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Topic 3:

L04.2: Explain the significance of tide and current prediction


The tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon, which create
“bulges” of water in the oceans. As these bulges move around Earth, they run into land,
causing the water level to rise and fall. So the most important factors in predicting the
tides are the positions of the Sun and Moon -- their distance from Earth, their direction
in space, and how they’re moving.

But the most accurate predictions require even more. Forecasters need to know the
contours of the seafloor, for example. That’s especially important in bays, where the
rising tide can be funneled into narrow channels, producing big swings in the water
level. Forecasters also need to know weather conditions, because winds and air pressure
can affect the water level, too.

Forecasters monitor the tides with special gauges. In the past, the gauges used pens that
recorded the rise and fall of the tides on strips of paper. Today, they use GPS, radar, and
other tools. All of the information is fed into computers. They use models of the
different factors that influence the tides to predict the times and levels of high and low
tides. In some places, they also predict the strength of the tidal currents -- keeping
coastal interests well informed on the ebb and flow of the tides.
What are tides and currents?
If you live near the coast or have ever visited the beach, you are probably aware of tides. But did you know that
tides are really big waves that move through the ocean in response to the forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun?
Tides start in the ocean and move towards the coast, where they appear as the regular rise and fall of the sea surface.
How much the water level changes over the day varies depending on where you are and what day it is.

Currents put motion in the ocean! Tides involve water moving up and down; currents involve the movement of
water back and forth. Currents are driven by several factors. Tides are one of these. Wind, the shape of the land, and
even water temperature are other facts that drive currents.
Importance of Tide
Tides are observed in large water bodies like seas and oceans as a natural phenomenon in which a rise and fall
in water level takes place on a regular basis. The scientific reason behind this phenomenon is the effect of the
gravitational force exerted on earth by the moon, and to some extent by the sun. The gravitational pull causes
the rise and fall of the water surface in oceans that happens at a periodic interval according to the rotation of
the earth. Tides can be of two types, namely high tide and low tide. During high tide, the level of water goes
up generating long waves that move across the shores. At low tide, the water level falls down and recedes
away from the shore. High tide and low tide occur twice a day. The occurrence of tides is generally observed
in large water bodies like seas and oceans due to their vastness and spread and to a small extent in small water
bodies like rivers and lakes.
Lunar tide
The two most important forces acting on the Earth to create tides are the Moon’s gravitational field pulling the ocean
towards itself and the centrifugal force, or outward movement from the axis of rotation, caused by the Earth and Moon
revolving in their orbit. At the center of both the Earth and the Moon, centrifugal and gravitational forces cancel each
other out, preventing the Moon from falling on the Earth and the Earth from flying out of orbit.

Gravitational pull of the Moon is stronger near the moon and weaker away from the Moon. The pull also varies slightly
(only inversely quadratic in contrast to the cube or square) across the Earth’s radius due to differences between center and
Lunar tide
Both the Earth and the Moon revolve around the one center of both of their masses. This common point is called the
barycenter and is located at about ¾ of the radius from the Earth’s center. Although the Moon is the Earth’s only satellite,
the Earth moves slightly when they both orbit the barycenter. In addition, the barycenter is not always in the same place
due to the elliptical rotation of the Moon. There is one revolution of the Moon every 27 days, so the angular velocity is
the same at all places and the centrifugal force lines up with the radius from the barycenter. The effects of the Moon on
the Earth have mostly to do with the ocean, since in contrast to the crust which moves as a whole, each ocean particle is
free to be pulled by gravity as a liquid. Tidal force is determined by the difference in forces at the Earth’s center and
surface. Net forces below and above the Earth are equal and point away from the center.
Some of the Major Importance of Tides:

Tides play an important role in various aspects of human life as well as in the entire ecosystem of plants and
animals. Some of the important and positive outcomes of tides are mentioned as follows:
What are the significance of tide?
1. Preserving Marine Ecosystem
Every natural phenomenon has some impact on the ecosystem consisting of living creatures. Tides also
influence the lives of various marine plants and animals that grow and sustain their existence by utilizing the
effect of both high and low tides. Due to experiencing high and low tides, some plants and animals are adapted to
live both inside and outside water in such regions. Ocean creatures make use of tides for their reproductive
activities by changing places within the water. Some small pools are created by the effect of tides along the
seashore which store water during high tides. These small pools allow different varieties of tiny marine creatures
to survive, these can be consumed by other larger creatures. In this way, a balance in the ecosystem is maintained.
What are the significance of tide?
2. Fishing and Harvesting
Commercial fishermen learn how to make use of high tides to catch fish and take advantage of the higher
gathering of fish that comes near the shore. In this way, they can use their effort and time efficiently and improve
earnings for commercial benefits. The sea creatures found in small tide pools generated by tides may be used for
harvesting seafood. Creatures like crabs, snails, and seaweeds are found in abundance due to regular replenishment
by tidal waves.
What are the significance of tide?
3. Navigation of Ships
Tides are very important in controlling the depth and flow of water to help ships navigate easily near the shores. Using the
advantage of water level and current of water during high tides, the ships can reach the harbor conveniently. This is
especially important to avoid any potential risks from shallow areas near the entrance of the harbor. Tides also help in
making the channel of some rivers wider allowing easy passage for vessels moving towards the ocean. A thorough study
by navigators on the effect of tides on navigation can help to improve the efficiency of marine transport. 
4. Pollution Control
Tides can play an important role in the mitigation of pollution in water. Tidal waves help in preventing the
accumulation of silts and sediments in the waterbed. It also contributes to the removal of polluted water from river
estuaries. Tidal waves carry nutrients to the water that help in the survival and growth of marine plants and animals. 
What are the significance of tide?

4. Pollution Control
Tides can play an important role in the mitigation of pollution in water. Tidal waves help in
preventing the accumulation of silts and sediments in the waterbed. It also contributes to the removal
of polluted water from river estuaries. Tidal waves carry nutrients to the water that help in the survival
and growth of marine plants and animals. 
What are the significance of tide?
5. Power Generation
The most important use of tides in modern human civilization is for generating power or electricity. Tides are found
to have a great potential for energy creation that can be utilized for producing energy as per requirement. There has been a
constant focus on developing renewable energy resources to avoid over-consumption of non-renewable resources. The use
of tidal energy as a replacement for conventional energy resources is great progress in this regard. The movement of waves
happens periodically during high tide and low tide and generates huge forces due to the flow of water. These powerful
water movements are leveraged for generating electricity that can be catered to meet energy needs in different parts of the
world. Tidal energy generation involves building dams and barrages that use the force of water to generate electricity using
power generation equipment. The water is stored in the dam during high tide and then the water is released to flow out
with high pressure that is used for turning the turbine and generating electricity. This process of power generation is called
What are the significance of tide?
6. Weather Circulation
The weather is affected by tidal currents as they mix up with the ocean waters. These currents combine with
seawater, which cannot absorb much sunlight, with warmer water, which makes more habitable climate conditions, as
well as balances global temperatures.

The various characteristics of tides are utilized to get better yield and efficiency in power generation. The tidal waves
can be controlled to create a higher force as compared to wind energy. Tides can produce energy more efficiently which
makes them more effective than other sources. Tides are one of the most important geographical phenomena that are
happening frequently in water bodies on earth. Scientific studies have revealed facts about the nature and intensity of
tides that can be used most effectively for the benefit of modern civilization.
Understanding and Predicting Ocean
It is the same with ocean currents. Knowing the mean flow and main ocean currents is important for
understanding ecosystems or the role of the ocean in global climate, but often what is of interest is how the
flow varies around these long-term averages, or the strength and direction of the current in a particular place
at a particular time.
To make accurate predictions of ocean currents we need data from a range of sources (satellites, ships,
buoys, floats), telling us what the state of the ocean is now.
We also need a model of the ocean system, based on our understanding of the different forces that drive and
shape the flow of water in the sea.
Forces that drive the flow of ocean currents
● The wind 
Pushes against the sea surface and sets up a current in the down-wind direction, which decreases with depth. These
wind driven currents are affected by the earth's rotation and the shape of the ocean basins, and control flow in the top few
hundred to a thousand metres of the ocean. They influence regional climate, form the basis for large marine ecosystems
and fisheries that depend on them, and are important for ship routing and pollutant transport.
● Density differences 
Caused by differences in temperature and salinity drive a vertical circulation that transports heat from the tropics
towards the poles. Cold, salty surface water, sinks at high latitudes, and is replaced by warm water from the tropics. This
'global ocean conveyor' also responsible for bringing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and surface ocean into the deep
ocean where it is stored away for hundreds of years. 
● River flow 
Can also have a strong effect on local currents, which can be important for the movement of sediments and
pollutants. Rivers also affect coastal habitats nearby, by reducing the salinity of the water, and often more
importantly by transporting sediments, plant nutrients and various pollutants from land into the sea. The effect of
large rivers such as the Amazon and the Congo can be detected hundreds of kilometer away from the river mouth.

● Tides generated by the moon and sun 

Drive tidal currents that in some areas can reach several knots. Along coasts and in shallow seas tidal currents
are usually the dominant contribution to the flow, so its prediction is important, for example for navigating shipping
channels in and out of major ports.
The currents we measure are the result of interaction between all these forces. They are also influenced by the
rotation of the earth, by bathymetry (depth and shape of the sea floor), and the shape of the coasts. Our ability to
make useful predictions depends on understanding how all these factors interact to control the flow of water
through the oceans and along our coasts.
1. In the forces that drive the flow of ocean current, the ___________ pushes against the see surface
and sets up a current in the down-wind direction, which decreases with depth.

A. Density Differences
B. Wind
C. River flow
D. Tides generated by the moon and sun

2. What is Lunar tide

A. the part of a terrestrial tide due to the mutual attraction between earth and moon.
B. Lunar tide are driven by several factors.
C. The lunar tide is NOT important forces acting on the Earth to create tides are the Moon’s gravitational field
pulling the ocean towards itself and the centrifugal force, or outward movement from the axis of rotation,
caused by the Earth and Moon revolving in their orbit.
D. Both the Ocean and the Earth revolve around the one center of both of their masses.
3. What is current?

A. Currents put motion in the ocean! Tides involve water moving up and down; currents involve the
movement of water back and forth. Currents are driven by several factors.
B. start in the ocean and move towards the coast, where they appear as the regular rise and fall of the sea
C. If you live near the coast or have ever visited the beach, you are probably aware of tides.
D. All of the above

4. What are tides?

A. Short term periodic rise and fall of the world's oceans

B. Long term periodic rise and fall of the world's oceans
C. Propagation of disturbances from place to place in a regular and organized way
D. Created by the friction between wind and surface water.

5. Which of the following effect ocean tides?

A. Earth and Moon

B. Moon and stars
C. Earth and Sun
D. Sun and Moon

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