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Cost of Quality

Quality Management

Bilal Iqbal Mian - CUI Sahiwal

Cost of Quality

To avoid drain of money

(internal failure & external failure)
spend money on saving
(prevention & appraisal)

Bilal Iqbal Mian - CUI Sahiwal

Cost of Quality

Bilal Iqbal Mian - CUI Sahiwal

Cost of Quality

Conformance Cost
▪ Prevention and Appraisal
Non-Conformance Cost
▪ Internal and External Failures
Total Cost of Quality
▪ Conformance and Non-conformance

Bilal Iqbal Mian - CUI Sahiwal

Internal failure Cost

• Rework / scrap / sorting • Premium freight

• Re-inspection • Redesign
• Late time costs • Retesting
• Accounting errors • Accidents
• Excess inventory • Design change
• Failure review • Engineering change
• Excess communication • Downtime
• Overpayments
Bilal Iqbal Mian - CUI Sahiwal
External failure Cost

• Penalties • Premium freight

• Complaints • Redesign
• Dissatisfaction • Price concessions
• Interest • Retesting
• Failure review • Rework / scrap / sorting
• Liability suits • Warranty costs
• Loss of market share • Reshipping
• Overpayments • Obsolescence
Bilal Iqbal Mian - CUI Sahiwal
Preventive Cost

• Applicant screening • Pilot projects

• Capability study • Planning
• Storage control • Procedures
• Design review • Prototypes
• Training • Vendor evaluation
• Forecasting • Time & motion study
• Housekeeping • Quality incentives
• Market research • Preventive maintenance
Bilal Iqbal Mian - CUI Sahiwal
Appraisal Cost

• Document checking • Drawing

checking • Calibration • Receiving
inspection • In-process inspection •
Test reporting • Laboratory testing
• Audits • Test status
• Expense reviews
• Management reviews
• Procedure checking
• Computerized control
Bilal Iqbal Mian - CUI Sahiwal
Iceberg Model of Cost of Quality

Bilal Iqbal Mian - CUI Sahiwal

Preparing COQ Report

Page 1

Introduction and Executive summery

Bilal Iqbal Mian - CUI Sahiwal

Preparing COQ Report

Page 2 Page 3
Prevention Cost Appraisal Cost

Head Cost Head Cost

Total Total
Bilal Iqbal Mian - CUI Sahiwal
Preparing COQ Report

Page 4 Page 5
Internal Failure Cost External Failure Cost

Head Cost Head Cost

Total Total
Bilal Iqbal Mian - CUI Sahiwal
Preparing COQ Report

Page 6
Total Cost

Head Cost
Conformance cost
Preventive cost
Appraisal cost
Non-conformance Cost
Internal Failure cost
External Failure cost
Total Cost of Quality
Bilal Iqbal Mian - CUI Sahiwal
The Six Sigma Philosophy of Cost of
What is the relation between the cost of good quality and the cost of
poor quality?

The traditional view would be to conclude that if a company wants to

reduce defects and by this reduce the cost of poor quality, the cost of
good quality would have to be increased, meaning higher investments
in any kind of checking, testing, evaluation, training of operators, etc.
Following the Six Sigma philosophy, however, of building quality into
process, service and products and doing things right the first time, the
increase of the cost of good quality, while striving for zero defect
performance, can be smoothed if processes get better. 
Bilal Iqbal Mian - CUI Sahiwal
Figure 3: Traditional Management View vs. Six Sigma

As Figure 3 shows, business

processes with better process sigma
will have significantly lower
prevention and appraisal costs.
Although you will never fully
eliminate appraisal and prevention
costs (as opposed to failure costs
that in an ideal zero defect world
would also be zero), their reduction
due to better process performance
will be significant. 

Bilal Iqbal Mian - CUI Sahiwal

Table 1 shows how dramatically the cost of quality as a percentage of sales decreases if the process sigma

Table 1: Sigma Level and the Cost of Quality

Sigma Level DPMO Cost of Quality as
Percentage of Sales
2 298,000 More than 40%
3 67,000 25-40%
4 6,000 15-25%
5 233 5-15%
6 3.4 Less than 1%

Assuming that the average performance of a company is 3 sigma, 25 percent to 40 percent of its annual
revenue gets chewed up by the cost of quality. Thus, if this company can improve its quality by 1 sigma
level, its net income will increase hugely.

Bilal Iqbal Mian - CUI Sahiwal

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