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Organisational Buying and

Buying Behaviour

Chapter 3
Chapter Questions

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1. What are the purchasing objectives of business buyers?

2. How is the buying process (buyphases) of organisations?

3. What are the types of buying situations (buyclasses) in business
organisations? Is vendor analysis/ multi-attribute model useful ?

4. What is the buygrid framework?

5. Who are buying centre members and key influentials?

6. What are the roles in organisational buying?

7. Which are the comprehensive models of organisational buying

8. Which are the contemporary purchasing activities?
Purchasing Objectives of Business Buyers

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Buying right items in right quantity, at right time and right place to process/distribute.
– Perfect delivery / ready availability
– Superior quality of product / service
• Specifications
• Cost of inspection
• Consistent production
– Lowest price
– Services
• Prompt and accurate info. from suppliers
• Technical assistance
• Spare-parts availability
• Repair and maintenance
• Training Cont…

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• Good long-term supplier relationship
• Firms spend 50%+ of sales on purchases
• Personal objectives
– Higher status
– Job security
– Salary increments
– Promotions
– Social considerations

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Organisational Buying Process

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• Different from consumer market
• Industrial services:
– Difficult to write specifications
– Difficult forecast demand
– Difficult to plan

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Eight phases/buyphases
developed by Robinson, Faris, & Wind:
1. Problem / Need recognition
• Faster production
• Breakdown
2. Decide characteristics and quantity of needed product
• R&D dept.
• Purchase dept.
3. Develop specifications / description of needed
• inter-functional
• Suppliers are involved
4. Search for potential suppliers

5. Obtain & analyse supplier proposals

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Product specifications
• Price
• Delivery
• Payment
• Transportation
• Terms and conditions
6. Evaluate and select suppliers
• Vendor Analysis System (next slide)
• Balanced Scorecards
• Internal business process
7. Select an order routine
• Order quantity
• Order frequency
8. Performance feedback & post-purchase evaluation
Table 3.1

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Supplier/Vendor Analysis
using Multi attribute model
Attributes Weight Supplier Total
(or Criteria) (or Importance) Performance Rating Score
Product Quality 3 8 24
Service Quality 3 7 21
Price 2 6 12
Reputation 1 8 08
Flexibility 1 6 06
Total 10 71

Performance rating scale : 1-10, ( 10 = excellent, 1 = poor )

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Buying Process of Organisational Buyers

• Types of Buying Situations (Buyclasses)

1. New Task / New purchase
– More information, risk, decision time, people involved

2. Modified Rebuy / Change in Supplier

– Due to existing suppliers’ poor performance, or change in
– Hence, search for alternate supplier

3. Straight Rebuy / Repeat Purchase

– Due to existing suppliers’ good performance
– Routine, low risk decision. Less information needed
Buygrid Framework

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(processes) New Modified Straight
Task Rebuy Rebuy

1. Problem / need recognition Yes May be No

2. Characteristics, Quantity of needed product Yes May be No
3. Specification of needed product Yes May be No
4. Potential suppliers’ search Yes Yes No
5. Obtain and analyze supplier proposals Yes Yes May be
6. Evaluate proposals and select suppliers Yes Yes No
7. Select an order routine Yes Yes May be
8. Performance feedback and evaluation Yes Yes Yes

Buying Centre Members and

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Key Influentials
• Buying centre, or purchase committee, consists of members
who make buying decisions, share common objectives and

• Key influentials are the few most influential members

• Buying centre members are:

– Top management persons
– Technical persons: Key influentials for new task and modified
rebuy situations and technical products
– Buyers / purchasers: Key influentials for straight rebuy
– Commercial persons: Finance & Marketing persons
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Roles in

l Buying



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of Organisational Buying Behaviour
• Most important factors influencing organisational
– Organisational / Task – oriented
– Personal / non-task oriented
– Enviromental
– Buying Centre

• Most comprehensive models:

1. Webster and Wind
2. Sheth
3. Choffray and Lilien 15
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The Webster and Wind Model
Environmental Variables: Technological, Economic, etc.

Organisational Variables: Technology (for purchasing), Buying

Centre structure, buying goals and tasks, buying centre members.

Buying centre variables: Interpersonal interactions, Group

functioning: Buying and non-buying tasks, external influences.

Individual variables

Buying Decision Process:

Individual and Group. Buying
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The Sheth Model

Componet-1 Componet-2 Componet-3

Differences in Variables that • Methods Situational

individual determine if used for Factors
buyers’ buying decision conflict
expectations is autonomous or resolution in
caused by joint : joint Supplier
factors: • Product decision or
• Background specific making Brand choice
• Information • Company process
sources specific • Problem
• Past solving
purchases • Persuasion
• Perceptual • Bargaining
distortion • Politicking

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The Choffray and Lilien Model

Obtain alternative offers from


Organisational Constraints Environmental Constraints

Source of information Likely alternative offers

Evaluation criteria Individual preferences formed

Organisational preferences

Group problem solving Organisational choice 18

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Contemporary Purchasing Activities

1. Just-in-time (JIT) Delivery

2. Outsourcing
a) Multi sourcing
b) Sole/Single sourcing

3. Worldsourcing
4. Value analysis / Value engineering

5. Supplier evaluation system/Multi attribute model

6. Buying committee/Buying centre 19

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