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Environmental Psychologist

Meaning Of Environmental Psychologist

• A psychologist who studies how people are impacted by their surroundings is known as
an environmental psychologist. They look at how people are affected by their
surroundings at home, at work, and at school, and how these factors influence how they
respond. They study natural environments as well as the structure of towns and cities, as
well as the cultural centers that exist inside them.
• Environmental psychologists give suggestions for altering the environment to favour
certain behaviors. For example, they may examine a business for methods to attract
customers to buy more items, or they can be recruited by a firm to improve the office
atmosphere in order to boost employee productivity.
What Does an Environmental Psychologist Do?

• Environmental psychologists study how environmental stress impacts

performance, what makes a healing environment, and how people receive
information in different settings. They concentrate on natural habitats,
social contexts, and built structures.
• There is a growing recognition that one's surroundings have a significant
impact on how people feel, think, and act. Environmental psychologists
research how the environment might have unintended consequences for
humans. They consider environmental implications, as well as the social
and physical surroundings, to identify the best settings for different groups
as they go about their everyday lives.
Benefits of Environmental Psychology?

• Environmental psychology may help you study better in school, feel more
comfortable and calm at home, and be more productive at work by
investigating the environment and giving ideas for positive change.
• Simply altering your physical surroundings may help you become more
creative and imaginative, as well as allow you to pay more attention to
detail. According to research, a work that requires concentration and
precision, such as solving mathematics, is best accomplished in a room with
a low ceiling and red walls. A work demanding imagination, on the other
hand, is best accomplished in a space with plenty of windows, sky blue
walls, and high ceilings.
Where Does an Environmental Psychologist Work?

• Environmental psychologists can operate in both the public and

commercial sectors. They frequently undertake research and interact
with policymakers in order to enhance the working environment for
workers, homeowners, educational institutions, and the general public.
Environmental psychologists may work for a government agency, an
architectural business, an urban planning centre, or a consumer
research Centre.
Requirements to Become an Environmental
• Environmental psychologists must first get a four-year bachelor's degree in psychology or a
closely related field. They then pursue a master's degree in environmental psychology or a
master's degree in psychology with an environmental psychology specialization. A master's
degree may be sufficient for an entry-level employment, but a PhD degree is essential for
better career progression chances. Furthermore, most states need license before a person may
call themselves a psychologist.
• The Master of Science in Environmental Psychology is a two-year program for aspiring
psychologists, architects, and designers of the environment. Environmental psychology
students study human perception, sociology, general psychology principles, social
psychology, public space, environmental science, and urban studies, among other topics.
Students learn how to monitor the impact of the environment on behavior in lab and
classroom settings. They learn how to create restorative ecosystems, assist with property
resource management, and execute long-term conservation strategies. Graduation usually
requires the completion of a thesis or project.
• In the first year of a two- to five-year PhD programme, students study
foundations of social, personal, and environmental psychology, statistics,
and research design. The second year focuses on a research project,
advanced quantitative and qualitative methodologies, and social science
theories, as well as a research project. Ethnography, social justice, visual
approaches, and juvenile marginalisation are among the courses available to
students. The student completes a project, takes electives, takes a second
doctoral examination, and delivers a dissertation proposal throughout the
third, fourth, and fifth years of doctorate study.
Skills Required To Be A Environmental
• Observational Skills: Environmental psychologists require great observational abilities in order to
acquire knowledge and recognize environmental issues.
• Analytic Skills: Environmental psychologists require analytic abilities in order to evaluate the outcomes
of their study and offer suggestions based on their findings.
• Communication Skills: Individuals working in this sector must have great communication skills in order
to offer their thoughts and suggestions to decision-makers.
• Problem-solving Skills: Environmental psychologists must be able to solve problems in order to find
effective solutions to enhance the environment.
• Detail Oriented: In order for one's study results to be correct, one must pay close attention to the smallest
of details.
• Critical Thinking Skills: Environmental psychologists must be able to conduct suitable studies and
interpret data outcomes using critical thinking skills.
• Creativity: Environmental psychologists must be creative and have an open mind when it comes to solving
environmental challenges.
Things You Learn in an Environmental Psychology

• Environmental psychology education teaches students about human behavior and how it
is influenced by social, natural, and constructed environments.

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