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Lesson 2

At the end of the lesson, the students
should be able to:
a) define what is exercise;
b) identify the components of physical
fitness; and
c) create and perform exercises.
What is Exercise?
It is a body activity that enhances
or maintains physical fitness and
overall health and wellness. It is a
special type of physical activity
performed during leisure to
improve fitness.
It is performed for various reasons:
• to aid growth and improve strength
• develop muscles and the
cardiovascular system
• hone athletic skills
It is performed for various reasons:
• weight loss or maintenance
• improve health
• simply for enjoyment.
What is Physical Fitness?
• It is a physical state of well-being
that allows people to perform daily
task or activities efficiently without
undue fatigue.
Components of Physical Fitness
1. Health-Related Components
2. Skills-Related Components

The ability to become and stay physically

Cardiovascular Endurance; Muscular
Strength; Muscular Endurance; Flexibility;
Body Composition
• Cardiovascular Endurance – is the ability of the heart
and lungs to function efficiently and effectively over a
prolonged period of time.
• Muscular Strength – is the ability of the muscle to
generate the highest force in performing one repetition
against a maximal load.
• Muscular Endurance – is the ability of the muscles to
resist fatigue when performing multiple repetitions against
a submaximal load.
• Flexibility – ability to move the joint throughout its entire
range of motion without pain.
• Body Composition – is the relative amount of fat and
lean tissue in the body.
Skill Related

It enhances one’s performance in athletic or sports events

- Agility; Balance; Power; Speed; Coordination; Reaction

• Agility – Is the capacity to change the direction of the
body quickly and effectively.
• Balance – It involves vision, reflexes, and the skeletal
muscular system which provides the maintenance of
• Power – is the ability of the muscle to release maximum
force in the shortest possible time.
• Speed – It is the ability to move one’s body from one
point to another in a shortest possible time.
• Coordination – It is the ability to integrate the sense with
muscles so as to produce accurate, smooth, and
harmonious body movement.
• Reaction Time – It is the time required to respond or
initiate a movement as a result of a given stimulus.

1. Dynamic
2. Ballistic
3. Static
Basic Movement Skills

• Locomotor Movements
• Non-locomotor Movements
Create your own exercise by group.

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