19d21a0437 - Seminar

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By nishitha

• ATM is one such machine which made money transactions easy for
• ATM is an electronic device that performs banking tasks like
withdrawal of money, to get information about user’s bank account
• Before the introduction of ATM , people used to travel with cash in
their hands , this caused the risk of getting robbed or losing the
money due to negligence of user.
• To overcome this issue ATM played a big role , It is like “cash in a
• The existing technology of ATM’s contains a plastic card with a
magnetic stripe known as “ATM card” which contains a unique
card number and some security information such as CVV.

• Along with the card, PIN is used to protect our account from
unauthorized access.

• The existing technology invites fraudulent attempts through stolen

cards , cards with no encryption.

• So to overcome this issue , a new technology is proposed.


• As the ATM technology got improved the idea of misusing it also

got improved.

• The chances of misuse of this ATM are increasing due to

exponential growth of intelligent criminals day by day.

• To address this issue, face-id is used as key. The main use of the
biometrics is that it is unique for every person.
• “ATM with an eye” proposes an automatic teller machine security
model that would combine a physical access card , PIN and
electronic facial recognition.

• The live image of the customer is captured and it is compared with an

image stored in the bank database .

• Only when the pin matches the account and the live image and stored
image match would a user be considered fully verified.

• The new technology is not an alternative for the conventional ATM

security system. But the new innovation is considered as an
additional support for the existing technology.
• For most of the past ten years, the majority of ATMs used worldwide
ran under IBM’s. However, IBM hasn’t issued a major update to the
operating system in over six years.

• NCR, a leading world-wide ATM manufacturer, recently announced an

agreement to use Windows XP Embedded in its next generation of
personalized ATMs.

• A study was recently conducted of leading recognition algorithms,

notably one developed by two researchers at MIT, Baback
Moghaddam and Alex Pentland, and one a commercial product from
Identix called FaceIt.
• When a customer enters into the ATM they should insert card in the
ATM card reader.

• After inserting a card in ATM the camera captured the image of the
user using face detector and it identify the facial region of the user and
using recognizer it will check with the database to find a match with
the accountholder.
• Result of case1- The face is authenticated, The PIN is matched. Now the
amount is entered. The process is done successfully
• Result of case 2- If the face is matched and the PIN is entered wrong then an alert
is sent at the police terminal at the back end.
• Result of case 3- If the users friend uses the card, Then the PIN (set by the user)
must be entered correctly After correct entry of the PIN amount is withdrawn.
• Since we use face data as the key here, We use image processing
algorithms here.

• The implementation is done using OpenCV in python which has built

in image recognizing algorithms.

• There algorithms are trained using machine learning, We use

Eigenface Algorithm.
• Mainly Computer coding facial recognition can be broken down into
three simple stages that are identical to the steps used by the human
brain to recognize faces.

(1) Data Collection: Gather face data of the individuals you want to

(2) Train the Recognizer: Feed the recognizer the face data as well as
the names of each face so that it can remember.

(3) Recognition: Feed the face recognizer with new faces of certain
individuals to see how it knows them.
• The proposed method uses a biometric, this increases the security
feature of the existing system drastically.

• Since we use biometric it is unique for each and every individual.

• The withdrawal limit is set if the user’s friend uses the card. This helps
the user to be in control of his account.
• [13] Face Detection based ATM security system using embedded Linux platform
Jignesh J. Patoliya, Miral M Desai in 2017 2nd International Conference for
Convergence in Technology(I2CT).

• [14] Real Time Facial Expression and emotion recognition using Eigenfaces,
LBPH and Fisher Algorithms Shrayan Mukhopadhyay, Shilpu Sharma 2020 10th
International Conference on cloud computing, Data Science and Engineering.

• [15] Face recognition alert mechanism and idealness for monitoring user motion
by Web Services C. Jayaprakash, V Maheshwari 2016 10th International
Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control(ISCO).
• Thus This type of developed ATM is more reliable in providing
security by using facial recognition software

• On summing up, the method what we proposed is far better in

increasing the security feature

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