Tennessee Williams

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Escapism in The Glass Menagerie

林炜婷 201837010114

01 Life 02 Question

03 Escapism 04 Conclusion
Tennessee Williams

Tennessee Williams, real name Thomas
Williams, was an American playwright. His
major works include the plays A Streetcar
Named Desire, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and The
Glass Menagerie.
The Glass Menagerie

• The Glass Menagerie marked

the beginning of his
playwriting career and became
a landmark in the history of
American theatre.
The prominent character in his plays
is a lonely, vulnerable woman, often
reminiscent of the past or in fantasies
of the future. The characters are
escapists, who panic in the face of the
world's cold indifference.

Amanda and Laura

• 英文文学中逃避主义的现实基础西方国家在 19 世纪出现了技术革命 , 出现了许
多的科学流派、技术成就以及科学学说 , 在这样的社会背景之下 , 人们的思维
模式以及行为方式产生了较大的变化 , 另外达尔文进化论的出现也直接改变了
人们对世界、对自然以及对个人的看法。作为西方文明之中的重要精神根基 ,
基督教的内容及形式也产生了较大的变化 , 物质文明的快速发展与人类精神文
明之间的落后导致社会出现了许多的摩擦以及矛盾 , 同时 , 在该阶段之中西方
社会极为动荡 , 政治局势较为紧张 , 许多的公众缺乏一定的社会安全感。一些
文学家开始在这样的社会背景之下进行积极的创作 , 通过文学的形式来为自己
获得更多的精神安慰 , 表达个人对美好生活的向往 , 并以此来逃避现实生活之
中的各种精神压力和精神的迫害。另外 , 因为在这种动荡的社会局势之中 , 许
多人对未来充满一定的恐惧 , 对现实进行准确的把握 , 个人的内心世界还存在
许多的不确定性 , 因此许多人会第一时间想到逃避 , 积极地寻求相应的心理安

Do you think the family can really regain their
confidence and face the reality of their lives at
the end? Why?

OR What can you find about

escapism in these three characters?
Escapism in the three characters
• Amanda: After her husband left home, Amanda pinned all her hopes on
her children. She worries about her sensitive and fragile daughter, while
at the same time trying to keep her son, who is unhappy with his boring
job, at bay. But all of Amanda's bright dreams are shattered in reality and
life becomes more and more painful. She can only relieve herself by
remembering the good old days.
Escapism in the three characters
• Tom: Unsatisfied with this life, he writes poetry, watches films and
drinks to numb himself from his misery. He wanted to leave home to
fulfil his ambitions, but this would bring harm to his mother and sister.
The responsibilities of his family and the dreams in his heart leave him
no choice but to find inner peace in the movies.
Escapism in the three characters
• Laura: She was afraid to face reality and preferred to stay in a world of
make-believe. The beautiful and fragile glass animals are Laura's
spiritual support and embodiment. She loves the unicorn because it is like
herself, different and fragile.
What are the
01 Social background
• In the 19th century, the technological revolution in Western countries led
to the emergence of many scientific schools of thought, technical
achievements and scientific doctrines, which led to major changes in the
way people thought and behaved.

• The rapid development of material civilization and the backwardness of

human spiritual civilization lead to a lot of social friction and
contradiction, the reality of the society and individual ideal conflict.
02 The weakness of the characters
• The frailty of the characters' body and spirit leads them to have the
psychology of escape and the way of dealing with things.
• For example, Jim's presence gradually gives Laura faith and hope in life,
however, Jim still hurts Laura and pushes her into the glass menagerie
again. He accidentally broke Laura's glass unicorn, and although Laura
wasn't as upset as she was before, it meant that the damage he did to
Laura was fatal to her and prevented her from truly walking away from
the glass menagerie.
• Another example is Tom. When Tom leaves home for the last time after
arguing with his mother to fulfil his dream, he does not find the true
freedom. Self-blame and guilt towards his family always tormented him.
He returns to the cinema to escape reality again, unable to shake off the
memories of his family.
• They live in a society full of contradictions, whether they stay in the
past, hide in fear, go out bravely or escape altogether, the result is a
struggle between reality and illusion, with nowhere to run. Their illusions
are like those of the glass animals, beautiful but unbearable.

一、 The Glass Menagerie —— A Song of
Escapists. 张健 . 复旦大学
二、浅析《玻璃动物园》中“逃避”的主题 .
丁欣 . 开封大学学报
避”的主题 . 冯莹 . 四川大学

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