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Skills training session!


Facilitator :
Name, experience
Participants :
Name ,experience, Fun fact
This course is primarily designed
• To introduce you to the contemporary principles, skills,
techniques and barriers of effective communication so as
to enable you improve your personal, interpersonal and
public relations within and outside the organization.
Course expectation
• Mention at least two things you expect to
learn from this course.
The course has four parts:
Part I: Overview of communication

Part II: Listening skills

Part III: Email Writing

Part IV: Meeting Skills

Part V: Presentation skills

Unit One
Topics to be covered
• Definition of Communication
• Communication process
• Types of communication
• Channels of communication
• Barriers of communication
• Effective communication
What is Communication?
• Communication is the art of transmitting information,
ideas and attitudes from one person to another.
• Communication is the process of meaningful
interaction among human beings.
Nature of Communication
• It is a process :it is a two way between people, &
complex process
• It is dynamic: it is ever changing depending on
the variables at play
• Unavoidable
• Irreversible: once communicated, it can not be
recalled back
• Contextual
Topics to be covered
• Definition of Communication

• Communication process
• Types of communication
• Channels of communication
• Barriers of communication
• Effective communication
Elements in Communication Process
1. Source
• The source of a communication is sender
• The sender must know why communication is
necessary and what result does he/she expects
• The sender encodes the idea/information he
wants to transmit into symbols/signs/ in a
proper format that can be shared to the other
2. Receiver
• It is the destination of communication that a message is
addressed to
• Decoding: the receiver assigns the same basic meaning to the words
as the sender intended and responds in the desired way.
• Both the sources and receiver can be analyzed in terms of
four factors:
their communication skill,
Cultural context and social system.
3. Message: the translation of ideas proposes and intentions
into a code and a systematic set of symbols
4. Channel: it is the method used to convey message.
 Channel Choice depends on

 Message

 Audience

 Need for speed

 Situation (location of receiver, complexity, etc)

5. Feedback: It is a response by the receiver to the sender of

the message.
6. Context: the situation in which the message is delivered. It
includes numerous elements that surround your

To identify the context of your communication task, consider

these questions
Why are you developing this communication?
What constraints and opportunities do you and your audience
face related to time, tools, space, and other considerations?
What setting will your audience be in when they encounter
your communication?

Which element of the communication process do

you usually find to be very important? And which
one is the most difficult?

Who’s more responsible for effective

communication? Sender or receiver? Why?
Realities of Communication
1.Words do not really have meaning, meanings are in
terms of people’s experiences and perceptions.
What image is created in your mind if someone says to
You are a ‘strong’ person.
2. Majority of the messages we communicate are not
based on words but rather on non-verbal symbols.
• What you hear
• Tone of voice
• Vocal clarity
• Verbal expressiveness
32-34% of the message
• What you see or feel
• Facial expression
• Dress and grooming
• Posture
• Eye contact
• Touch
• Gesture
58% of the message

8-10% of the message!
Topics to be covered
• Definition of Communication
• Communication process

• Types of communication
• Channels of communication
• Barriers of communication
• Effective communication
Communication can be categorized into three basic types:
1. Spoken or Oral Communication, in which you listen to a
person to understand their meaning;
• It may take place over the phone or in person.
• It takes place in real time.
Guidelines to be more effective
• Keep it simple/ focus on one main idea
• Explain/provide an example
• Use clear, direct words, use language that can be easily understood
2. Written communication,
• A Communication in which you read meaning;

• They may be printed on paper, handwritten, or

appear on the screen;

• Written communication often occurs at different

times. The Sender can write a Message that the
Receiver can read at any time, unlike a
conversation that is carried on in real time. 

• Mention some of the commonly used written

communication channels at Ethiopian Airlines.
3. Nonverbal Communication,
• In which you observe a person and infer meaning.
• What you say is a vital part of any communication. But
what you don’t say can be even more important.
• Research also shows that 55% of in-person communication
comes from nonverbal cues.
Most common ones are:
 Facial Expressions and eye movement
 Gesture
 Personal Appearance
 Touching behavior , etc
Topics to be covered
• Definition of Communication
• Communication process
• Types of communication

• Channels of communication
• Barriers of communication
• Effective communication
Channels of Communication
• Communication channel is the way/medium that the
information flows during communication.
• In organizations, information flows forward, backward and
• The number of communication channels in general are
grouped into two main groups:
1. Formal
2. Informal
Formal communication channels
• It is the flow of information according to the prescribed
pattern depicted in an organizational structure.
• A formal communication channel transmits information
such as goals, policies and procedures of an organization.
• The formal channel of communication further classified as
A. Downward
It is used to communicate;
– Job instruction, Job rationales, Policy and Procedures, Feedback
(on performance), Motivational appeals, etc…
Problems in down ward communication
– Faulty message transmissions
– Insufficient or too much information
– Overuse of one-way communication
– Delay of information (if hierarchy is longer)
– Withholding/filtering of information (deliberate or unintentional)
– Resistance of employees
B. Upward
Used to communicate
– What subordinates do, feel & think
– Unsolved work problem
– Suggestion for improvement
Problems in Upward Communication
– Avoidance of risk
– Lack of encouragement from supervisors
– Distortion
– Status Consciousness
c. Horizontal

• Communication between departments/individuals on the same level of

managerial hierarchy
• It is used to
– To coordinate task
– To solve work related problems
– To build rapport
Problems in Horizontal Communication
– Rivalry among individuals (professionally)
– Specialization of work
– Lack of motivation
– Information overload
– Physical barriers
Informal Communication
• With in a formal working environment, there always exists an informal
channel which deviate from the planned communication structure

• Informal channel of communication, which does not follow any set of

lines, nor any definite rules but spreads like the grapevine, in any

It may arise due to employees

– Personal interest
– Friendships
– Physical proximity
• Which one of the formal communication is channels do you
think is more important than others? Why?
• Does grapevine exist in all organization? Why?
• Do you think grapevine has any importance to an
– If no, why do you think so?
– If Yes, how can it be used effectively?
Topics to be covered
• Definition of Communication
• Communication process
• Types of communication
• Channels of communication

• Barriers of communication
• Effective communication
• Have you ever been talking to someone and they
misunderstood what you were saying?

• Why do you think that happened?

What is communication Barrier?
• Barriers are things that physically/psychologically
block you, and put obstacles to effective
Barriers to Effective Communication
Time Noise

Other people Distractions

Barriers to
Too many questions Put downs

Distance Lack of interest

Discomfort Disability

Some barriers of communication
• Physiological Barriers
– It may result from individuals' personal discomfort
• Cultural Barriers
• Physical Barriers
– Office doors, barrier screens,
– Large working areas /working in physically separated areas
– Distance
• Language Barriers

• Stereotypes : People are categorized on the basis of very

visible characteristics and all members of a particular
group assumed to have the same characteristics
• Psychological Barriers
– Emotional Barriers,
– Experiential barriers
– Perceptual barriers: we all see the world differently.
Overcoming Communication Barriers
1. Creating your message carefully
 Think about your purpose and your audience
 Tell the audience what to expect
 Use concrete, specific language
 Stick to the point
 Tie the message to the receiver’s frame of reference
 Emphasize and review key points
2) Minimizing Noise
 Careful choice of channel
3. Facilitating Feedback
√ Plan how and when to accept feedback

√ Be receptive of other’s responses

√ Encourage frankness

√ Use feedback to improve communication

Topics to be covered
• Definition of Communication
• Communication process
• Types of communication
• Channels of communication
• Barriers of communication

• Effective communication
Qualities of Effective Communicators
• Perception: they anticipate receiver’s reaction and adjust
message accordingly
• Precision: they help you share the same mental picture of
the message
• Credibility: they are believable
• Control: they shape your response
• Congeniality: They maintain friendly & pleasant relations
with the audience
Effective Communication Skills
Eye contact & visible mouth

Some questions Body language

Encouragement Effective
Communication skills Silence
to continue

Smiling face

Summarising Checking
what has been said for understanding
Thank you!!

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