold storage – the process of preserving
food by means of refrigeration.
3. Chilling – to refrigerate; to reduce the
temperature of food.
Sanitary Practices when storing
salads and appetizers
1. Handle the food properly to prevent
spoilage and contamination.
2. Wash utensils and equipment
3. Keep off hand to a minimum contact
to ingredients and food.
4. Keep away from food when you are ill.
5. Store food and ingredients properly.
6. Safeguard the food during distribution
and serving.
• chill to refrigerate or to reduce the
temperature of food.
• Place it to cold storage like refrigerator
to preserve perishable food.
Read the statement carefully and write
the word that describes the statement.

1. Are served between the soup and fish

A. Hot Hors d’ oeuvres
B. Cold Hors d’ oeuvres
C. Hors d’ oeuvres
2. May consist of two kinds of cold
meat, such as ham, smoked beef,
peppered ham.

A. Grison Platter
B. Hors d’ oeuvres Platter
C. Rich hors d’ oeuvres
3. Still a classical form of presentation.
Lobsters should always be included.

A. Grison Platter
B. Hors d’ oeuvres Platter
C. Rich hors d’ oeuvres
4. Select foods and garnishes that offer
variety and contrast.

A. Balance
B. Portion size
C. Flavors
5. Plan for variety of shapes and forms.
Cutting vegetables into different shapes
gives you great flexibility.

A. Colors
B. Shapes
C. Flavors
Create a canapé appetizer
that shows the “Fundamentals
of Plating” using your art
materials. Label your work.
Show your creativeness.
Search for the easy
appetizers that shows
the “Fundamentals of

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