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~She is the Beautiful daughter of Zeus and his wife
Hera.Hebe Was the cupbearer of the gods and
goddesses of Mount Olympus,serving their nectar
and ambrocia.And then she married Heracles.Hebe
was also known as the goddess of forgiveness or
mercy.She also had the power of eternal youth and
was able to restore mortals to their younger
selves.And has less charisma than many of the greek
Goddess, relying on their gifts to get attention.She
was also said to be clumsy.
~Hebe[from greek hēbē,” young maturity”,or bloom of
youth”], daughter of Zeus,the chief god,and his wife
Hera.In homer this princess was divine domestic,
appearing most often as cupbearer to the gods.She also
lost her position as a cupbearer of the gods after
tripping,which caused her dress to come undone,
revealing her
breasts.Ganymede,Zeus”lover,and protege took her place
after Apollo fired her.
~As the bride of Heracles,Hebe was strongly associated
with both brides and her husband in art and
literature.Hebe was the patron of brides,due to being the
daughter of Hera and the importance of her own

~Fountain of youth
Some of Hebe’s Story:
~Hebe had influence over eternal youth and the ability to restore
youth mortals,a power that appears exclusive to her,as in Ovid’s
Metamorphoses,some gods lament their favoured mortals
aging.According to Philostratus the elder,Hebe was youngest of the
gods and responsible for keeping them eternally young,and thus was
the most revered by them.Her role of ensuring the eternal youth ofthe
other gods is appropriate with her role serving as cupbearer,as the
word ambrosia has been linked to immortality,undying,and
lifeforce.In art,she is typically seen with her father in the guise of an
eagle,often offering a cup to him.This depiction is seen in classical
engraved gems as well as later art
Eagles were connected with immortality and there was a folklore
belief that the eagle (like phoenix)had the ability to renew itself to a
youthful state,making the association with Hebe logical.
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