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TK4033 Proses Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi

SEPARATOR: Review Fundamental

Prof. Johnner Sitompul & Dr. Retno Gumilang Dewi
TK4033 Proses Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi

Practical Application

Thing for thought:

• Why the separator located in the left of phase envelope?
• How you can make the P-T ; discrete vs continuum components?
• Pocess: isenthalpic, isentropic?
• Can you explain, the product streams from separators?
Practical Application

Thing for thought:

• How you can make the P-T
• Pocess: isenthalpic, isentropic?
• Can you explain, the product streams from separators?
Practical Application

Thing for thought:

How you can make the P-T
Can you explain, the product streams from separators? 4
Practical Application

Precise reservoir boundaries are often unknown,

PVT samples are few and far between, recovery
mechanisms are sometimes unclear, and original
and current oil in place is determined
GOR: >3300 scf/ stb, 40 – 60 oAPI
C7+ < 12.5%


• Separators: y2

• The first and most critical stage of

field-processing operations. T=228,15 K P=200 psia

• Also used in other locations such as P=385 psia T=?

fraksi mol (z) metana : 10% Q

upstream and downstream of fraksi mol etana : 20%
fraksi mol propana : 70%

compressors, dehydration units, and L=?

gas sweetening units. x1

• At these locations, separators are

referred to as scrubbers, knockouts,
and free liquid knockouts. Exercise for you:
• Example VSA 10.6 (ternary system) simple flashing
• All these vessels are used for the
same purpose: to separate free
liquids from the gas stream.
Basic Separation/ Flashing for Binary System (V-L Phase Equilibria)

Isobaric Flashing for Binary System

Mixture of acetonitrile-nitromethane with
composition 60% (1), at 70 kPa, flashed
isobarically, determine the composition and
amount of L and V, when
• Temperature of flashing increased to 75 oC
• Temperature of flashing increased to 85
CTemperature of flashing increased to 78
C (V, L, x, y)


Hence, how to find Tb, Td? Σyi= 1

Basic Separation/ Flashing for Binary System (V-L Phase Equilibria)

Isothermal Flashing for Binary System

Mixture of acetonitrile-nitromethane with composition
60% (1), at 75 oC, flashed isothermally, determine the
composition and amount of L and V, when
• Pressure of flashing increased to 60 kPa
• Pressure of flashing increased 80 oCPressure of
flashing increased to 65 kPa (V, L, x, y)

Hence, Flashing Condition:

Pd< Pf<Pb

Hence, how to find Pb, Pd? Σxi= 1

Curve of P-x1,y1 untuk Binary System Acetonitrile-nitrometane

Isenthalpic and Isentropic Flashing
• How to find Tb, Td?
• How to find Pb, Pd?
• How to do Isenthalpic and Isentropic Flashing?
• Multicomponent
• Multiphase

Multicomponent FLASHING
• Note: flashing sederhana lihat di bagian bawah:
• Lihat VSA p. 59- and pp. 533- (new ed VSA p. 551)
• Gambaran proses yang terjadi; Untuk nonisothermal flashing see
Perry, Fig 13-25 (pp. 13-25-13-26) lihat Perry figure 13-12, definisi p

• Distillation and Flashing

Flashing: Fundamental
• Example VSA 10.6 (ternary system) simple flashing (Isothermally, modified to
Isenthalphic, Isentropic) V=?
Jumlah Variabel Neraca Massa & Energi y2

• Analyisis DoF Variabel Massa

Variabel T & P
2x3= 6
Variabel Energi (HF, HV, HL) 3
Variabel Q 1
T=228,15 K P=200 psia
Total 14
    P=385 psia

Variabel yang diketahui   fraksi mol (z) metana : 10% Q

Neraca Massa 2 fraksi mol etana : 20%
fraksi mol propana : 70%
Neraca Energi 1
Diketahui Tf, Pf, PF 2+1
Komponen 1 x1
Hubugan pendukung (Ki) 2 x2
(model Raoult, model ⱷ- ⱷ,
mHubungan Energi (jika P, T) 3 Artinya hanya ada satu informasi
diketahui HF, HV, HL tambahan, Q diketahui (isentalphi, atau
DOF 14-11=12
    isentropis), atau V/L
Basis 1
DOF 1 In S/ Ware, Aspen/ Hysys will do DoF for you!!
But inputs are your responsibilty 12
• Exercise for you:
• Example VSA 10.6 (ternary system) simple flashing: Calculate V, L, xi, yi
• Then modify for Isenthalphic, Isentropic
• Compare with Hysys?

Flashing Isothermal, Isentalphy,
From Total and Component Balance and Ki, then
∑yi= ∑xi= 1 akan diperoleh F, Fx, Fy (untuk pers F ada di 10.17 VSA, Recall: zi  xi (1  V )  yi V (i  1, 2, ..., N )
Fx dan Fy pp. 551- persamaan 14-19) , 14.17 dan 14.18 yi yi
Recall: K i   xi 
xi Ki
Convergent Fy-Fx= 0 Substitute Ki to eq. zi = …. and solve for yi
Newton-Raphson: yi  (1  V )  zi
F = Σ zi (Ki-1)/ [1+V(Ki-1)] zi  (1  V )  yi V  zi  yi  V   yi 
dF/dV = - Σ zi (Ki-1)2/ [1+V(Ki-1)]2 Ki  Ki   (1  V ) 
  V 
Vbaru = Vlama – dF/ (dF/dV) and  Ki 
δV = Vlama - Vbaru
∑yi= ∑xi= 1, then zi ( K i  1)
Permasalahan: Ki?  Model Raoult, Mod F   0;
i 1   K i  1
Raoult, φ-φ ? zi K i
Fy   1  0
i 1   K i  1
Nonadiabatic Flasing: HFF+ Q= HVV + HLL Fx   1  0
i 1   K i  1
Flash Calculations
yi 
zi 
x i 

Total moles = L (moles) + V (moles)

Case: total moles = 1  L  V  1 mol  fraksi = moles

mol i di L  mol i di V
zi   mol i di L  mol i di V
( L  V ) mol

zi  xi L  yi V (i  1, 2, ..., N )

Eliminate L dari pers di atas dengan persamaan L= 1 – V :

zi  xi (1  V )  yi V (i  1, 2, ..., N )

Recall : zi  xi (1  V )  yi V (i  1, 2, ..., N )

y y Substitute this ke pers. zi = …. dan solve for yi

Recall Ki  i  xi  i
xi Ki

y  (1  V )  zi
zi  i (1  V )  yi V  zi  yi  V   yi 
Ki  K i   (1  V ) 
  V 
 K i 

zi Ki
 yi 
1  V ( Ki  1)

zi Ki
Recall yi  xi Ki xi Ki 
1  V ( Ki  1)

 xi 
1  V ( Ki  1)

zi Ki
Recall : yi 
1  V ( Ki  1)
zi Ki
Note that  yi  1   yi   1  V ( Ki  1)
1 ….. (A)
i i i

Recall: xi 
1  V ( Ki  1)

Note that  xi  1   xi   1  V ( Ki  1)
1 ….. (B)
i i i

Flash calculation: to find V that satisfy equation (A) or (B)

Note: In flash calculation P and T are known  K-values are known


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