Visionary Discourse Lecture 2 07102022 073457am

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The Conduct of Prophet

and his companions

during War and Peace
Visionary Discourse Lecture 2
By: Dr. Muhammad Salman
The Strategy of Makkah Period

 It can be summarized into three terms; Peace, Co-existence and Conflict

 The message of Prophet was a threat to the status-quo Makkah
 The leaders of Kuffar foresee the threat and pursued different strategies to
discourage people from accepting his message
 The tribal pride helped Prophet to avoid any physical injury
 Examples of Hazrat Amir Hamza and Hazrat Abu Talib
 But some Muslims were vulnerable due to either being a slave or connection with
weaker tribes
 Therefore, first migration of Abyssinia took place.
 Policy of non-confrontation
 Kifalah- The notion of protection – By Hazrat Abu Talib and his tribe
 Sought Kifalah from the people of Taif but to no avail
 Used ask people from different parts of Hijaz during pilgrimage
 Finally people of Medinah offered Kifalah - Prophet agreed after several
meetings with the people of Medinah
Strategies during Madani Period

 1. Display of Power – 26 Ghazwah and 66 Sariyah

 10 Lakh Square miles territory was conquered
 Ghazwa –e – Badar – Most number of enemy casualties
 The confrontation with Romans – Battle of Mautah – 3000 vs 200000
 Inconclusive but sent a message across Arabia about the rising might of Muslims
 Within a year the size of the force reached the number of 30,000
 2. Neutralization of Enemy
 Do not open all fronts simataneously
 Meesaq-e-Madeena – with Jewish Tribes
 Sulah-e-Hudaibiya – led to the victory of Khyber against Jews
 3. Causing Disintegration among enemy lines – Ghazwa-e-Khandaq – Distrust
among Jews and Mushrakeen
 Capturing the grain market of Yarnama – and then uplifting the ban gained
sympathizers among Makkahns
 4. Geographical and Economic alienation of the enemy
 Adjacent tribes of Aslam and Kazah were made allies
 Bedouin tribes also allied with Prophet – to control the vital trade routes for the
people of Makkah
 5. Economic blockade
 First the coastal route towards Egypt and Syria –
 Then the desert route via Iraq was blocked
 5. Policy of Confidentiality – Conquest of Makkah – Only few knew about the
plan to avoid the leakage –
 Took a non-conventional route to remain invisible to people of Makkah
throughout the journey
 6. Policy of Appeasement (Taleef-e-Qalb) – To send gifts to Abu-Sufyan before
the conquest of Makkah to neutralize him and persuade him towards Islam
 Financial aid for newly converted Muslims to keep their loyalty
 7. Policy of Concessions – To people of Taif – temporary relief from Zakat until
they themselves got convinced about the necessity of this institution
 Matrimonial Alliance – Hazrat Safia after the battle of Khyber
 Hazrat Umm-e-Habiba – Daughter of Abu Sufyan

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