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Group 3


What's the word that links these four together?

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What's the word that links these four pictures

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What's the word that links these four pictures

(clue: 5 letters)
Table of contents
02 03 04
Setting Characters Plot

Best Line
Best Scene
Gulliver's Travel
Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift's best fictional
work, was published in 1726, under the title of
travels into several remote nations of the world,
by Samuel Gulliver. The book contains four
parts, each dealing with oine particular voyage
during which Gulliver meets with extraordinary
adventures on a remote island after he has met
with shipwreck of piracy of some other
Gulliver's Travel
Part 1 - A voyage to Liliput
Part 2 - A voyage to Brobdingnag
Part 3 - A voyage to Laputa, Balnbarbi, Glubdubridb,
Lugnagg and Japan.
Part 4 - A voyage to country of Houyhnhnm.

Guillever's travels is the story of Lemuel Gulliver and

his voyage around the world. Prefaced by two letter
attesting to the truth of the tales, the adventures are
told by after his return home from his final journey.
Jonathan Swift 1667 -
* Born in Dublin, Ireland1745
- Phosthumous child
* Father died, Mother left
* Suffered poverty
* Education - Kilkenny Grammar School
* 1682 - 1686 Trinity College in Dublin
* 1689 went to England - Hope to gain a prefermenr in
England Church
* Work for Sir William Temple
* Met Esther Jhonson - Stellar
* Began to suffer from Menier's disease
* Got a M.A degree from Oxfor
Literary Work's
* A Tale of a Tub
* An Essay upon Ancient and Modern Learning, Battle
of the Books
* Gulliver’s Travels
* A Modest Proposal.Ode to the Athenian Society
* A Description of the Morning
* A Description of a City Shower
* The Progress of Beauty
* Bon Mots de Stella”, “An Essay on the Fates of
* A Treatise on Good Manners and Good Breeding
The settings of the Gullivers travel is mainly in England,
but also in thr fictitious country of Liliput,Brobdingnag,
Blefusco, Laputa and the country of Houhnhnms. In the
oast during the 18th century.
Lemuel Gulliver
* The narrator and tbe protagonist of the story.
* He is intelligent and well educated. His perceptions are
naive and gullible
* He is virtually no emotional life or atleast no awareness of it,
and his comments are strictly factual.

Mary Burton Gulliver

* Gullivers wife.
* Whose perfunctory mentioned in the first paragraphs of
Gullivers travel demonstrates how unsintemental and
unemotional Gulliver is.
The Emperor - The ruler of Liliput. Like all liliputian's his
power and majesty impress Gulliver deeply, but to us he
appears both laughable and sinister.
Farmer - Gullivers first master in Brobdingnag.
Glumdalclitch - farmer's nine years old daugther, who is forty
feet tall.
The Queen - The queen of Brobdingnag, who is so delighted
by Gulliver's beauty and charm that she agrees to buy him
from th farmer to buy him for 1000 pieces of Gold.
The King - The king of Brobdingnag, who is, in contrast to the
emperor of Liliput
Lord Monoudi - Lord of Lagado, capital of the underveloped land
beneath Laputa, who hosts gulliver and give him tour of the
country Gulliver's third voyage.
Yahoos - unkept humanlike beasts who live in servitude to
Houyhnhnm - Rational horses who maintain a simple.
DonPedro de Mendez - The portugese captain who takes gulliver
back to Europe after he is force to leave the of the Houhnhnm.
Brobdingnagians - Giants who meet gulliver on his second voyage.
Liliputians and Blefuscudians - Two races of miniature people who
gullivers meet on his second voyage.
Laputans - Absentminded intellectuals who live on the floating
islans of Laputa.
Richard Sympson - Gulliver's cousin, a self proclaimed
intimate friend.
James Batee - An eminent London surgeon under whom
Gulliver serves as apprentice after graduating from
Abraham Pannel - the commander of the ship on Gulliver's
first voyage, the swallow.
William Richard - the master of the Antelope.
Flimnap - The lord high treasure of Liliput.
Reldressal - The principal secretary of private affairs in
Skyresh Lolgolam - The high admiral of Liliput
Tramecksan - Also known as high-heels
Slavesan - Known as low-heels
Gulliver's travel is an obvious satire piece.
The mood is adventurous, emotionally affecting, and
also ignorant at the same time.
Gulliver's become a surgeon on a ship called swallow.
His business begans to fail.
Rising Action
Gulliver's begin to encounter different places.
Falling Action
After Gulliver encounter the horses during his voyage to
Houyhnhnm, he returns to England with a less than excited
attitude and buy horses of his own that remind him of
Gulliver's epiphany that humans are all gross. He becomes a
hermit and tries to find his own secluded when the
Houyhnhnm rejects his return. When he gets home to
England, Gulliver cannot even stand on to be on the same
room as his wife and his children
Gulliver washes onto the shore of liliput during his voyage.
The liliputians are tiny, ignorant, and petty. This is
Gulliver's first encounter the insignificance of human
society and it is when he is first begins to despise it . Tbe
conflict is external because of his first encounter to Liliput,
but internal because of the slow but sure spiral of
misantrophy he gets into.
Moral of the story
The moral of the story is what human society is like and how
no matter high ans mighty we claim to be there is no such thing
as a perfect anything.
1-8. List atleast 8 Characters of the story.
9-12. List the 4 parts of Gulliver's Travel.
13-20. Explain the moral of the Story.

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