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Buyer Behavior

Chapter Three

Buyer Behavior
Chapter Overview
• Consumer purchase process
• Consumer buying environment
• Recent trends in consumer
• Business buying center
• B-to-B purchasing process
• Dual channel marketing

Consumer Decision-Making Process

1.Need Recognition
2.Information search
3.Evaluation of alternatives
4.Purchase Behavior
5.Post-purchase Evaluation
Consumer Purchasing Process
1. Need Recognition

Advertising can easily trigger consumers needs.

Consumers might be influenced by an advertisement that
could trigger a need to satisfy specific Physical, Social or
Psychological need.

2. Information Search
Internal Search
Internal research is concerned with thinking about brands and
making the choice based on a personal past experience.

External Search
In external search individuals tend to use external recourses such
as online reviews, friend and family previous experience in order
to get the right information about specific product or brand.

Consumer Attitude
The Tricomponent Model
The tri-component attitude model has three components:

1.Cognitive your knowledge about the product/ Brand

2. Affective Your feeling towards the product / brand
3. Conative Your intention to buy the product / Brand

The Tricomponent Model

1 The cognitive component is what you know or think about

an object. This can be formed through direct experience or
what you learn from others. The knowledge you form
becomes a belief.

The Tricomponent
The Tricomponent Model Model

2 The Affective Component represent the feelings and

emotions individuals have towards a brand.
•A brand name that brings bad memories due to personal

The TricomponentModel
3 The conative component describes the likelihood
that you will do something in regard to the object.
“Your intention to buy a certain product or brand.”
Conative means behavior towards action
•Intending to buy the brand in your future purchases
•Intending to use the same hotel or restaurants …etc.

3. Evaluation of Alternatives
• The Evoked Set
• The inept set
• The inert set
• The Multi-attribute Approach
Evaluation of Alternatives

• The Evoked Set

When looking at the available choices consumers will
come up with a list of brands that provides the
needed criteria. This considered list is called The
evoked set or consideration set.
Ex: if you are planning to buy a computer you might
consider an evoked set containing “ Apple, Sony and

Evaluation of Alternatives

• The inept set “Excluded Brands” consists of brands the

consumer excludes from purchase consideration as
• The inert set refers to those brands to which the
consumer is indifferent because they are perceived as
having no advantage. “ Good Brands but they do not
offer any competitive advantages”

Evaluation of Alternatives

The Multi-attribute Approach

•The Multi-attribute Approach comprise attitude models that examine

the composition of consumer attitudes in terms of selected product
attributes or beliefs.
•Brand’s performance for each attribute
•Importance of each attribute “size, weight, battery life, screen
4. Purchase Decision

Purchase decision refers to the buyer’s decision about which product

or brand to purchase.
When a purchase decision is made marketers must make this process
easy for customers by providing convenient methods of payment ,
delivery, installation…etc.
5. Post-purchase Evaluation

Post-purchase Evaluation refers to the stage where consumers take

additional actions based on either their satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
Marketers must make sure customers are highly satisfied in order to
increase brand loyalty.
Trends Affecting Consumer Buyer Behavior

There are many trends that could affect consumers buying behavior
such as:
•Active, busy lifestyles
•Health issues

Responding to New Consumer Buying Trends
Marketing managers must monitor consumer environment for
changes, create compatible goods and services and design messages
that reflect changes.
B-to-B Buying Process

1. Identification of needs
2. Establishment of objectives
3. Identification of vendors
4. Vendor evaluation
5. Vendor selection
6. Negotiation of terms
7. Post-purchase evaluation
Major Types of Buying Situations

1. Straight rebuy is a routine purchase decision such

as reorder without any modification
2. Modified rebuy is a purchase decision that requires
some research where the buyer wants to modify
the product specification, price, terms, or suppliers
3. New task is a purchase decision that requires
thorough research such as a new product
3 . Buying
10 Center

F Dual
IGUR Channel
E 3 . 14Marketing Strategies

Dual Channel Marketing aims at using different types of channels of

distributions which might include both B2B and B2C . Hence, the company
must use different communication messages for each type of channels.
Group Workshop
Group Workshop
As a Marketing communication manager you are required to come up with
the appropriate tools and communication strategy in order to deal with
each step of the consumer decision making process as well as the B2B
buying process.

1.Identification of needs
2.Establishment of objectives
3.Identification of vendors
4.Vendor evaluation
5.Vendor selection
6.Negotiation of terms
7.Post-purchase evaluation

Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communication Kenneth E. Clow and Donald Baack Global Edition

•Source: Based on “Comeback Kids: Haggar, Keds Stage Brand Revival,” Advertising Age, October 30,2011,

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