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Group members:
1)Muhammad Fakrurrazi Bin Md Suhada 9200885
2) Nur Afiqah Amani Binti Zahariman 9200883
3)Shaza Afifah Binti Sulaiman 9200894
4)Nurul Ain Ayuni Binti Ruhaizad 9200891
Nur Afiqah Amani Binti Zahariman
Who is Al-Qurtubi

 Name: Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Abu

Bakr Al-Ansari Al-Qurtubi Al-Maliki.
Died : 29 April 1273 (671 Hijrah)

Death Place: Maniyyah Ibn Hasib city in Andalusia

Born: 1214

Qurtuba, Emirate of Taifa, Andalus

Famous work: Tafsir al Qurtubi
Islamic scholar
Era: golden age era (long after the death of our beloved
Jurisprudence (Mazhab): Maliki
Nur Afiqah Amani Binti Zahariman
 He lives during the end phase of the Islamic glory in Europe when the
westerners are still in the darkness.
 He went to eastern countries then went on a journey to Egypt. He learn under
the scholars of Egypt, Iskandariyah, Mansurah, Al- Fayyun, Cairo.
Nur Afiqah Amani Binti Zahariman
Al-Qurtubi teachers(Cordoba)

1)Abu Ja‟far Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Qaisi, known as Ibn Abi Hijah. He is a al-Muqri and nahwu
scholars. He is the first teacher of al-Qurtubi.
2)Al-Qadhi Abu Amir Yahya bin Amir bin Ahmad bin Muni‟.
3)Yahya bin Abdurrahman bin Ahmad bin Abdurrahman bin Rabi‟.
4) Ahmad bin Muhammad bin al-Qaisi, known as Ibn Abu Hujjah.
5)Abu Sulaiman Rabi‟ bin al-Rahman bin Ahmad al-Sy‟ari al-Qurtubi. He is a judge is Andalusia. He moves to
Syubailiah and die there in 632 H.
6) Abu Amir Yahya bin Abd al-Rahman bin Ahmad al-Asy‟ari, he was known as a scholar of hadith, fiqh, and

7) Abu Hasan Ali bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Yusuf al-Anshari al-Qurtubi al-Maliki, known as Ibnu Qutal, he
was a judge, die at Marakisy in 651 H.
8) Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Sulaiman bin Daud bin Hautillah al-Anshari al-Andalusia (w. 612 H). he was known
as scholar of hadith of Andalusia, he is also a scholar of nahwu and a poet. He became Qadi in Cordoba dan other
Nurul Ain Ayuni Binti Ruhaizad
Al-Qurtubi teachers(Egypt)

1)Abu Bakar Muhammad bin Al-Walid from Andalusia teach at madrasahal-Thurthusi.

2)Abu Thahir Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim al-Ashfahani.
3)Ibnu Al-Jamiziy Baha al-Din „Ali bin Hibbatullah bin Salamah bin al-Muslim bin Ahmad bin „Alial-Misri al-Syafi‟i.
4)Ibnu Ruwaj Rasyid al-Din Abu Muhammad Abd al-Wahhab bin Ruwaj.
5)Abu al-Abbas Ahmad bin Umar bin Ibrahim al-Maliki.
6)Abu Muhammad Rasyid al-Din Abd al-Wahhab bin Dafir, died in 648 H.
7) Abu Muhammad Abd al-Mu‟ati bin Mahmud bin Abd Muatti bin Abd al-Khaliq. al-Khamhi al-Maliki al-Faqih al-
Jahid, died in 638 H.
8)Abu Ali al-Hasan bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Amrawuk
al-Bakr al-Qarsyi al-Naisaburi al-Damasyqi al-Imam al-Musnid, died in egypt in 656 H.
9)Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Hibatullah bin Salamah al-Lakhmi al-Misri al-Syafii,died in 649 H. he was known as mufti al-
mukri, al- Khatib al-Musnid.
Nurul Ain Ayuni Binti
Ruhaizad 9200891

Old vs New
The Cordoba that we know today is a
Kurdu city that built between a big river
valley and gradually become a small city.
The 86 cities of Muslim slowly decreasing.
200 thousand houses, 600 mosque, 50
hospital and 80 public schools.
Approximately 600 thousand books were
claimed and be taken by the Christians in
1236. The Arabs reign Cordova during 711
after century and the peak moment is
during the time of Bani Umayyah from 856
H that uphold and advancing the European
countries. Cordova were conquered by the
Fardinand on the years 1236. Now,
Cordova is considered as a place that
have high historical value in Spain.
Shaza Afifah Binti Sulaiman
The works of Al-Qurtubi

1)Al- Jami’ li Ahkam Al Quran wa al-Mubin lima Tadammanhu min al-Sunnah waai al-

Furqan. It is a book of tafsir that contain fiqh. It was first printed in Cairo during
1933 — 1950 by Dar al-Kutubal-Misriah, ada 20 jilid. Beirut printed this book 24 juz/jilid.
2) Al-Tadzkirah fi Ahwal al-Mauti wa Umur al-Akhirah,
3)  Al-Tidzkar fi fadli al-Azkar. This book contains the explanation and glories of al-
Quran. Printed in the years of 1355 in Cairo. 

4)Qama’ al -Hars bi al-Zuhdi wa al-Qana’ah wa Radd zil al -Sual bi al-Katbi wa al-

Syafa’ah. It was printed in 1408 by Maktabah al-Sahabah Bitanta.
5) Al-Intihaz fi Qira’at Ahl al -Kuffah wa al-Basrah wa al-Syam wa Ahl al-Jijaz,
mentioned in kitabal-Tidzka.
Shaza Afifah Binti Sulaiman

6) Al-I’lam bima fi Din al -Nasara min al-

Mafasid wa Awham wa Kazhar Mahasinal-
Islam. Printed by Dar al-Turats al-Arabi.
7) Al-Asna fi Syarh Asma al-Husna wa
Sifatuhu fi al-Ulya.
8) Al-I’lam fi Ma’rifati Maulid al -
Mustafa ‘alaih al -Salat wa al-Salam, can
be found in Maktabah Tub Qabi,Istanbul.
9) Urjuzah Fi Asma’ al -Nabi SAW. This
book was mentioned in al-Dibaj al-Zahab
by Ibn Farh.
10) Syarh al-Taqssi.
Shaza Afifah Binti Sulaiman

11) Al-Taqrib li Kitab al-Tamhid

12)Risalah fi Alqab al-Hadis.
14)Al-Misbah fi al- Jam’i baina al -Af’al wa al -
Shihah (fi ‘Ilmi Lugah)
15) Al-Muqbis fi Syarhi Muwatha Malik bin
16)Minhaj al-‘Ibadwa Mahajah al-Salikin wa
17)Al- Luma’ al - Lu’lu’iyah fi al -‘Isyrinat al -
Nabawiyah wa ghairiha
Muhammad Fakrurrazi Bin Md Suhada

We gather a few students in order to be interview regarding their opinion on the great Islamic scholars, Al-
Qurtubi. 4 students, heard about the name of Al-Qurtubi first before they heard about Tafseer Al-Qurtubi.
While the other 3 heard about Tafseer Al-Qurtubi first. Most of the students heard his name and know about
him during their years in secondary schools.

We were amazed by the talent and Al-Qurtubi achievements as an Islamic Scholar. We feel that we wanted
to learn more about Al-Qurtubi. As a student, we must be a hardworking person and never give up in order
to achieve our goals in learning. We must have an inquiry to go and learn knowledge and new thing in the
future. Humble and modesty is a thing that we must have in our life.
We are also interested in the works of Al-Qurtubi especially Tafseer Al-Qurtubi and if were given the
chance, we would like to learn more about it and know the contents of Al-Qurtubi’s masterpiece that are
well-known throughout the globe. Most of the students never been to Cordova. However, they still think
Cordova as a beautiful city and are hoping to have the opportunity to go there.
The masterpieces of Al-Qurtubi that could be listed down by the students are as al-Tadhkirah fī Aḥwāl al-
Mawtà wa-Umūr al-Ākhirah (Reminder of the Conditions of the Dead and the Matters of the Hereafter): a
book dealing with the topics of death, the punishments of the grave, the end times and the day of
resurrection, Al-Asnà fi Sharḥ al-Asmā' al-Ḥusnà, Kitāb ut-Tadhkār fi Afḍal il-Adhkār, Kitab Sharḥ it-Taqaṣṣi,
Kitab Qam' il-Ḥirṣ biz-Zuhd wal-Qanā'ah and At-Takrāb li-Kitāb it-Tamhīd and Tafseer Al-Qurtubi.
List of respondents

 Name: Erica Nurshafiqah Binti Abdul Manan.

 IC : 021022-12-1210

 Name : Nabihah Dalilah Adilah Syafiah binti Ayub

 IC number: 020131-02-0692

 Name: Siti Nurain Nabila Bt Mohd Rafi

 IC Number: 020227-10-1286
 Name: Muhammad Azim Bin Abdul Talib
 IC number: 021008-10-1109

 Name:Muhammad Faris Iqbal bin Mohd Aidil

 IC number: 020716-11-0247

 Muhammad Thariq Hafizullah Bin Mohd Shukri

 IC number: 010226-14-1615
We’ve reached
the end of the
great adventure
Thank you .

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