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1. What are your limitations as a person?
2. What are the factors affecting your
limitations? How about possibilities?
3. Do you see yourself improving 5-10 years
from now? How?
The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit
 A man is a physical body, a living soul,
and a spirit.
 Soul (inner self: mortal)
 Spirit (life-force: immortal)
Man is different from animals, he
must have something higher, and that
higher thing is the spirit. Nowhere in
the Scriptures that we read of an
animal possessing a spirit.
This is the best theory which explain their
levels of consciousness in all men, that of
self-consciousness in all men, (through the
soul), world-consciousness through the body,
and God-consciousness (through the spirit).
This theory holds that man
consists of three distinct
elements, BODY, SOUL and
1. What Language Shows
a. Pneuma. Greek word of spirit which means “breath”. The
lung “pneumonia” takes its name from the term.
b. Psuche. The Greek word for “soul”. Psychology therefore
is the study of the soul (mind) of man.
c. Soma. The Greek word for “body”. “Psychosomatic” (soul-
body) diseases are disorders of the body which are caused by
mental and emotional (soul related) problems.
2. How They Function

SPIRIT function to play in the well-

being of every person. It relates
upward to God and is energized by
God’s spirit when we are filled with
the spirit.
a. Revelation from God
b. Prayer to God
c. Communion with God
d. Worship with God
e. Witness to man
f. Conscience: to judge
g. Fellowship with God
h. Discernment of spirits
i. Spiritual warfare
j. Seedbed for the fruits of the Holy Spirit
k. Reception area for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
SOUL is the part of man which is
aware of himself-self-awareness. It is
the center of the ego or personality. It
relates inward to himself.
a. Memory- to recall
b. Curiosity- to inquire
c. Perception- to interpret
d. Reason- to think
e. Imagination- to create
f. Emotion- to feel
g. Volition- to will
The BODY is the part of the man
which is aware of and reacts with the
outside world-world awareness. The
body relates outward to the world.
a. Reception- Information is received from the
world by way of sense (external and eternal senses).
b. Reaction- The body reacts through the mobility
(muscle) system by words and actions.
c. Expression- The body can express to the world by
thoughts, feelings and decisions of the soul.
How the Human Person Body
Imposes Limits and
Possibilities for
A. Hinduism: Reincarnation
and Karma
A. Hinduism: Reincarnation and Karma

Reincarnation- is the philosophical

or religious belief that the non-
physical essence of a living being
starts a new life in a different physical
form or body after biological death.
A. Hinduism: Reincarnation and Karma
Karma- in an action, not a result. The future is not set in
stone. You can change the course of your life right now by
changing your volition acts and self-destructive patterns.
Everything in this life, say the Hindus, is a consequence of
actions performed in previous existence. Only in building
up a fine record, or “karma”, can final salvation be
B. Buddhism: Nirvana
B. Buddhism: Nirvana

Nirvana means the state in which one

is absolutely free from all forms of
bondage and attachment. It means to
overcome and remove the cause of
C. St. Augustine and St. Aquinas:
Will and Love
C. St. Augustine and St. Aquinas: Will and Love

For St. Augustine, physically we are not free,

yet morally bound to obey the law. The eternal
law is God Himself. According to this law,
humanity must do well and avoid evil, hence,
the existence of moral obligation in every
human being.
1. The Concept of Dread
Man is simply thrown into the
world and is left alone to face
what he can do because he did
not will for it.
2. The Concept of Being-Others-Related

He has to establish
relationship with others in the
world. One cannot live
without the help of others.
3. The Concept of Concern
Human person’s relatedness to
entities is basically things which he
encounters in the world. He always
stays “together” with others.
4. The Concept of Guilt-Feeling

In philosophy, guilt-feeling is
something that is lacking or
missing in a person. As such,
human person is a guilty creature.
5. The Concept of Conscience

Conscience plays a primary

role in recovering from being
“lost or fallen” in the world.
6. The Concept of Resoluteness

Resoluteness is man’s
readiness to be called by
7. The Concept of Temporality

Temporality imposes
limits to one’s human
8. The Concept of Death

The human person’s

temporal existence will
find its end on death.
Complete the table below.

Age Things I can Do Things I cannot Do





16 up    
Complete the table by rewriting your present limitations
with reference to your answers in the previous activities.
Make an action plan towards transcendence.




The world continues to change rapidly. Nowadays, the generation gap
can easily be seen in everyday life because of new technological
advancement being introduced at a fast pace.

In your personal experience, does technological

advancement limit or improve the possibility for
transcendence? Why or why not?

Your output will be evaluated according to these rubrics:

Content – 5pts; Organization – 5pts; Grammar – 5 pts

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