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Time Management Need Assessment


Bhavy Aggarwal
Rashi Bansal
Srishti Negi
Objectives of the Training
The objectives of the training program is to
■ Explain the various tools used for time management.
■ Use various time management techniques to overcome various time
management challenges.
■ Analyse time management woes to gain more control of your time.
■ Monitoring your time management skills using activities.
Time Management Tools
■ Making a To do list
 To-do lists are essential if you're going to beat work overload.
 When you don't use them effectively, you'll appear unfocused and unreliable to the people
around you.

■ Activity Logs
 An Activity Log is a written record of how you spend your time.
 Your Activity Log will also help you understand whether or not you're doing your most
important work during the right time of day.
 Activity Logs are also useful for helping you identify non-core activities that don't help you
meet important objectives
■ Costing your time
 When you know the value of your time, it's easier to stay motivated and focused on your work.
 It also encourages you to address issues that harm productivity and waste time, such as
procrastination and excessive interruptions where you become obsessed with producing perfect
work, even when it takes too long to deliver.

■ Multi Tasking
 When you're busy, it can be tempting to tackle multiple tasks at once. For example, you may be
in a project team meeting, hoping that no one notices you're checking your email and updating
your to-do list for the day!
 Three jobs done in the space of an hour sounds far more productive than just listening to the
project update. But is it?
Time Management Techniques
■ Prioritization
 Making best use of your time and resources
 Focus your energy and attention on the things that really matter
 How to Get More Done in Less Time; Working Smarter, Not Harder

■ Scheduling
 Planning to make the best use of your time and resources
 Scheduling important activities for the right time of day
 Delivering timely results
■ Concentration and Focus
 Achieving focus amid distractions
 Maximizing productivity through improved focus
 Managing mornings when you’re not a "Morning Person"

■ Goal Setting
 Setting meaningful, challenging goals; SMART Goals
 Take control of your life's direction
 Benchmark for determining success
 Staying motivated to achieve distant goals
Steps to analyse time management woes

■ Understand where your time is going

 Tracking your time is an easy way to see the gaps
 Jot down quick notes throughout your day

■ Analyse how you spend your time

 Align your activities with your goal and look for things that might be problem areas
 With each task ask yourself if it is necessary or longer relevant to your current goal
■ Set time management goals
 Set priorities
 Keep a deadline for your goals

■ Avoid mistakes
 Be completely honest with yourself when you track your time
Circadian Rhythms
 The activity helps to identify specific times that’s best for you to do a specific activity. You
could build an efficient working schedule.

 The activity can help build teams with similar work/non-productive time while improving
communication — as employees get to know each other.

 The circadian time management exercise also effectively helps you determine when you are at
your ideal energy level. This way, you can schedule your time well and complete the most
important thing first.
How long are 2 minutes?
 Even though everyone has an equal 24 hours a day, in fact, we experience it and use it in
different ways. Some of us experienced it as a short period, others as a long time. This always
works as a good opener.

 For someone, 2 minutes passed by very quickly, while some people perceived 2 minutes to be
very long. This shows how everyone views time differently.

 You all now have a better idea of your own perception of time.
Thank you for
your time and

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