Test and Measurement - CH 2

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Meaning and Functions of Measurement

and Evaluation
 Measurement- is an act or process of measuring. In assessment measurement
involves measurement of individuals personality, attitudes, intelligence and
among others that can be expressed quantitatively. For instance, tests,
questionnaires, rating scales, checklist etc.
 Evaluation- the making of judgment about the amount, number or value of
Functions of Measurement and
1. Measures student’s achievement. By giving the test and evaluating the
test results, students achievement can be determined whether they have
reached the goals of the learning task or not.
2. Evaluate instruction. The effectiveness and ineffectiveness of instruction
is ascertained through is determined through measurement and evaluation. For
instance, take the case of the teacher who gives an achievement test to the
students. If the results of the test is high, it means instruction is effective, if
low, ineffective.
3. Motivate learning. Upon knowing the results of the achievement test, the
students enthusiast is aroused especially if he gets a high score, otherwise, if his
score is low, he strives hard to get higher score in the next examination.
4. Predict success. Success or failures of students is predicted through
measurement and evaluation. For example, a student who always get high score
in all his subjects may mean he is sure to pass and passing means success.
5. Diagnose the nature of difficulties. The weakness of the learner can be
identified through measurement and evaluation. Through the test, the teacher
can determine the difficulties or weakness of the students, hence the remedial
instruction be given.
6. Evaluate teachers performance. The performance of teachers can be
determined through measurement and evaluation. For instance, the National
Achievement Test (NAT) is given to Grade IV . If the results of the test is within
the mean, this means the performance is satisfactory, if above the mean, very
satisfactory; and below the mean, unsatisfactory
7. Evaluate school’s facilities. Adequacy and inadequacy of schools facilities
are determined through measurement and evaluation. For instance BS Chemistry
Program of the school applies for accreditation. If pass the accreditation, this
means facilities are adequate, if failed facilities are inadequate.
Scope of Evaluation
1. Assessment of curriculum offerings. Courses offered should be evaluated
to determine if they are still relevant, realistic and responsive to the changing
needs and problems of the society.
2. Assessment of school programs. School program must be appraised to
determine if teachers are not overloaded and underloaded.
3. Assessment of instructional materials. Instructional materials like books,
references, visual aids and devices should be assessed if they are adequate and
4. Assessment of instructional facilities. Like computers, projectors, audio-
visual equipment, laboratory equipment, physical plant, library holdings and
many others should be evaluated if they are adequate.
5. Assessment of teachers and professors. The teachers and professors should be
evaluated if they possess the qualities of the acronym MODERN TEACHER (Model,
Obedient, Dedicated, Efficient, Resourceful, Noble– Talented, Effective, Active, Creative,
Honest, Economical, and Research-Oriented; to determine if they are qualified
competitive to teach the subjects they are handling.
6. Assessment of students. Students should be evaluated to determine whether they
reach the goals of the learning task.
7. Assessment of graduates. Graduates should be evaluated to determine if they
passed the board examination; and if they are employed, underemployed or unemployed.
8. Assessment of school managers. School managers should be evaluated to
determine if they are democratic in dealing with their subordinates; facilitator to the
needs of teachers and students, understanding to the problem of their subordinates,
honest and NOT CORRUPT.
Characteristics of Evaluation

1. It measures broad range of goals or subjects of the modern school

curricula rather than limited subject matter.
2. It uses various strategies of assessment such as achievement, prognostic,
aptitudes, personality and character, tests, rating scales, checklist,
questionnaires, interviews and many others.
3. It includes integrating and interpreting the various lists of values
reformation of an individual in order to make an inclusive portrait of himself. For
this purpose a comprehensive anecdotal and cumulative records of students are
Purposes and Uses of Testing

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