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Food Groups

Food is divided into 6 food groups:

i. Staples
ii. Legumes
iii. Vegetables
iv. Fruits
v. Food from animals
vi. fat
Nutrients are nourishing substances that are
contained in food. There are 6 groups of nutrients:
i. Proteins
ii. Carbohydrates
iii. Fats
iv. Vitamins
v. Minerals
vi. Water
Protein is vital for growth, repair and
maintenance of the body.
Protein Foods
Foods rich in protein are:
Meat, fish, cheese, eggs, milk, beans
Carbohydrates is an important source of energy.
Carbohydrates Foods
Foods rich in carbohydrates are:
Potatoes, ripe bananas, bread, rice, flour, corn,
cereals, noodles, chocolate
Fat is the greatest supplier of energy. It
surrounds and protects vital organs such as the
kidney, glands, etc. They form an insulating
layer below the skin to help preserve body heat
Fat Foods
Foods rich in fat are:
pear, oil, butter, milk, cream, cheese, sardine
and meat.
Vitamins are required to regulate the
maintenance and growth of the body and to
control metabolic reactions in cells. Vitamins
can be classified according to the substance
which they dissolve.
There are 2 groups:
i. Fat soluble vitamins:
A, D, E and K
ii. Water soluble vitamins:
C and B complex
Minerals are made up of mineral elements like
calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur,
chlorine, sodium, magnesium. They are needed
for body building, control of processes like
transmission and nerve impulses. They are
essential parts of body fluids.
Minerals Foods
Foods rich in minerals are:
Water is vital to life. 70% of the human body is
water. It is required for all body fluids such as
digestive juices, mucus, saliva, blood, lymph,
sweat and urine. It lubricates joints and
membranes. Some nutrients need to dissolve in
water for proper absorption. Many foods
contain water and some such as fruits and
vegetables are composed mainly of water.
Water Food
Foods rich in water are:
Fruits and vegetables
Balanced Diet
A balanced diet has all the nutrients that our
body needs in the right amounts so we should
eat a variety of food for a balanced diet. Our
body needs the right amount of nutrients to
grow well and stay healthy.
Plan a meal with a balanced diet.
Deficiency Diseases

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