Asking and Giving Opini

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Materi dan Soal Bahasa

Inggris Expressing Opinion

Opinion dalam bahasa indonesia berarti opini yang maknanya  pendapat
atau pandangan maupun anggapan seseorang terhadap suatu peristiwa atau
permasalahan tertentu. Namun pandangan atau opini seseorang bisa jadi
berbeda-beda. Hal ini tergantung dari sudut pandang yang digunakan oleh
masing-masing orang.

Berikut ini adalah Ciri - Ciri Opinion

•Kurang dapat untuk dibuktikan kebenarannya
•Bersifat Objektif
•Berdasarkan perasaan, perkiraan, atau kemungkinan
Contoh Kalimat Expressing Opinion
Agreeing with an Opinion (Setuju dengan sebuah opini)

• Of course.
• This is absolutely right.
• I agree with this opinion.
• I couldn't agree more.
• I agree with what you are saying.
• I agree, I never thought of that.
• Neither do I.
• That's a good point.
• I think so too.
Disagreeing with an opinion (Tidak setuju dengan sebuah opini)

• I am sorry, I don't agree with you.

• I am not sure I agree with you.
• I don't agree with you.
• I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
• I do not believe that.
• By this I mean.....
• I disagree with you.
• I think you are wrong.
• That's not the same thing at all.
• It is not justified to say so.
• I am not convinced that.....
• I can't say I agree with this, and here's why.....
Contoh Bagaimana untuk setuju dan tidak setuju pada sebuah opini dalam
bahasa inggris
Statement Agree Disagree
Personally I think
Children below 17
I don't agree with you,
should be given right to drive a I agree with your opinion
it is forbidden to let children under 17
to drive a motorcycle

I think it would be harmful to let

Parents must giving smartphone to their children use smartphone. Because there
I couldn't agree more with you.
children are so much bad influence on the

The novel version of Harry Potter is

better than its film

Fast food such as pizza, meatball or

French fries are good for your health.

How about someone doing stupid on

their tiktok account then they are going
Contoh Dialog Expressing Opinion
• Alika : Hi Nur, Have you heard about the new cinema in Cimahi.
• Nur : Yes I have.
• Alika : And what do you think about it?
• Nur : I think that it is good have a cinema in our city. So we don't have to
go to bandung in just watching a movie. 
• Alika : I am sorry but I am not sure about your opinion.
• Nur : Why? Then what do you think about it?
• Alika : You know it is the very first cinema build in Cimahi right? So i think it
will be really crowded because everyone in town will go there to watch a
• Nur : Yes, I think you right about it.
Read this conversation dialogue, and then answer the questions that follow!
Text for No 6 to 9

Clerk : Do you like your room Madam?

Woman : Oh yes, I’m very pleased with it. Good enough.
Clerk : I hope you enjoy staying here. If you need some help, please call me up
Woman : Thank for your kindness, sir. By the way, do you have cold and hot
water here?
Clerk : Yes, Madam. There you are
Woman : Thanks a lot
Clerk : You’re welcome

6. Does the woman enjoy staying there?

7. What does the woman say to express her pleasure?
8. What does the woman ask the clerk?
9. Is the woman satisfied with the condition?
Task 2: Create your own sentences.
Study the list of words in Task 1 again. Create your own sentences using
the words.
Also find the similar word/meaning of these
1. Regulation ---
2. occurrences - (kejadian)  (incident, case, event)
3. owners - (kepemilikan)  (holder, possessor, proprietor)
4. abandon - (meninggalkan)  (leave, remove, quit, resign)
5. Concern - (khawatir/cemas)  (care, notice, anxiety)
6. Tenants – (penyewa)  (renter, hirer, lessee) – resident, holder
7. smooth (halus)  fine, soft, delicate
8. Rough – (kasar)  rude, coarse, bearish, crude
9. Ignore – (cuek)  overlook, neglect, forsake
10. Charm – (charisma/pesona)  glamor, witchery, enchantment, fascinate
1. I have fired from a company, because I was breaking the regulation
2. Yesterday, I saw on a television many occurrences about the robbery in
3. Tomorrow, I will meet the Mc. Donald’s owners stocks in Airport
4. Yesterday, my friend abandoned from his house
5. Many Indonesian concern about corruption cases, how can handle it.
6. The bus tenants angry, because they see a pig in the bus
7. I am lucky, because my PC still smooth after my brother was mad
8. He really rough to his dogs
9. My friend ignore me, because today its my birthday
10. tonight, your charm is amazing, you like a princess
Kanjuruhan and Itaewon tragedy was the worst news on October
2022. The tragedy actually have the same problem, because of bad
regulations. In Kanjuruhan tragedy unpredictable by the police and
committee, why it happened. And the police lost control. Itaewon
tragedy police can’t predicted the occurrence, even though the street
is really small and possible to happen.
Soal Asking Giving Opinion 9
Ina: I like the new playground near our school. What about you?
Jun: I like it too, there is a lot of space, interesting games and a nice place to
We can conclude that Jun is expressing:
a. Asking opinion
b. expressing Doubt
c. Disagreement
d. Intention
e. Giving opinion

Soal Asking Giving Opinion 10

Dili : What’s your opinion about that novel?
Theo : I like it. It is an interesting story
From the dialogue we conclude that …
a. Dili is giving her opinion
b. Theo doesn’t like the novel
c. Dili is asking Theo’s opinion
d. Dili agrees with Theo’s opinion
e. Dili is answering Theo’s opinion
Soal Asking Giving Opinion 14
Enny : We’ll have a long holiday next month. What are you going to do?
Yani : …………..
Enny : I hope you have a nice trip
Complete the dialogue above …………
A. I am thinking of going to Bali Sorry
B. Sorry, I can’t tell you
C. It’s not your business
D. I have nothing to do
E. I don’t know what to do
Soal Asking Giving Opinion 15
Eric : I think our city is very hot at the moment.
Era : I don’t think so ……………. Our city is much cooler than other cities in this country.
Complete the dialogue above ………….
A. I know it
B. I am thinking of
C. He forget it
D. In my opinion
E. See you
Di antara kelompok yang berisi kata-kata antonim, carilah kata yang sinonim dengan kata yang ada
di soal.

1. Dress
6. Cut
Peel – Clothes – Strip – Informal – Uncased
Slash – Rough – Swing – Unpierced - Unsheared
2. Sick
7. Make
Strong – Sane – ill – Pleased – Unaffected
Break – Undo – Unmake – Discover – Invent
3. Sad
8. Fake
Happy – Lament – Cheerful – Glad – Joy
Genuine – Natural – Fraud – Real - Authentic
4. Hate
9. Ugly
Detest – Covet – Esteem – Admire – Caress
Gorgeous – Beautiful – Stylish – Horrific – Pretty
5. Great
10. Scare
Lowercase – Ordinary – Outstanding – Little –
Unfear – Brave – Fright – Courage - Fearless
1. my pet was sick, because ate some ant yesterday
2. my cousin back to Jakarta today, that why my brother sad
3. I am hate Jojon, but I don’t know why (I hate) (she hate)
4. Wow, is it new? It is a great car bro
5. Do you cut with my cake?
6. Who’s make my money wet?
7. It’s not real, it’s a fake!
8. You uglier than my father
9. Really? You are not scare?

I work everyday by bus, because I have paid a bus ticket per a year
Jenis-jenis Antonyms
Antonyms paling sering muncul dalam bentuk adjective (kata sifat)
seperti “hot-cold” (panas-dingin), “good-bad” (baik-buruk) dsb. Tapi
noun atau kata benda juga bisa berseberangan, seperti “ceiling-floor”
(langit-langit – lantai), “cowardice-courage” (ketakutan-keberanian),
dsb. Atau juga dalam bentuk verb (kata kerja) seperti “arrive-depart”
(datang-pergi), adverb (kata keterangan) seperti “carefully-carelessly”
(dengan hati-hati – serampangan), bahkan preposition seperti “above-
below” (diatas-dibawah)
Ada tiga macam antonim yang perlu
1. Complementary: antonim yang betul-betul kontras dan bertentangan, tidak ada “jalan
tengah”-nya. Yang termasuk dalam antonim jenis ini contohnya adalah:
Boy-girl (anak laki-laki-anak perempuan), off-on (padam-menyala), night-day (malam-siang),
entrance-exit (pintu masuk-pintu keluar), exterior-interior (bagian luar-bagian dalam), true-
false (benar-salah), dead-alive(mati-hidup), push-pull (dorong-tarik), pass-fail (lulus-gagal).
2. Relational: antonim tipe ini mirip dengan complementary, tapi kedua kata yang
berseberangan ini selalu berpasangan. Yang satu ada karena yang lain ada. Misalnya:
Above-below (diatas-dibawah), doctor-patient (dokter-pasien), husband-wife (suami-istri),
servant-master (pelayan-tuan), borrow-lend (pinjam-meminjamkan), give-receive (memberi-
menerima), predator-prey (pemangsa-mangsa), buy-sell (beli-jual), instructor-pupil
(pengajar-murid), dsb.
Beberapa pasangan kata bisa termasuk ke dalam complementary sekaligus juga relational.
3. Graded: antonim yang termasuk ke dalam tipe ini memiliki beberapa
tingkat perbandingan dan bisa terdiri dari beberapa kata. Banyak istilah
relatif yang termasuk ke dalam graded antonym, yang artinya tiap
orang bisa memberikan interpretasi lawan kata yang berbeda
tergantung pemahamannya masing-masing. Contohnya:
Young-elderly (muda-tua), hard-easy (sulit-mudah), happy-wistful
(senang-muram), wise-foolish (bijak-bodoh), fat-slim (gemuk-langsing),
warm-cool (hangat-dingin), early-late (awal-terlambat), fast-slow
(cepat-lambat), dark-pale (gelap-pucat), dsb.
Bisa dilihat dari contoh diatas bahwa beberapa kata bisa diganti lawan
katanya tergantung si pembicara. Fat bisa berlawanan dengan thin –
tidak harus slim, happy dengan sad, dst.
Mengapa Antonim Penting?
Kadang-kadang, kita bisa memahami arti dari suatu kata dengan
melihat lawan katanya. Misalnya, kita menemukan kata ‘morose’ –
yang artinya ‘dengan sedih atau tanpa semangat’. Yang pertama
dilakukan saat kita tidak paham arti dari suatu kata adalah mencarinya
di kamus. Saat definisi kata tersebut tidak cukup, maka lihatlah lawan
katanya. Antonim untuk ‘morose’ adalah ‘cheerful’ (ceria) dan
‘optimistic’ (penuh harapan), dengan mengetahui ini maka gambaran
kita tentang ‘morose’ akan lebih jelas dan pemahaman akan arti
katanya pun akan lebih baik.
Menambahkan Prefix untuk Menciptakan
Kadang-kadang, kita tidak perlu susah-susah mencari lawan kata yang
tepat untuk suatu kata. Cukup dengan menambahkan prefix, maka
lawan kata sudah tercipta. Prefix yang digunakan untuk tujuan ini
akan menghasilkan kata berkonotasi negatif atau ‘tidak’.
Beberapa contoh antonim yang dibuat dengan menambahkan prefix
“dis-“ adalah:
Agree-disagree (setuju-tidak setuju)
Appear-disappear (muncul-hilang)
Belief-disbelief (percaya-tidak percaya) --- un
Honest-dishonest (jujur-tidak jujur)
Menambahkan prefix “in-“ bisa menghasilkan lawan kata berikut:
Tolerant-intolerant (toleran-tidak toleran)
Decent-indecent (pantas-tidak pantas)
Discreet-indiscreet (tertutup-tidak tertutup)
Excusable-inexcusable (bisa dimaafkan-tidak bisa dimaafkan)

Menggunakan prefix “mis-“ menghasilkan antonim semacam:

Behave-misbehave (sopan-tidak sopan)
Interpret-misinterpret (paham-salah paham)
Lead-mislead (membimbing-menyesatkan)
Trust-mistrust (percaya-tidak percaya)
Understand- misunderstand
Contoh antnim yang dibuat dengan menambahkan prefix “un-“ adalah:
Likely-unlikely (mungkin-tidak mungkin)
Able-unable (bisa-tidak bisa)
Fortunate-unfortunate (beruntuk-tidak beruntung)
Forgiving-unforgiving (pemaaf-tidak pemaaf)
Forget – unforgettable

Tambahkan prefix “non-“, dan kamu bisa membuat antonim berikut:

Entity-nonentity (entitas-bukan entitas)
Payment-nonpayment (pembayaran-bukan pembayaran)
Sense-nonsense (masuk akal-tidak masuk akal)
Untuk peraturan menambahkan prefix untuk membentuk antonim, harus diingat
prefix yang tepat untuk setiap kata. Misalnya, “dis-“ tidak bisa digunakan untuk
“likely” atau “understand” (paham/mengerti) karena keduanya menggunakan prefix
yang lain.
Daftar Contoh-contoh Antonim
Add-substract (menambah-mengurangi)
Capable-incapable (bisa-tdak bisa)
Love-hate (cinta-benci) Capture-release (menangkap-melepaskan)
All-none (semua-tidak samasekali) Change-remain (berubah-tetap)
Allow-forbid (mengijinkan-melarang) Clever-foolish (pandai-dungu)
Combine-separate (menggabungkan-
Amateur-professional (pemula-ahli) memisahkan)
Amuse-bore (menarik-membosankan) Conceal-reveal (menutupi-membuka)
Arrive-depart (datang-pergi) Continue-interrupt (melanjutkan-
Back-front (belakang-depan)
Cruel-kind (kejam-baik hati)
Beginning-end (awal-akhir) Deep-shallow (dalam-dangkal)
Better-worse (Baik-buruk) Demand-supply (permintaan-penyediaan)
Blunt-sharp (tumpul-tajam) Despair-hope (keputusasaan-harapan)
Doubt-trust (ragu-percaya)

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