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A Pleasant Day!

Situational Analysis

Prompt 1
You have an outing in Boracay with your friends.

Your friends want to swim, but you prefer to stay in the

cottage. Coincidentally, your crush also decided not to
join. You are seating beside him/her while looking at your
friends who are approaching the beach.

Is there something you would like to say just to break

the awkwardness?

Prompt 2 You were invited by a friend to church one Sunday

After the service, the people in the church are really

warm to accept you by having a sharing with your life.
They keep on asking you questions about your faith until
your story interest them a lot. But you feel like going
home already because it’s already noon.

What would you do to put end in the conversation?

Your responses, may it be verbal or actions, in the
contexts of communication in the activity earlier are
examples of communicative strategies.

By: Carlos Wayne Paloma

Most Essential Learning
Competency (MELCs)
7. Employs various communicative
strategies in different situations. (no

Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, I can:

a. Identify correctly the communicative strategies

through communicative scenarios; (in-person)

b. articulate insightfully the significance of

communicative strategies in real-life scenarios
through My Attitude, My actions; (in-person) and

c. illustrate creatively the use of communicative
strategies through a comic strip making. (online)

Wherever we are, we hear connected sound waves, and see letters
or orthographic forms to which we attach meanings based on our
knowledge, experience, and the situations or contexts in which these
waves and form occur. The waves and forms represent discourse (e.g.
conversation or story), and they are all around us—discourse
abounds in our world. A world without discourse is a world without
language, and this is utterly unthinkable.

Communicative Strategies
• Topic Nomination
• Topic Restriction
• Turn-Taking
• Topic Control
• Topic Shifting
• Repair
• Topic Termination

How do you think
communication loses its art?
What do you think snatches
away our connection with
If you are to rekindle the art
of communication, would you
do the same as the girl did in
the video?
1. Topic Nomination
-Is choosing a topic and opening or
starting it for discussion.

-It is the ability of taking attention of the

hearers and trying to commence, or to
begin or nominate or propose speaker’s
ideas in a conversation.

1. Topic Nomination
-The speaker usually opens a topic in a


“Hi, how are you?”

“What’s the latest news?”

2. Topic Restriction
-Is confining or limiting the development of the
topic and keeping it within bounds. This may
be done by interrupting the one speaking or
avoiding the topic altogether.

2. Topic Restriction
-A strategy that constrains or restricts the
response of the other person involved in the
Communication situation.

-Listener is forced to respond only within a set

of categories that are made by the speaker.

2. Topic Restriction

In a class discussion, when your teacher says,

“How do you communicate with your friends
effectively? Write your answer through a 3-
paragraph statement.”

3. Turn-taking
-Refers to the exchange of turns or instances
when each speaker talks in an interaction.

-A process by which people, in a conversation,

decide who is going to speak next.

3. Turn-taking

In a meeting, you will say,

“May I have the floor, please?”

In debate, speakers do not need to talk

at the same time.

4. Topic Control
-Is directing and regulating the flow or
development of the interaction.

-This covers how procedural formality or

informality affects the development of topic in

4. Topic Control

In a debate, if the speaker is on the affirmative

side, he/she will only talk about the positive
points of the topic. Same goes with the
opposing side.

5. Topic Shifting
-Means changing the topic or its direction
and emphasis.

-We shift a topic when we want to avoid a

conversation or topic.
5. Topic Shifting
You are having a conversation with you

Anne: Hey, I’ve seen your post lately. Are

you heartbroken?

Anselm: Irrelevant post. Let’s talk about our

midterm grades instead.
5. Topic Shifting
Your classmate wants to know if you have a
crush inside the classroom:

Clement: Hey, do you have a crush on


Gemma: (panicking) Oh my goodness,

where are my glasses.
6. Repair
-Is fixing and correcting anything negative,
or providing any kind of amends and
remedy to something that has gone wrong
in the exchange between two speakers.

-When something is being repaired,

something is damaged or broken.

6. Repair
-One can apply this strategy in a
communication scenario through asking for
clarifications, not acknowledging, topic
shifting, repeating, recasting, and adding.

6. Repair

Ephrem: I think I like her already. She is a

kindness person.

Basil: Do you mean kind?

Ephrem: Oh, I’m sorry. Yes, that’s what I

meant to say.
7. Topic Termination
-Is ending, concluding, or closing the
conversation or interaction.

-You use nonverbal strategies like yawning,

looking at your phone or watch.

7. Topic Termination

Patrick: I have to go. (With an awkward smile)

Lawrence: Okay halong,

• what is behavior?

• does behavior play a significant role in


• how does behavior affect communication?

Communicative Competence

• Speech context
• Speech styles
• Speech acts
• Communicative strategies

-it affects language form, roles of communicators,

delivery, message, etc.
My Words My Actions

Cite previous experiences What strategies did you

of conflicts. use to resolve it.

Values Integration:
Love of Work
-learner dignifies himself/herself by embodying communicative strategies to exemplify passion
for his/her call as a human and social being.
Community Engagement and Participatory Action
-learner campaigns for effective communication by starting the action to himself/herself,
influencing others to strategize when communicating.

Summative Assessment:

Identify which appropriate communicative strategy

should be employed in the given communicative
situations through a 10-item quiz. (Schoology)

Performance Check:

Employ the use of communicative strategies

by making comic strips by group.


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