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Developmental Psychology

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Brainstorming Questions

What is Human Development?

What is Developmental Psychology?

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To Understand Human Development, You Need to Know…

 Development is the changes over the lifespan (from womb to tomb) in

physical structure, thought, and behavior due to biology and experience.

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Human development is the study of how children, youth, adults, and families

develop, change, and face challenges throughout the life span.

 This includes not only physical development but also cognitive, social,

intellectual, perceptual, personality, and emotional growth.

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 Developmental psychology also called Life-span Psychology, is a branch of

modern psychology that studies the ontogenetic development of individual

human beings, which includes all stages of development from the prenatal until
old age and death.

 Developmental psychologists are interested in how people change, physically

and psychologically as they age.

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Basic Terms of Human Development



 Learning

 Development

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Growth is referring to internal, structural, physiological, and physical changes.

Maturation is the concept used to explain changes in body or behavior due to

aging process.
These changes in maturation are primarily under the control of heredity or

genetic programming.

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Learning: refers to a relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of

experience or practice.

Development is the overall changes in human body or behavior as a result of

maturation( heredity) and learning.

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Forms of Change
 Quantitative: how we change as explained through numerical quantities.

 Qualitative: change in kind, structure or organization.

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The Domains of Human Development

Physical : Changes in physical shape, size, sensory capabilities, motor skills.

Cognitive: Acquisition of skills in perceiving, thinking, reasoning, problem

solving, language.

Personality and emotional: Acquiring stable and enduring personality traits,

self concept, self perception, gender identity, emotion, feeling and self esteem.

Social: Interaction and relationship with other.

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Controversial Issues in Human Development
 There are debates and controversies among psychologists about the nature of

human development.

 Nature vs. nurture

 Active vs. passive

 Continuity vs. Discontinuity

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Nature Vs. Nurture
Human development is the result of heredity(nature) and environment

or nurture

Nature refers to a person's biological inheritance (Genes).

Nature: all physical and psychological traits directly proceed from

generation to generation through genes.

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Nurture refers to the individual's environmental and social experiences.

Nurture stress the importance of environment over heredity in determining


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Active Vs. Passive
 Are changes an active or passive process?

 Active conceive that human beings as active growing organisms that determine

their own development.

 Passive position say that humans are like machines that react to environmental

inputs/ demands.

 For this group of psychologists, humans cannot initiate or direct their own


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Continuity Vs. Discontinuity

 Is the change smooth or uneven?

 Continuity believe there is a continual progression from the beginning of

life to the end.

 Discontinuity position believe that development involves sudden


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