Fractals 1

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g gA fractal is a geometric shape which can be A split into smaller, identical copies of the wholeh  Named by the French American mathematician,

Benot Mandelbrot, in 1975. Mandelbrot,

Evolved in the 17th century in recursive selfselfsimilarity.

A mathematical fractal, is based

on iteration and recursion

Summary of the features of fractals


has a fine structure at random smaller scales.  It is self-similar. self It has a recursive definition.

gMat ematical examplesh gMathematical examples


e gKoc snowflake

A figure produced by iteration of its triangle base.

T e The gJulia set

Equation: zn+1 = zn2 + c Iterates function:  Keeping gc constant and Keeping  Varying the starting value of gzh

gT e gThe Mandelbrot set seth

Named after Benot Mandelbrot  Equation: zn+1 = zn2 + c Iterates function:  Varying gc and Varying  Starating the value of gzhfrom zero  In the complex plane, the boundary forms a fractal

How are fractals generated?


time fractals j Defined fractals j Generated by function systemshj

by a formula or recurrence relation. ExampleExample- Mandelbrot and Julia set.


stoc astic processes.


Fixed g eometric replacement rule. Example: Koch snowflake.

gClassification of fractals
3 types of fractals based on selfself-similarity:
1. 2. 3.

Exact self-similarity selfQuasi self-similarity selfStatistical self-similarity self-

gFractals in nature and creative works

Fractals appear in t e nature:  Clouds  Crystals  Mountain ranges  Plants and vegetables. Fractals are adopted in art and architecture and also appear randomly in ob ects.

gApplications of fractals
Fractals ave various applications in:  Science  Mat ematics  Universe  Human anatomy,  Music & art  Technology  Special effects  Data compression  Etc_

gNewton s methodh met od


Equation: xn =1 Roots are equally spaced in t e unit circle. T e grap in a complex plane appears as a ractal igure wit c aos lines.

gFractal antennas - Use of selfself-similar design to increase lengt and perimeter w ile keeping it compact and efficient. g Universe j Our universe is superselfself-similar. It as superclusters, w ic again consist of clusters.

T e process of g Diffusion and g Brownian motion are random fractals

gFractals in the human body t e uman bodyh

T e DNA in our bodies is a sequence of nucleotides. T e sequence is called t e gDNA walk T e DNA walk is a fractal figure.


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