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Bicaz Keys

By Alexandru
Where is and what is the Bicaz
Gorges national Park?
national Park is a
protected area of
national interest,
located in Romania, in
the area of the Central
Group of the Eastern
Carpathians, in the
Hăşmaș Mountains, on
the administrative
territory of Harghita
and Neamţ counties.
It has an area of 6575 ha in which valuable geological, geomorphological,
palentological, botanical and landscape elements, as well as fauna are
protected. Here are included several nature reserves – assimilated in the
integral protection area, including:
Cheile Bicazului
 Lacul Roșu
 Cheile Șugăului
 Masivul Hășmașul Mare, Piatra Singuratică - Hășmașul Negru
 Avenul Licaș
The area of the park was
generally sparsely populated.
Several artifacts of Paleolithic
hunters have been
discovered in the Bicaz area.

The first photograph of the

Red Lake was taken in 1864
by Balázs Orbán, the area
developing as a tourist resort
later. Between 1920 and
1928, there was a
Balázs Orbán 1937 the road connecting
Transylvania to Moldova is
built here.
The establishment of the park was made on the basis of an order of Minister in
1990, confirmed by Law no.5 of 6 March 2000 on the approval of the national
territory planning Plan - Section III - protected areas, and the delimitation was
made by the Decision of the Romanian Government no. 230 of 4 March 2003,
on the delimitation of biosphere reserves, national parks and natural parks and
the establishment of their administrations.
Thanks for

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