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What happening in your life that you think made

you transformed into better person?

Target Objectives:
After going through this lesson, you are
expected to:
Determine the Quadratic Function given (a)
table of values (b) graph, (c) zeroes,
Solves problems involving quadratic

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Activity 1: Simplify the following.

• x (x – 2) – 9x x – 11x

• -x + 2x + 9 x+9
• 2y + 3y – 3y + 4y – 3
6y – 3
• 3z (2 – 4z) – 2z
– 12z2 + 4z + 8
• 8b – 4 + 5b
13b – 4
Activity 2: Describe an Equation using two words.

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and use the code 46 04 47 1
Recall of Linear Equation
A linear equation in one variable is in the form of ax + b = 0, wherein a is
not equal to zero. Its degree is 1. The degree of polynomials or equations in one
variable is the highest power of the variable in the algebraic expression.

x + 9= 14 4b – 8= 0
6y – 3 = 0
Learning Task 1: Group the following equations based on
observed common characteristics. Write only the letters which
correspond to the equations.



Guide Questions:

1) Which among the given equations are linear?

2) How do you describe a linear equation?
3) Describe the remaining equations. What can you observe
on their degree? (Recall: The degree of polynomials or
equations in one variable is the highest power of the
variable in the algebraic expression.)
The equations which are not linear on the given activity have the
same degrees. The degree of these equations is 2 and they are in one
variable. These are called QUADRATIC EQUATIONS.
Examples of Quadratic Equations:

Quadratic Equation Quadratic Equation

Quadratic Equation Quadratic Equation

Quadratic Equation Quadratic Equation

Tell whether the given example is a quadratic
equation or not. Simplify as needed.

1.2x + 5 = 0

2.(2x + 3) (x – 1) = 0
Definition of Quadratic Equation

Quadratic Equation is a second-degree

polynomial equation in one variable that can be
written in its standard form ax 2 + bx + c = 0
where a, b, and c are real numbers and a > 0
and a≠ 0.
Examples: The following quadratic equations
are in their standard form.
Writing Quadratic Equations into its Standard
Form and Identifying a, b, and c
The standard form of quadratic equation is writing this in
the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 wherein a, b, and c are real
numbers and a must be positive and not equal to zero. In the
equation, ax2 is the quadratic term, bx is the linear term and
c is the constant term. We can also identify the coefficients a,
b, and c when the quadratic equation is in its standard form.
Meta Cards:
Standard form of Quadratic Equation or Not

Tell whether the given quadratic equation is in

standard form or not. If it is in Standard form,
write HURRAY. If it is not, write HEPHEP.
𝒚 − 𝟖 𝒚 +𝟐=𝟎
−𝟑 𝒙 + 𝒙 +𝟐=𝟎
𝟔 𝒙 −𝟏𝟐 𝒙 =𝟎
𝒂 +𝟐=− 𝟓
Example of Quadratic Equation in its Standard Form

Example: 4 – x2 – 5x = 0

Do the following:
1. Write the given quadratic equation into its standard form.
2. Identify a, b, and c.
3. Identify the quadratic term, linear term, and constant term.
4. Tell whether the given quadratic equation is complete or
4 – x2 – 5x = 0
4 – x2 – 5x = 0 Rearrange the equation into standard form.
  -x2 – 5x + 4 = 0
a must be positive so multiply the whole equation by -1
(-1)( -x2 – 5x + 4) = (0)(-1)
x2 + 5x – 4 = 0
Standard Form of Quadratic x2 + 5x – 4 = 0
Identify a, b, and c a = 1, b = 5, c = -4

Identify quadratic term, linear Quadratic term:x2

term, and constant term Linear term: 5x
Constant term: - 4
Complete or Incomplete Complete Quadratic Equation
Quadratic Equation
Practice: Complete the table below.

Standard form of the quadratic equation

Complete or Incomplete Quadratic Equation
Identify the following: Quadratic Term:
Linear Term:
Constant Term:

Identify the following: a=

Identify each term to find what is missing in the
quadratic equations below:
1. X2 – 4 = 0
2. X2 – 9 = 0 b is missing or
3. 2X2 + 5 = 55 the linear term is
4. (x-16)2 = 100
5. 81X2 + = 25
Solving Quadratic
Equation by extracting
square roots
Let us solve the value of x or the roots of
the given quadratic equations:
1. X2 – 4 = 0
X2 = 4 -- APE
X2 = 4
X =2 X =-2
2. Try this: x2 – 9 = 0
X2 + 4 = 0
X2 = -4 -- APE
X2 = -4
--- No real roots
Try this: X2 + 12 = 3
X2 = 3- 12
X2 = -9
---No real roots
Let us solve the value of x or the roots of
the given quadratic equations:
1. X2 – 4 = 0
X2 = 4 -- APE
X2 = 4
X =2 X =-2
2. Try this: x2 – 9 = 0
2X2 + 5 = 55
2X2 = 55-5
2X2= 50
2X2= 50

X2= 25
X = 5 x=-5
(x-16)2 = 100
(x-16)2 = 100
x-16 = 10
x= 10 +16 x = 10 + 16
x = 26 x = 6
Try this: (x-14)2 = 169
81X2 = 25
81X2 = 25
9X = 5

X = 5/9 x = -5/9
Try this: 9x2 = 121

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