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Consumer rights


 I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to
ANUSREE MA’AM who gave me the opportunity to do
this wonderful project on the topic “ CONSUMER
 This project helped me a lot in gaining adequate
knowledge about the topic . I have completed this
project after proper analysis and research and I came to
know about so many new things.
 I am making this project not only for marks but also to
increase my knowledge and intellect development.
 I again thank my teacher and to my parents who helped
me to do this project.
 An individual who buys a product or a service for his personal

use is called a Consumer .
 Consumers are the decision makers who decide which product
they want to buy , why do they buy and from which store they
will make purchases.
 Thus being a consumer it is our responsibility to speak out
and inform manufacturers and government about our needs
and wants and to make complain or inform business along
with other people about discontentment with a product or
service in an honest way. There should be responsibility of
being an ethical consumer and be fair and not engage in any
kind of malpractices which make all consumers pay.
Malpractices In The Market

 Being consumers when we buy a product , we expect value for
money i.e., right quality, right quantity, right prices etc.
However many times consumers are cheated by the sellers in
the following ways :-
1. Selling at high prices.
2. Adulteration in food products.
3. Sub- standard products with quality far below the required
4. False claims by some
Manufacturers in the market
place. For e.g., some companies
claim that if we use their cream
For a time period, we will
Become fair and every problem in our life will be gone. Also, the food
items shown in advertisements are far
more different than the actual items.
5. In many cases though the product is
under warranty and a problem arises, the

customer is asked to pay for some parts or
is refused to get the maintenance without
6. Creating artificial scarcity of the
7. Indulging in unfair trade practices like weighing less than
Consumer Movement
 In India, Consumer Movement act as a social force that originated for
protecting the interest of people against immoral and unfair trade

1. CONSUMER FORUMS – These are organisations that protect the
interest of consumers. They guide the individuals on how to file
a case in the consumer court and many times they also represent
individual consumers. These voluntary organisations also receive
financial support from the government to create awareness
among the people.
ACT, 1986 – Consumer
Protection Act (COPRA), 1986 is
an act of Parliament enacted to
protect the interest of consumers in I
in India. It makes provision
for the establishment of Consumer Councils and the authorities for the
settlement of consumers’ disputes and connected matters. This act was
enforced after the formation of Consumers International.
3. THREE TIER SYSTEM - Under Consumer Protection Act (COPRA),

a three-tier Quasi judicial machinery at the district, state and
       national levels has been set-up for the redressal of consumer
disputes. The district level court deals with cases involving claims
       upto Rs. 20 lakhs, the state level courts between Rs. 20 lakhs to Rs.   
       1 crore and the national level courts deal with cases exeeding Rs.
       1 crore. 
Need For Consumer
 There is need for protecting 
the consumers from the
malpractices exercised by the manufacturers or sellers in the
market place. It is essential especially in the developing
countries like India where most of the consumers just go and
buy products on being attracted by the flashy representations
or advertisements. Most of the consumers act as a heard of
sheep that follow a person who they may like. E.g. if some
consumers follow a particular celebrity who is acting in the
advertisement of a particular fairness cream or any other
product. Thus to eliminate such practices it is needed to make
consumers aware about their rights.
Consumer Rights
Right to be Protected / Right to Safety :- Consumers,

have the Right to be protected against the marketing of goods and
delivery of services that are hazardous to life and property.
Manufacturers are required to ensure that safety and quality of
products and services are to be maintained.
Right to be Informed :- Government has made it
mandatory to mention all ingredients and safety features, date of
manufacture, price, quantity, expiry date, direction for use, etc., on
the pack of a product. This information, is given because it
helps the consumers in making an informed buying decision.
Right to Choose :- Any consumer who receives a service
in whatever capacity , regardless of age , gender, and nature of
service, has the Right to choose whether to continue to receive
 (continued) with it like the services of the cable operator or to
buy the toothpaste without the toothbrush even if the
shopkeeper insists on buying both.
Right to Seek Redressal:- It means if any damage is

done to a consumer, he has the right to get
compensation depending on the degree of damage.
Right to Represent:- This right enables the consumers to
represent in a consumer court. There are consumer forums or
consumer councils that guide the consumers on how to file a
complaint in the consumer courts.
Right to Consumer Education:- This means that
every consumer should be aware about the
 rights of a consumer so that he could safe
 himself/herself from getting exploited in the
              Case Study
Tolat filed a complaint at the district forum, Ahmedabad. His complaint included the copy of the
advertisement that he said influenced him into buying the vehicle in question. The attractive part of
the advertisement read thus: Introducing a world without borders, an SUV to beat all SUVs. That's the

new Chevrolet Forester. With the Power of 120 horses under its borne unique All-Wheels (AWD), unmatched
comfort and luxury by-road, off-road or no- road.
Tolat stated that he had visited the agents of the appellant and was given a book titled ‘For a special
journey called life’. He was assured that the vehicle offered for sale would help him realise his
dream. The brochure also assured that ‘the vehicle in question is an SUV to end all SUVs’ and that it
‘will put the four corners of the earth within your reach… get you there in unmatched comfort, by
road, off-road or no road.’ He was also given a visual presentation of the vehicle and a copy of the
VCD. All these documents were shared with the district forum.
Tolat shared all purchase details and related documents with the forum, including the receipts of
the accessories worth Rs 191,295 that he had got fitted as well as vehicle insurance and registration
details. Tolat’s appeal to the court read: ‘…this Hon'ble Forum be pleased to hold that the opposite
parties (joint and severally) have practiced unfair trade practice, towards the complainant and
direct them (jointly and severally) to remove unfair trade practice, practised by them against the
The district consumer forum ordered in favour of complainant and directed the opposite parties
(jointly and severally) to refund the complainant a sum of Rs 14 lakh and Rs 191,295 (spent on
accessories) along with 18 per cent interest, from the date of payment to the complainant. The
company was asked to take the vehicle (which was parked at the company’s service centre
throughout the duration of the case) back from the complainant after refunding the money with

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