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The major causes of Industrial

The Industrial Revolution came right after the Agrarian Revolution
and brought with it major changes and improvement in technology
(tools and machines), transportation and communication. The
industrial revolution also changed the way goods were being
produced since at this time factories were being built and there was
now a ‘’Specialization of labour’’.
Improvements in Agriculture
Population growth
Factors of production
Migration to Urban Areas
The contributions of the Agrarian Revolution to the Industrial

• After the Agrarian Revolution more food became available and this
was seen as a good thing as more food presented the opportunity for
trade. Trading also presented the opportunity for more improved

• The increase in food production in addition to the animals being

raised presented the opportunity for the manufacturing of clothing
and fabric from many of the plants grown and the skins of animals.
The contributions of the Agrarian Revolution to the Industrial

• Like the Agrarian Revolution, the Industrial Revolution had its roots in
Europe specifically Britain. Britain had plenty of natural resources like
rivers and trees. This would have been good for factories as they
would provide fuels for the machines in the form of hydroelectricity
and coal respectively. Britain was also rich in iron which was good for
the construction of tools and machines.
The contributions of the Agrarian Revolution
to the Industrial Revolution
• A major consequence of the Agrarian Revolution was the greater
circulation of money. This proved beneficial to the Industrial
Revolution as money was definitely needed for the construction of
factories and machines.

• After the Agrarian Revolution a number of persons left their farms

and went in search of jobs in the cities where new opportunities
opened up.

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