Invention and Innovations

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occurs when you're creating a completely
new idea
improving upon an existing idea
Take transportation for example.
When the first car was created, it was an
invention, since there had never been a
motorized way to get around before.
Refers to the occurrence of an idea or Implies the implementation of idea for
the products or process that has never product or process for the very first
been before. time.

Invention is a novel product, device, Innovation is the introduction of a

process, or concept. newer and better solution that meet
new existing market needs.

Requires knowledge, competence, Requires technical knowledge,

and financial aid. competence, knowledge about market
needs, trends, and financial support.

Examples: invention of the printing Examples: introduction of the iPhone,

press, electricity, telephone, etc. tablet, flat screen TV, etc.
Novel means new and different
from what has been known
Novelty is a very important aspect of
research. It is true that research has
progressed tremendously in the past two
decades due to the advent and accessibility of
new technologies that enable goods and data
Consequently, it might be difficult to find a
topic about which nothing is known or no
literature is available. However, there is still a
lot of scope for progress.
For finding novelty in your area of research,
you should do a thorough literature search to
find out what is known and what are the
gaps which need to be clarified. There might
be topics that are studied but reports are still
contradictory. Researching this can lead to
novel leads.
Many times, a novel research might just
mean disproving what is already known. The
novelty will largely depend on your in-depth
knowledge of the field. With the increasing
amount of research output, many high
impact journals are now seeking highly
novel information to publish.
Many times, a novel research might just
mean disproving what is already known. The
novelty will largely depend on your in-depth
knowledge of the field. With the increasing
amount of research output, many high
impact journals are now seeking highly
novel information to publish.
A research could be novel if: 
a. there is a deficit in the literature in the
b.the methodology is (relatively) new with
reference to traditional practices, but
reasonable with respect to the specificity
of the issue to be addressed

A research could be novel if:  
c. there is scarce interest of traditional
academic consideration (e.g. lack of citations,
etc.) towards those who tackle the issue
d.there is interest of young students or
researchers in addressing the issue (e.g. in
their thesis or research work). 
Novel Research
New problem
New Solution
New Findings 
To claim something novel, it needs to
possess the "quality of being new,
original, or unusual". The methodology
itself can be novel. The results obtained
from using a known methodology may
also be novel

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