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Limitations of the study

In t hi s s tudy, t here are mult i pl e pot ent ial li mit atio ns .

Accordi ng t o t he s tate me nt from the Ui TM, t he
unive rs i ty said i t is ve r y conce rne d ab out the we lfare
of st ud e nt s who fi nd it diffi cul t t o get rent al house s ,
es pe ciall y in are as cl os e to it s campus . Many s t ud ents
are havi ng fi nancial prob le ms due to not ge t ting a
place t o s t ay ins ide the campus . Thus , t hey nee d t o
re nt a hi gher cos t rental hous e . Last ly, t he re s ide nti al
col le ge i n uni versi ty d id not provid e e nough for al l of
Ui TM s tude nts d ue t o t oo many s t ude nt s for t his

Presentation Title 1
Previous studies

• Sun Media Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (2022) stated that Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) has established the
residential college and rental house crisis committee to act immediately and find the best resolution to help
students who have problems finding accommodation.
• Star Media Group Berhad (2022) defines that the students who failed to stay at the residential college are
having financial crisis.
• Star Media Group Berhad (2022) also described that most of university students did not have enough money
to spend on food, public transport, books and other needs.
• Suara Siswa Uitm (2022) posted on Twitter regarding the letter that UiTM students wrote to the university.
• Suara Siswa Uitm (2022) also started a petition to do an online class instead of physical class.

Previous studies

• BioMed Central Ltd stated that there are number of challenges associated with moving from home into
student accommodation such as living with strangers, developing independence, and managing domestic
duties and needs.
• The PIE News (2022) described that some students have had to resort to staying in a campsite.
• Elsevier B.V (2022) mentioned the challenges of off-campus living environment for non-resident students’
well-being in UiTM Shah Alam.

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