Group 02 - Section B

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Can the Bunny

Section B : Group 02

Aarti | Samyak | Shubham | Rahul | Sumedh | Sumit

Case Summary
The Challenge
Nutrine, umbreall brand for all
confectionary products by Nutrine Assess Nutrine’s brand equity
Confectionary Company (NCC)

Assess Mahalacto’s brand equity

Due to changing preferences of target
group – Kids (6-13 years), does the brand
have enough appeal? Evaluation if company can extend
business across categories

If not, should the company extend into Analyze the perceptual maps based on
new confectionary categories like Gums research and understand how consumers
and Mints? compare the competitors and ideal

In case of expansion, will the umbrella

brand work or need of separate brands?
1. Perceptual map of Gum and its Analysis
• The four brands of Gums given in the case are
Nutrine, Mahalacto, Boomer, and Ideal Gum.
• The attributes on which they are rated by the
customers are flavors, bubble, fun, center-
filled, soft and colors.
• The rating scale is 1="Poor", 10="Excellent".
• The four brands comes out to be belonging
to four different segments and very much
dissimilar to each other overall.
• The ideal gum is the dominant brand on all the
attributes being the farthest on the maps and
Gums Mahalacto comes to the lowest being the
closest to the dimension 1 line.
1. Perceptual map of Mints and its Analysis

• The six brands of Mints given in the case are Nutrine,

Mahalacto, Mentos, Mint-o-fresh,  Chlormint and
Ideal Mint.
• The attributes on which they are rated by the
customers are exciting, cooling effect, chewy, hard,
long lasting, fresh and flavors.
• The rating scale is 1="Poor", 10="Excellent".
• Ideal Mint and Chlormint comes out to be belonging
to one segment while Nutrine and Mahalacto comes
in another.
• Mentos and Mint-O-Fresh have different segments
on the maps and hence are dissimilar overall.
• While Ideal mint dominates in exciting,fresh and
cooling effect attributes, Chlormint is the most
chewy and flavoured.
• Mahalacto comes out to be the hardest and mentos
and ideal mint shares the longest lasting attribute
among them. Mints
2. Examine the perceptual maps for mints. What are your recommendations for
management as it considers brand extensions using the Nutrine and/or Mahalacto brand

When we look at the similarities between

the brands, Nutrine is most distant from
rest of the brands and "Ideal Mint" which
means perception of Nutrine as mint is not
great among the consumers whereas
Mahalacto is closer to other brands and
"Ideal Mint". Our recommendation would
be to use Mahalacto brand as brand
extension for mints category of the
3. Examine the perceptual maps for Gum. What are your recommendations for management as
it considers brand extensions using the Nutrine and/or Mahalacto brand Name?

When we look at the similarities

between the brands boomer is nearer
to the ideal gum and while comparing
Nutirne & Mahalacto, Nutrine scores
more and is better as compared to
Mahalacto hence the management
should consider Nutrine for brand
extension. Also Nutrine is closer to
idealGum as compared to Mahalacto.
4. Use Individual-level data on the “ideal mint” to investigate the possibility of the existence of
more than one ideal mint.

SPSS Output
There can be FOUR different segments
for Ideal Mint as displayed in the

Depending upon the similarity in

attributes, segments can be formed

Segments Attributes 1 Attribute 2

1 Hard Chewy

2 Cooling Effect -

3 Long Lasting Flavors

4 Exciting -

5 Fresh -
5. Use Individual-level data on the “ideal gum” to investigate the possibility of the existence of
more than one ideal gum.

According to the similarity graph, we

find that the quality of colours,
center filled and soft are more
similar to each other whereas
flavours, bubble, and fun are more
similar to each other.
Each segment will have its ideal

Segments Attributes 
1 Colours
2 Center Filled
3 Soft
4 Flavours
5 Bubble
6 Fun
6. Strength and Weakness of Perceptual Mapping

Strengths Weakness
• To help us better understand market • The power of a Perceptual Map
• To see how the target market really depends on selecting the right
perceives the brands in the marketplace axis labels
• To evaluate the performance of recent • There is a low amount of detail,
marketing campaigns and other marketing
mix changes it’s a quick snapshot view
• To confirm whether how consumers perceive • The framework only really
us fits with our positioning goals supports 2 measurements per
• To check that our brand has a clear
positioning space in the market company
• To track how successfully our new products • Positioning can be subjective
have been positioned into the market

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