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Offering Help And

Member’s of the group :

Aulia Febriantika
XII RPL 2 / 06
01 02 Debora Octavia
XII RPL 2 / 09

Dewi Setianingrum
XII RPL 2 / 10
03 04 Dwi Meliana
XII RPL 2 / 12
What is a offering help and service?
The definition of offering is an act of someone who
offers something. Offering help and service is a way or
expression to offer help to someone in need.
Social function
The social function of offering help and service is to
help interpersonal relationships between individuals
with one another.
linguistic elements
According to the British Council, when offering
assistance or services, phrases commonly used are
modal verbs such as can, could, and would..
The following is an example of offering help and
services with formal sentences :
• May I help you? (Ada yang bisa saya bantu?)
• Would you like me to help you? (Apakah Anda ingin saya membantu Anda?)
• Shall I help you? (Haruskah saya membantu Anda?)
• Should I open the window? (Haruskah saya membuka jendela?)
The following is an example of offering help and
services with informal sentences :
• Do you want me to help you?
• Can I get you some paper?
• What if I help you doing the homework?
• Have some snacks?
• Drink?
• Should I open the window?
How to accept and reject an offer in English
When someone offers something, then the other
person will respond to the offer with acceptance or
Example sentences to accept an offer in English :

• Okay. (Oke)
• Yes. (Ya)
• Yes, please. (Ya, tolong)
• Yes, thank you. (Ya, terima kasih)
• Certainly. (Tentu saja)
• Thank you.(Terima kasih)
• Thanks. (Terima kasih)
• That would be great. (Itu akan sangat bagus)
• That’s a good idea. (Ide bagus)
• That’s very kind of you. (Kamu sangat baik)
Example sentences to reject an offer in English :

• No, thank you.

• It’s okay, thank you.
• No, I’m fine.
• Thank you
Example dialogue 1

Shop Assistant : Good Afternoon, Ma’am. May I help you? (Selamat siang, Nyonya. Ada yang bisa
saya bantu?)
Mrs. Jasmine : Yes, please. I’m looking for the sample size of this product. (Ya, tolong. Saya
mencari ukuran sampel dari produk ini.)
Shop Assistant : I’m sorry, Ma’am. We only have the full size. (Maaf, Nyonya. Kami hanya
mempunyai ukuran yang penuh.)
Mrs. Jasmine : Oh, I see. (Oh, begitu.)
Shop Assistant : Would you like me to help you find another product, Ma’am? (Apa Anda mau
saya membantu Anda untuk mencari produk lain, Nyonya?)
Mrs. Jasmine : No, thank you. (Tidak, terima kasih.)
Example dialogue 2
Mr. James : The weather is so hot these days. (Cuacanya sangat panas belakangan ini.)
Harry : Should I make an ice tea for you, Dad? (Haruskah saya membuatkan es teh untukmu, Ayah?)
Mr. James : No, I’m fine. I already drank a glass of water. (Tidak, aku tidak apa-apa. Aku sudah minum
segelas air tadi.)
Harry : Then should I turn on the air conditioner? (Kalau begitu haruskah saya menyalakan AC?)
Mr. James : Yes. Thanks, Harry. (Ya. Terima kasih, Harry.)
Example dialogue 3
Jane : The teacher in History class talks too fast. I don’t even have time to take notes. (Guru di
kelas sejarah berbicara terlalu cepat. Aku sampai tidak punya waktu untuk mencatat.)
Dean : Do you mean Mr. John’s class? (Maksudmu kelas Pak John?)
Jane : Yes. (Iya.)
Dean : I took that class last semester. I think I still have my notes. Do you want me to bring them
for you? (Aku mengambil kelas itu semester kemarin. Sepertinya aku masih punya catatanku. Apa
kamu mau aku membawanya untukmu?)
Jane : Really? That would be great. Thanks, Dean. (Benarkah? Itu akan sangat bagus. Terima
kasih, Dean.
Thank You !

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