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Presented to:-                                                                Presented by:-

Dr.J.Ravi Kumar,                                                             P.Perin Kumar,
Professor,ECE.                                                                22ECM1R12,E.I.E.S.,
• Introduction
• Dataset
• Types of Data fit
• ResNet & its Architecture
• MobileNetv2 & its Architecture
• Sequential CNN & its Architecture
• Training & Testing results
• Comparison Table
• References
• Conclusion
• Fruit infected by pests or diseases and fruit harvests with different
levels of ripeness cause a lack of marketability, decrease in economic
value, and increase in crop waste. Here we'll be developing a Deep
Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) to detect the Blackspot disease
and Canker disease in Oranges. The dataset acquired is going to be
trained and tested using some of the Pre-trained models such as
Sequential CNN,Resnet18,Mobilenetv2

Blackspot disease           Canker disease              Fresh orange          Grenning disease

Types of Data Fit                                           
Residual Network(ResNet50)                       
• ResNet50 is a variant of Resnet which has 48 Convolution layers along
with 1 MaxPool and 1 Average Pool layer.
•  It has 3.8 x 10^9 Floating points operations.
• It is Hard to train deep Neural networks because while doing
the backward iteration "Vanishing gradient" problem occurs i.e, when
we're updating the weights by propagating backwards as there will
be so many derivatives involved, the repeated multiplications of them
results in weights becoming extremely smaller upon reaching the
earlier layers.
• To overcome this we're going for the Residual networks(Res-Net)
• Here we'll be using a "Skip connection" i.e, the complex computations
in successive layers will be skipped by connecting the input to the
output of next layer.
• F(x) is the loss function.
• Unlike in the case of traditional networks where the weights are
updated based on the output. Here we'll be updating the weights
based on loss Function 'F(x)'.
Resnet 50 Architecture                                 
• There was a small change that was made for the ResNet 50 and above
that before this the shortcut connections skipped two layers but now
they skip three layers and also there was 1 * 1 convolution layers .
• The MobileNet v2 architecture is Known as "Inverted Residuals with
Linear Bottle Neck" structure.
• It is because in the Previous Architectures like Residual Network(Resnet)
we're having the Thick Activation Layers are connected here we have thin
Activations are connected together that's why the name Inverted Residual
and Bottle neck name came because input and output layers are thin
activations and also we aren't using any non-linear functions over there.
• MobileNetV2 is a significant improvement over MobileNetV1 and pushes
the state of the art for mobile visual recognition including classification,
object detection and semantic segmentation. 
• MobileNetV2 is released as part of TensorFlow-Slim Image Classification
Architecture of MobileNetv2                       
Mobile-Nets Body Architecture                         

Sequential CNN                                             
• The proposed model has the following layers
   1.Convolution layer
   2.Max Pooling layer
   3.Flatten & Dense layers
• Here we can design the Architecture based upon our requirement.
Architecture of Sequential CNN                   
Training & Testing Results of Dataset         
• Resnet50
• MobileNetV2
• Sequential CNN
• Resnet-152
Comparison Table                                                  

S.No Model Name Training Testing Validation

Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy
1 Sequential CNN          97.28%         97.92%        97.50%

2 Resnet-50          99.22%         75.0%        68.75%

3 MobileNetv2          99.5%          88.54%        93.75%
4 Resnet-152          99.72%          99.37%        99.45%
• Detection of citrus black spot disease and ripeness level in orange
fruit using learning-to-augment incorporated deep networks
Mohammad Momeny  , Ahmad Jahanbakhshi , Ali Asghar Neshat ,
Ramazan Hadipour-Rokni , Yu-Dong Zhang  , Yiannis Ampatzidis
• Abdulridha, J., Batuman, O., Ampatzidis, Y., 2019. UAV-based remote
sensing technique to detect citrus canker disease utilizing
hyperspectral imaging and machine learning. Remote Sens. 11, 1373. 
• Ashtiani, S.H.M., Javanmardi, S., Jahanbanifard, M., Martynenko, A.,
Verbeek, F.J., 2021. Detection of mulberry ripeness stages using deep
learning models. IEEE Access 9, 100380–100394.
                    THANK YOU

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