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 If you hadn’t given me a lift, I’d probably still
be at the station; Is he had worn her seatbelt,
she would still be alive.
 Hipotetska situacija u prošlosti s rezultatima

u sadašnjosti.
 If you weren’t so lazy, you would have
finished your work by now; If she was better-
qualified, she would have got the job.
 Hipotetsko sadašnje stanje koje je utjecalo na

prošle događaje.
 Hipotetska sadašnja situacija se odnosi na

univerzalno vrijeme
Inverted conditionals
 Koriste se u formalnom ili literarnom engleskom.
 If se mijenja drugim pomoćnim glagolima.
 U 1. kondicionalu umjesto if koristimo “should”

(should an outbrak of flu take place, special

measures will be introduced), u 2. kondicionalu
koristimo “were + infinitiv” (were she ever to leave
the band, she would be greatly missed), a u 3.
kondicionalu if mijenjamo s “had” (had proper
measures been taken, the situation would not have
 If se može mijenjati i sa unless, otherwise, but for


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