Part 4 Workshop

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Part 4: Solution – Quality

Management reform
DJBM must issue an instruction redefining the “Conditions of
Contract” rules under which

BUJTs, Contractors and Supervision Teams operate

The rules must include the following as a minimum:

The Solution: Quality Management reform
BUJTs must:
1. Instruct a revised list of Hold Points (Inspections List - Annex 1) as required by
Specification S1.40(4).
2. Instruct both Contractors and Supervision Teams to adopt the Hold Point /
Inspections Iist as the basis for Work Requests.
3. Issue a warning letter to the Contractor that progress payments will be withheld
for non conforming works either to their full value or to the estimated cost for
repair as deemed applicable. Withheld funds will be released only when
satisfactory corrective actions have been taken.
4. Instruct all signatories to payment certificates that non conforming works shall
not be certified for payment in accordance with Specification …….
5. Instruct contractors to immediately correct Methods of Work and materials
sources causing systemic non conformities or to stop related work until the
method of work improvements have been made
The Solution: Quality Management reform
The Contractors General Superintendent assisted by the Quality Control Manager must:
1. Immediately address Methods of Work and material source deficiencies causing the systemic non
conformities identified by Director JBH letter of 29 July 2022.
2. Do not continue those classes of work until agreed method of work reforms (see annexes 1 to 3)
have been implemented.
3. Comply with all approved design and specified requirements and with all Engineers instructions
when carrying out any work that will form part of the permanent works.
4. NB DJBM to confirm Change Order instructions process
5. submit Work Requests for approval to Supervision Teams for all agreed Hold Points
6. Before making any Work Request submission the Contractors Quality Control Manager must ensure
compliance of works to be covered up, and the readiness of the Contractor to undertake quality
compliant work
The Solution: Quality Management reform
The Contractors General Superintendent assisted by the Quality Control Manager must:

7 Work requiring Holding Point approval, may proceed only after approval of the
work Request by the Supervision Team except that work may proceed if the
Supervision team fails to respond within the time defined by ……….

8 Submit all Work Requests sufficiently in advance of the time at which work is
required to start, to allow timely approval. (timely approval is defined as approval that
does not cause any delay to the works)
The Solution: Quality Management reform
The Supervision Engineer must

1. Systemic issue: Not approve any further work requests for the systemic issues defined by Director
JBH letter of 29 July 2022 unless comprehensive Method of Work reforms have been agreed and
implemented. (Annex 4):
2. Timeliness of response: Not unreasonably delay the response to any Work Request.
3. Avoidance of delay: Undertake all duties efficiently so as to minimise delay
4. Holding Point approval: Before approving any Work Request:, assess the contractors readiness to
carry out the work, assess weather conditions, assess all relevant test results, (reference may be
made to the Check Lists provided as Annex 2)
5. Surveilance or Witness Point inspections: Undertake Inspections as work proceeds of matters not
subject to Holding Point inspection, to ensure contract compliance.– Annex ..)
6. Covering preceding work: Not permit any work to proceed that will cover up or prevent any
necessary corrective action of preceding works
The Solution: Quality Management reform
The Supervision Engineer must

7 Test frequency: Ensure that all specified tests are undertaken at the specified frequency or at an
agreed and appropriate frequency if no frequency has been specified
8 Stoppage of works: Instruct corrective action or stoppage of work if necessary to correct a non
conformity. Stoppage of work is required when continued work would either bury non conforming work
or would also be non conforming
9 NCRs: Issue NCRs for matters requiring corrective action and not immediately corrected and to
monitor the close out of those corrections
10 Timliness of test results: Require that all routine specified or requested test results are made available
on the same day or in the case of tests requiring several days to complete, within that period from the date
requested. Therefore off site tests will not be permitted for routine tests.
End Part 4 - terima kasih

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