2.1 Question Tags

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Lesson 1

Verbs practice
Peter will never forget using his bank’s automated teller machine two years ago. He (1. just
insert) his credit card into the slot and was about to enter his PIN number when a beautiful
blonde woman approached him, saying “I think you’ve made a mistake, sir. Let me show you how
to do it.” No sooner (2. she say) that than she turned towards the machine and started pressing
some keys. “The system seems to be out of order” she said. “There (3. MOD. be) something
wrong with the network. If I were you, I (4. check) with the bank manager,” she said, walking
away. Peter tried to retrieve his credit card but it was nowhere (5. find). It was only then that he
(6. realise) he (7. trick) by a very experienced criminal. With no choice but to report the incident,
Peter went to his bank, where he (8. give) a number of forms to fill in. The bank officials blocked
his credit card, but when Peter looked at his bank statement for the day’s transactions, he (9.
shock). The woman (10. withdraw) €500 from his account in less than two hours.
Peter will never forget using his bank’s automated teller machine two years ago. He (1. just insert) HAD
JUST INSERTED his credit card into the slot and was about to enter his PIN number when a beautiful
blonde woman approached him, saying “I think you’ve made a mistake, sir. Let me show you how to do it.”
No sooner (2. she say) HAD SHE SAID THAT that than she turned towards the machine and started pressing
some keys. “The system seems to be out of order” she said. “There (3. MOD. be) MUST MIGHT COULD BE
something wrong with the network. If I were you, I (4. check) WOULD CHECK with the bank manager,” she
said, walking away. Peter tried to retrieve his credit card but it was nowhere (5. find) TO BE FOUND. It was
only then that he (6. realise)REALISZED he (7. trick) HAD BEEN TRICKED by a very experienced criminal.
With no choice but to report the incident, Peter went to his bank, where he (8. give) WAS GIVEN a number
of forms to fill in. The bank officials blocked his credit card, but when Peter looked at his bank statement
for the day’s transactions, he (9. shock) WAS SHOCKED. The woman (10. withdraw) HAD WITHDRAWN
€500 from his account in less than two hours.
Question tags
Sometimes a simple statement is too short and does not help the conversation to
develop in a friendly way.
You're French.
The other person does not know what to say. We can add a tag to the end of the
statement so that it becomes a question.
You're French, aren't you?
Now the other person knows that they have to reply and the conversation can
• Tags are formed using auxiliaries {do, be, have or a modal).
Helen lives here, doesn't she?
You left early, didn't you?
Jack was born in Italy, wasn't he?
You will help me, won't you?
Someone's got to pay, haven't they?
A positive statement has a negative tag, and expects the answer Yes.
A: You agree with me, don't you?
B: Yes, I do.
A negative statement has a positive tag, and expects the answer No.
A: You don't take sugar, do you?
B: No, I don't.
It is possible for a positive tag to follow a positive statement, to express
interest, or ask for confirmation. This is less common.
So you like working here, do you?
Tags with will and won't can be used after imperatives.
Don't drive too fast, will you?
- Let's ... has a tag formed with shall.
Let's have a drink, shall we?
Underline the most suitable words in each sentence.
1. Let's go to London next weekend,
1. shall we
2. won't we?
2. You shouldn't have told me,
1. did you
2. should you?
3. Jim hasn't been waiting long,
1. was he
2. has he?
4. You won't tell anyone about this,
1. do you
2. will you?
5. You're not doing what I told you,
1. do you
2. are you?
6. Answer the phone for me,
1. will you
2. do you?
7. George can't have noticed,
1. can he
2. has he?
8. You've got to leave now,
1. don't you
2. haven't you?
9. Pam and Tim got married last year,
1. didn't they
2. haven't they?
10. I don't think John's very friendly,
1. does he
2. is he?
Add suitable question tags. (Do not use positive tags for positive statements.)
a) Don't leave anything behind, ...will you.. ?
b) David is bringing some wine, …?
a) Isn’t he?
c) You'll be home before midnight,… ?
a) Won’t you?
d) Harry was working in Bristol then, …?
a) Wasn’t he?
e) Nobody knows who invented the wheel,… ?
a) Do they?
f) You don't need me any more, …?
a) Do you?
g) The ticket to London doesn't cost a lot,… ?
a) Does it?
h) Let's invite the Smiths from next door, …?
a) Shall we?
i) You aren't too busy to talk,… ?
a) Are you?
j) Jean owns a restaurant, …?
a) Doesn’t she?

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