Concept of Limit

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Concept of Limit

-Nikhil Verma
Function: A function is math is a special relation among domain(input) and co-domain(output)
where each input has exactly one output, and the output can be tracked back to its input.

Let A and B are two non empty sets. Then the function f from A to B is a rule which assigns the
unique elements of B to each element of A. The element if B assign as corresponding to an element
x __A is denoted by f(x). So, we also write y = f(x)

Value of Function
If f is a function from A to B and x=a is an element in the domain of f, then the image f(a)
corresponding to x=a is said to be the value of the function at x=a.
If the value of the function f(x) at x = a is denoted by f(a) is a finite number, then f(x) exists or is
defined as x = a otherwise, f(x) doesn’t exist or is not defined.
Limit of function

Consider this function,

f(x)= 4-x2
Whose domain is the set of all real numbers except -2. Although f cannot be evaluated at -2
because substituting for x results in the undefined quantity 0/0, can be calculated at any number x
that is very close to 2. The two tables:
X -2.1 -2.01 -2.001
F(x) 4.1 4.01 4.001

X -1.9 -1.99 -1.999

F(x) 3.9 3.99 3.999

Meaning of x->a

Let’s illustrate the meaning of x->2. Let x is a variable and let us take the values of x as 1.9, 1.99,
1.999, 1.9999,……As the number of 9’s increases, the value of x will be nearer and nearer to 2 but
will never be 2. In such situation, the numerical difference between x and 2 will be very small. Again,
we take the values of x as 2.1, 2.01, 2.001, 2,0001,…..As the number of 0’s increases, the value of x
will be very much close to 2 but never be 2. And in this condition also, the numerical difference
between x and 2 is very small, that we can say x is approaching near 2 or x tends to 2.
Thus, x->a means the value of x is approaching near a but x is not equal to a.

Meaning of x = a

x = a simply means that the value of x is purely equal to a. For a function f(x) if x = a then , f(x) = f(a)
Indeterminate form

If the limits are applied to a given function and it becomes 0/0. Then, it is known as indeterminate
form. e.g.
consider a function, f(x) = (x2-4)/(x-2) at x = 2
when x = 2 , f(x) = 0/0 which is called as indeterminate form as it gives the value which is not
Some other indeterminate forms are: ∞/ ∞, ∞- ∞, 1^∞, 0^∞ etc.
We will perform some algebraic manipulations to remove indeterminate forms.

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