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• Tariffs : a tax charged on imports.

■ Ex: a general tariff was imposed on foreign imports.

• Quota : a maximum quantity of goods of the specific kind that can be imported into a country
■ Ex: using scripts to circumvent openrations quota limits.
• Impor restrictions  : is a measure to make a competent state agency decide to apply restrictions orthe quantity, volume and value of imported goods.
■ Ex: Vietnam has a policy to restrict the import of a number of items such as luxury goods, tobacco, and alcohol.
• Trade bussiness : trader’s performance of commercial activitives gives rise to trader’s rights and obligations
■ Ex: goods exported through the conversion of different countries require a transaction
• Legality :  is the provisions of the current law, is must comply with the provisions of the law.
■ Ex: All goods and services put on the market must comply with and comply with the provisions of law.
• Free trade : imports and export of goods and services without any
• Stategic industry : the govermment considers very important to the economy or the safety of the country
■ Ex : Like in Vietnam, there is an agricultural industry that grows rice and textiles
• Protectionism : the action of a govermment to help that country’s commerce or industry by levying taxes on goods purchased from other coutries or
by limiting the amount of goods that can be imported
■ Ex: is the implementation of policies by the State on goods trade in order to limit the list of imported and exported goods to protect the
domestic economy.
• Absoluted advabtage : the advantage gained in international
■ Ex : In exchange for products whose production costs are significantly lower than those of other countries and below the international
average, all countries benefit.
Trade barriers : are government policies or regulation that restrict international trade.
Ex: The government will set high tariffs If it wants to restrict exports to protect domestic trade

Infant industry: is one that’s in an early stage of development and which cannot survive competition from foreign companies.
Ex: Information technology is the infant industry in Vietnam because it has only recently grown strongly

Comparative advantage: means a country’s ability to produce particular goods more efficiently (using fewer resources and at a
lower cost) than some other countries.
Ex: Vietnam's processed crustacean products have a superior comparative advantage compared to other countries in the world

Dumping: selling unwanted goods very cheaply, usually in other countries

Ex: Many Vietnamese enterprises have dumped honey when exporting to the US market
Subsidize: to pay part of the cost of something
Copyright: the legal right to control the production and selling of a book, play, film, photograph, piece
of music, etc.
Ex: Love Story is a song performed by Taylor Swift, it’s on her copyrighted album Fearless
Trademark: a name or a symbol showing that a product is made by a particular producer and which
cannot be legally used by anyone else.
Ex: Chinsu is the name of the chili sauce product of Masan Group
Generic: a cheaper copy of a product that is not marked with the producer name.

Domestic products: are goods produced for consumption only in that country, exclusively for the
people of that country.
Ex: Perfect Diary Beauty is a famous cosmetic brand of Chinese domestic products

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