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The Control of Hazardous Energy

Lockout/Tagout 1910.147

Control of Hazardous Energy

29 CFR 1910.147
The standard covers the servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment in which the unexpected energizing or start up of the machines or equipment, or release of stored energy could cause injury to employees.

What Is Hazardous Energy?

Often invisible Live or stored electricity Moving machine or equipment parts

What Is Hazardous Energy? (cont.)

 Stored energy in

equipment  Heat  Gravity  Pneumatic, hydraulic, air and water pressure  Steam  Chemical
Photo credit: State of WA-WISHA Services

Who is Affected?
 Over 4,000,000 workers are affected by

uncontrolled energy each year.  Over 7,600 injuries each year


4,000 disabling injuries 3,600 non-disabling injuries 247 fatalities by electrocution for 2006 108 fatalities by contact with overhead power lines

 80% of all injuries were caused by workers failing

to turn off equipment

Hazardous Energy Injuries

 Causes  Unexpected startup  Release of stored energy  Fail to Lockout/tagout

Photo credit: State of WA-WISHA Services

When does LOTO apply?

Application Of The Standard

 An employee is required to remove or bypass a

guard or other safety device

 An employee is required to place any part of

their body in contact with the point of operation of the operational machine or piece of equipment their body into a danger zone associated with a machine operating cycle

 An employee is required to place any part of

 Establish a program of procedures for

appropriate energy isolation

 Prevent unexpected energizing

General Requirements
 Employer shall establish a program consisting of  Energy control procedures  Employee training  Periodic inspections  To ensure energy is isolated  Energy control procedures  Developed, documented, and utilized

Scope and Exemptions

 Scope Servicing and maintenance of machines and

 Exemptions  Construction, agriculture, and maritime  Electrical utilities  Electrical utilization installations (Subpart S)  Oil and gas well drilling and servicing


Has no potential for stored or residual energy Single energy source (ext cord) Lockout completely de-energizes Machine is isolated Single lockout device achieves lockout


Lockout under exclusive control Servicing does not create hazards Hot Tap Operations Involving Utility Company Transmission and Distribution Systems

Minor Servicing Tasks

Employees performing minor tool changes and adjustments that are routine, repetitive, and integral to the use of the equipment and that occur during normal operations are not covered by the lockout/tagout standard, provided the work is performed using alternative measures that provide effective protection.

LOTO Does Not Apply To

 Installations Under the Control of Electric Utilities  If De-energizing Introduces Additional or

Increased Hazards or is Infeasible Due to Design

Energy Control Procedure

 Procedures shall clearly specify  Scope  Purpose  Authorization  Rules  Techniques

Energy Control Procedure

 A specific statement of intended use  Specific procedural steps for shutting down,

blocking, and securing

 Specific procedural steps for placement, removal,

and transfer

Safety Work Practices

 Selection and use of work practices (1910.333)

Working on or near de-energized parts that are not locked out or tagged are treated as energized Only qualified personnel can work on electrical circuits

Both Standards Mandate

 Both standards mandate the use of locks and/or

tags to control potential energy

1910.147 1910.333 Subpart S


Isolation and Verification

 Employees working on de-energized utilization

systems covered under Subpart S allows both the authorized employee and qualified employee are permitted to verify  Employees working on a mechanical hazardous energy covered under 1910.147 can verify

Periodic Inspection
 Energy control program  Shall conduct periodic inspection  Performed by authorized employee  Conducted to correct deviations or inadequacies  Lockout versus tagout  Certification required

Periodic Inspection
 Shall be performed by an authorized employee

other than the person(s) utilizing the energy control procedure being inspected
 Shall be conducted to correct any deviations or

inadequacies identified

Periodic Inspection
 Where lockout is used, the inspection shall include a

review between the inspector and each authorized employee

 Where tagout is used, the inspection shall include a

review between the inspector and each authorized and affected employees

Periodic Inspections
 The employer shall:

Certify that the periodic inspections have been performed Identify the machine or equipment on which energy control procedures were used

 The employer shall also note:


The date of the inspection The employees included in the inspection The person performing the inspection

 The placement of a lockout device on an

energy isolating device to ensure that the equipment being controlled cannot be operated until the lockout device is removed

 The placement of a tagout device on an

energy isolating device to indicate the equipment being controlled may not be operated until the tagout device is removed

Tag Requirements
 Tags must also include a legend such as:  Do not start  Do not open  Do not close  Do not energize  Do not operate

Tagout Tags

Tagout Tag

Authorized Employee
 Locks out/Tags out equipment in order to perform    

maintenance Authorized by line mgmt Qualified by training and experience Must determine if a written procedure exists Trained in written LOTO procedure

Authorized Employee

Trained to perform locking or tagging procedures No other employee can attach or remove lock or tag devices

Authorized Employee Responsibilities

Obtain assistance when necessary Remove locks and/or tags following lockout/tagout Coordinate multi-shift repair

Authorized Lead Employee

 Authorized employee who

performs or coordinates one or more LOTO activity for multiple personnel

Affected Employee
 An Employee whose Job Requires Operation or Use

of the Machine or Equipment on Which Servicing or Maintenance is to be Performed Under Lockout or Tagout
 An Employee whose Job Requires Work in an Area

where such Servicing or Maintenance is Being Performed

 Aware of energy control procedure

Who is an Affected Employee?

Everyone in the building

Affected Employee Responsibilities

Notify maintenance when equipment needs repair or adjustment Leave all lockout/tagout devices in place Verify equipment is safe to operate following lockout/tagout Follow all safety rules while operating the equipment

Training and Communication

 Each authorized employee shall receive

training in:

Recognition of applicable hazardous energy sources Type and magnitude of the energy available in the workplace Methods and means necessary for energy isolation and control

Training and Communication

 Each affected employee shall be instructed in the

purpose and use of the energy control procedure  All other employees shall be instructed about the prohibition relating to attempts to restart or reenergize machines or equipment which are locked out or tagged out

Training and Communication

 The employer shall certify that employee

training has been accomplished and is being kept up to date  Certification shall contain employee names and dates of training

Group Lockout or Tagout

 Primary responsibility is vested in an

authorized employee for a set number of employees working under the protection of a group lockout or tagout device  Each authorized employee shall affix a personal lockout or tagout device to the group lockout device

Outside Personnel
 Whenever outside servicing personnel are

engaged in activities covered by lockout/tagout, the on-site employer and the outside employer shall inform each other of their respective lockout or tagout procedures

Energy Sources
 Electrical  Mechanical  Pressurized Fluids  Pressurized Gasses  Including cryogens  Radiation  Gravity

 Electricity has long been recognized as a

serious workplace hazard, exposing workers to electric shock, electrocution, burns, fires and explosions.

Hazardous Locations and Conditions

 Human Resistance to Electrical Current Body Area Resistance (ohms)  Dry Skin 600,000-1,000,000  Wet Skin 1,000  Internal body-hand to foot 400-600  Ear to Ear (about) 100


Perception level. Slight tingling sensation. Still dangerous under certain conditions.  5mA Slight shock felt, not painful but disturbing. Average individual can let go. However, strong involuntary reactions to shocks in this range may lead to injuries.  6-30mA Painful shock, muscular control is lost. Freezing or let go range.

 50-150 mA

Extreme pain, respiratory arrest, severe muscular contractions. Individual cannot let go. Death is possible.  1000-4300 mA Ventricular fibrillation (the rhythmic pumping action of the heart ceases). Muscular contraction and nerve damage occur. Death is most likely.  10,000 mA Cardiac arrest, severe burns, probable death.

 The Placement of a Lockout and/or Tagout

Device on an Energy Isolating Device


In accordance with procedures Ensures equipment cannot be operated until lockout device is removed

Exclusive Control
 If Equipment is Under Exclusive Control, the Plug

is Within Your Sight and Reach

 The Placement of a Lockout and/or Tagout

Device on an Energy Isolating Device


In accordance with procedures Ensures equipment cannot be operated until lockout device is removed

 Hazardous Energy 1910.147  Machine Guarding 1910.212

Company Responsibilities

Ensure de-energizing of equipment Ensure employee awareness Provide appropriate levels of training Review program effectiveness Maintain and revise program Administer appropriate disciplinary actions

Energy Isolation Device

Isolate the equipment from the energy source Isolation device


Circuit breaker Pressure valve Machine block

Photo credit: State of WA-WISHA Services

Lockout and Tagout Devices

 LOTO Locks are RED  Do not use red-colored locks for any other purpose  1 Key per lock  Destroy any other keys immediately  Combination locks are Not Allowed  When multiple locks are required for a single

LOTO activity, locks with a common key may be used

Lockout Device

Lockout and Tagout Devices

 Tagout device states DANGER - DO NOT


Shall be white, black and red Shall have a space for the authorized employee s name. Must have a reinforced eyelet capable of accepting a lock shackle of 0.25 inch diameter

Lockout Device

Lock Block Chain Multilock hasp Wheel valve cover Ball valve cover

Requirements for Lockout/Tagout Devices

 They must be:  Durable  Standardized  Substantial  Identifiable

Photo credit: State of WA-WISHA Services WA-

Group Lockout

Lockout Signage

Lockout/Tagout Device Application

 Each employee must apply their own locks.  Lockout devices are applied to hold the isolating

device in a safe or off position.  The employee must maintain exclusive control of the key

Lockout/Tagout Device Application

 Only the authorized employee may remove

his/her LOTO device

 Supervisor may overlock for additional control

Lockout/Tagout Device Application

 A Tag must always accompany a lock.  The tag must be placed as close as possible to

the lock  The tag must be securely attached  The tag must clearly display the name of the authorized employee

Lockout/Tagout Device Application

 The Tag may also display:  a picture of the authorized employee  the date of application  Other pertinent information  Do not use string or tape to apply tags

Lockout/Tagout Device Application

 A tagout device only is allowed when the

energy isolating device is not capable of accepting a lockout device.

The tag must clearly indicate that operation or movement is prohibited Tags must be securely attached to prevent inadvertent detachment

Typical Equipment Requiring Lockout/Tagout


Presses Saws Conveyors Pumps Production equipment Trash compactors

When to Use Lockout/Tagout Devices

Servicing or maintaining machinery or equipment Hazardous energy exists Unexpected start-up could occur

Actions that Trigger Lockout/Tagout

Removing or bypassing a safety device Any part of the body is placed in harms way Exposure to hazardous energy

Temporary Removal of Locks/Tags for Testing or Positioning

 Follow Five Steps for Return to Service  When done, use your procedure  General or Written

Removal of Lock & Tags:

Authorized Employee Not Available
 Supervisory personnel shall:  Make every effort to locate the Authorized Employee  Get written approval from Department Head/Supervisor  Follow Five Steps for Return to Service  Inform Authorized Employee before he/she resumes work activities  Keep copy of written approval on file

GROUP Lockout/Tagout Two Types

Type A Type B

Type A Group LOTO

 Lead Authorized Employee places lock & tag  Everyone else locks behind him  Everyone verifies equipment is de-energized  Each worker removes his/her lock  If there is a written procedure, only lead Authorized

Employee needs to be trained

Type B Group LOTO


More complex activities Lead Authorized Employee performs LOTO Key goes into lockbox Everyone places lock on lockbox If there is a written procedure, only lead Authorized Employee needs to be trained

Shift or Personnel Change

 If no one else will be working on system:  Leave LOTO as is  If someone else will be working on system:  Transfer keys/locks  Off-going employee unlocks  On-coming employee locks  Verification is very important!!

Shift or Personnel Change

 Group LOTO:  Lead places his own lock to lock box.  The job lockbox and captured keys remain under the control of the lead authorized employee.  If absent, the lead authorized employee may designate someone else the lead while retaining control of job lockbox

Shift or Personnel Change

 Group LOTO  Special circumstances ,may warrant the complete transfer of responsibility

The off-going and on-coming leads would simultaneously remove and apply locks.

Supervised LOTO

 If an employee or non-employee needs to

perform LOTO and training is unavailable, an authorized employee may supervise the application of LOTO

Supervised LOTO
Conditions apply:
1. 2.


System must be able to accept LOTO device The individual is briefed by the authorized employee If there is a written procedure, authorized employee follows procedure and applies LOTO individual applies LOTO and verifies

Lockout/Tagout Procedure

Notify affected employees Shut down energized equipment Isolate energy sources from equipment Lockout or tagout the energy isolation device Release stored energy Test

5 Step Restart Procedure



1. Clean up and inspect work area 2. Clear personnel from the startup area and notify affected employees of startup 3. Verify that the controls are in neutral 4. Remove lockout devices and reenergize the machine 5. Start machinery or equipment


 Required to have their own LOTO program

Must share that information with Task Manager Must attend LOTO training or prove they have been trained


 Overlocking is allowed

Sub locks first, then the you overlock

Configuration Control

 Used if equipment must remain unattended for

long periods of time w/out being worked on  Provides management control  Removal of locks/tags may result in injury, damage, disruption of normal processes, or degradation of system

Configuration Control - Examples

 Locking out overhead crane electrical disconnect  Locking equipment while awaiting repair or parts  Locking a valve to control the flow of fluids  Locking radioactive waste container

Configuration Control Locks

 Can use any shape or color of lock EXCEPT RED.  Tags: YELLOW, MANILA or RED (w/o DO NOT

OPERATE wording are allowed.

 RED locks and DANGER: Do not Operate tags are

used exclusively for LOTO  Not for Configuration Control

Configuration Control Locks

 Can use lock w/out tags if use is obvious  Combination locks are allowed  Keyed locks may have more than one key.

Configuration Control Locks

 Removal of lock is by person or group who

applied it.
 Removal by other authorized or qualified person

permissible if there is assurance that removal will not create unsafe condition

Key Points to Remember



Hazardous energy is dangerous and deadly Use lockout/tagout wherever unexpected startup or stored energy release may occur Adhere to lockout/tagout and restart procedures Keep everyone informed

5 Step Restart Procedure



1. Clean up and inspect work area 2. Clear personnel from the startup area and notify affected employees of startup 3. Verify that the controls are in neutral 4. Remove lockout devices and reenergize the machine 5. Start machinery or equipment

How many of these pictures can you relate to?

Ask yourself these questions: How many times have I done it this way? Is it the best way? Is it the safest way? How many fingers do I want to loose?

Thank you for attending. Be Safe Be Careful Be here tomorrow!

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