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Quote Analysis

Underline and annotate interesting quotes as you read

Quote Analysis
1. Quote
• Write the quote and the page it comes from. Put it in quotation marks.
2. Characters or Context
• Explain who said those words (thought the words), and if they were speaking to
another character.
• Explain the context (background) for the quote
3. Paraphrase
• Paraphrase the quote: rewrite it in different words that mean the same thing.
4. What does it tell you?
• Explain what this quote tells you about this character or the plot of the story. What kind of person
would say these things? Why would they say it? What would they have to know or be thinking about?
“It didn’t seem a terribly important rule, but the fact that his father had broken a
rule at all awed him.” (Pg. 12)
Jonas’ thought when learned his father broke a rule
Jonas was surprised his father broke a rule even though the rule was not important
What does it tell you?
It shows the main character Jonas feels some rules are less important than others
and Jonas’ father almost always follows rules.
Quote analysis practice
1. Quote
2. Characters/Context
Jonas’s mom, a judge is describing her feelings about a The Giver Page 8
repeat offender. “To see him brought before her a
3. Paraphrase second time caused her
When a repeat offender was brought to Jonas’ mom overwhelming feelings of frustration
again for doing something wrong, she felt guilty and bad and anger. And even guilt, that she
for not effectively punishing him the first time. hadn't made a difference in his life.”
4. What does it tell you?
This quote shows Jonas’ mom takes her job very
seriously, she has a strong sense of responsibility and
she believes that the punishment set out by her should
reform (make a difference) rule breakers.
The Giver Page 16
Quote analysis practice “Were any of the Elevens
disappointed, your year?”

1. Quote
2. Characters/Context
Jonas is talking to his father about the Assignment that is given to
eleven-year-olds in their community at the Ceremony of Twelve. Jonas
asks his father this question.
3. Paraphrase
Jonas is asking his father if any of the children in his year were
disappointed by their Assignment.
4. What does it tell you?
It shows that in Jonas’ world, people can’t chose their own job, and they
may be unsatisfied with their assigned occupation.
This quote explains why Jonas is feeling Apprehensive, he is uncertain
about his Assignment and he is afraid he will be given a job he doesn’t
Quote Analysis
1.Writing the quote
Writing the quote
Ways to introduce quotes
1. When (event in book) happened, (character) states, "..."
• Ex: When Lady Macbeth kills herself, Macbeth states, "Life's but a
walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon
the stage and then is heard no more.” (V.V.19-20)
2. (Character) explains: "..." (citation).
3. (Your own words) "direct quotes from book" ...
• Ex: Macbeth pines over his miserable fate, calling life a "walking
shadow" (citation).
Ways to paraphrase
• Directly look at quote and replace the text with your words. It is
vitally important to maintain the same meaning:

When Lady Macbeth kills herself, Macbeth states, "Life's but a walking
shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and
then is heard no more.” (V.V.19-20)
In other words, Macbeth compares his existence to the condition of
being a mere ghost. He goes on to compare people to actors who
worry about their brief moment in the spotlight only to cease to exist
before he realizes his life is over.
Ways to analyze
• Look at the subtle parts of the quote, and explain why the
author used them in his writing--Tone, diction, mood,
figurative language (metaphors, similes, imagery, alliteration,
onomatopoeia, personification...there are A LOT).
• Ex: The metaphors Shakespeare uses, comparing life to a
"walking shadow" and man to "a poor player" emphasize the
fleeting nature of life. Shadows are gone as soon as they
appear, and actors only assume their character: the people
they represent have no true meaning.
Ways to evaluate
• Show the importance of the quote with respect to your argument and your
thesis. Explain the significance...Tell the reader why they bothered to read
your essay. This is where you tie your thoughts together in a nice bow.

• Ex: Here, Macbeth realizes that his pitiful existence, from the moment he
decided to kill King Duncan to the moment when his beloved wife killed
herself, has been consumed by his reckless ambition. This directly shows the
damaging power of ambition. If Macbeth had been content with his
previous title, which was prestigious enough, a host of tragedy would have
been avoided.

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