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How and what techniques should be used in agility and adaptation

In addition to finding ways to

recognize your potential to be
successful in the world of work.
Agility is the mindset and ability to
adapt quickly to the demands of the
environment.The definition of
adaptability is the way individuals
deal with environmental pressures
in order to survive.
What techniques should be used in Agility?
• Delegation. The first step to creating agility in business functions is to
delegate operational control to frontline employees and train them on an
ongoing basis so they can do their job well.
• Setting goals. Instead of explaining all the changes and asking everyone to
follow suit, Provide direction and vision and let your team make that vision
a reality.
• Flexibility. Open up to new ideas and situations and provide new solutions
to solve problems.
• Speed. Act quickly in implementing ideas thus paving the way for other
new alternatives
• Experimenting. Always try to apply new behaviors, ideas, alternatives, to
find which approach is most effective.
• Performance Risk-taking. Dare to try new activities that provide new
opportunities and challenges
What techniques should be used in Adaptation?

• Communication skills
Adaptability can depend on how effective your communication is with
teammates and bosses.
Being able to communicate well shows your desire to thrive on the job.

• Interpersonal Ability
Similar to effective communication, interpersonal skills play an important
role in your adaptability.
Being able to interact well with other people can help you avoid
misunderstandings at work.

• Problem solving ability

Adapting to change can also depend on problem solving skills. You can use
this ability to find solutions that are hindering your work.
In addition, this ability allows you to observe and analyze the problem and
what an effective solution looks like.
So, you can make adjustments or improvements to your work to make it

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