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Internship 1

Stress & Time

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, students will be able

• Know the importance of managing and

handling stress
• Is the reaction people have to excessive
pressures or other types of demand placed
upon them. It arises when they worry that
they can’t cope.
Health problems caused by stress
• Depression and anxiety • Skin conditions
• Pain of any kind • Heart disease
• Sleep problems • Weight problems
• Autoimmune diseases • Reproductive issues
• Digestive problems
Signs and symptoms of stress
• Cognitive/Mental symptoms
– Memory lapses
– Lack of concentration
– Difficulty in making decisions
– Confusion
– Disorientation
– Panic attacks
Signs and symptoms of stress
• Emotional symptoms
– Depression or general unhappiness
– Anxiety and agitation
– Moodiness, irritability, or anger
– Feeling overwhelmed
– Loneliness and isolation
– Other mental or emotional health problems
Signs and symptoms of stress
• Physical symptoms
– Aches and pains
– Diarrhea or constipation
– Nausea, dizziness
– Chest pain, rapid heart rate
– Frequent colds or flu
– Fatigue
– Sweating and trembling
Signs and symptoms of stress
• Behavioral symptoms
– Eating more or less
– Sleeping too much or too little
– Withdrawing from others
– Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities
– Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
– Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)
Causes of stress
• The situations and pressures that cause stress
are known as stressors
Causes of stress
External Stressors

• Physical Environment • Pessimism

Internal Stressors

• Social interaction • Inability to accept

• Major Life events uncertainty
• Daily hassles • Rigid thinking, lack of
• Negative self-talk
• Unrealistic expectations /
• All-or-nothing attitude
Top 10 stressful life events
• According to the widely validated Holmes and
Rahe Stress Scale, these are the top ten
stressful life events for adults that can
contribute to illness:
1. Death of a spouse
2. Divorce
3. Marriage separation
4. Imprisonment
5. Death of a close family member
Top 10 stressful life events
• According to the widely validated Holmes and
Rahe Stress Scale, these are the top ten
stressful life events for adults that can
contribute to illness:
6. Injury or illness
7. Marriage
8. Job loss
9. Marriage reconciliation
10. Retirement
How much stress is too much?
• Things that influence your stress tolerance
– Your support network
– Your sense of control
– Your attitude and outlook
– Your ability to deal with your emotions
– Your knowledge and preparation
• Stress management is all about taking charge
of your lifestyle, thoughts, emotions, and the
way you deal with problems.

The ultimate goal is a balanced life, with time for

work, relationships, relaxation, and fun—and the
resilience to hold up under pressure and meet
challenges head on.
Stress Management Tips
• Tip 1: Identify the sources of stress in your life
• Tip 2: Replace unhealthy coping strategies
with healthy ones
• Tip 3: Practice the 4 A's of stress management
– Avoid, Alter, Adapt & Accept
• Tip 4: Get moving
Stress management Tips
• Tip 5: Connect to others
• Tip 6: Make time for fun and relaxation
• Tip 7: Manage your time better
• Tip 8: Maintain balance with a healthy lifestyle
4 A’s
Believe it or not, you can simply avoid a lot of
stress. Plan ahead, rearrange your surroundings
and reap the benefits of a lighter load.
 Take control of your surroundings
Avoid people who bother
Learn to say no
Ditch part of your list
One of the most helpful things you can do
during times of stress is to take inventory, then
attempt to change your situation for the better.
 Respectfully ask others to change their behavior
Communicate your feelings openly
Manage your time better
State limits in advance
Sometimes we may have no choice but to accept
things the way they are.
Talk with someone
Practice positive self-talk
Learn from your mistakes
Thinking you can’t cope is one of the greatest
stressors. That’s why adapting-which often involves
changing your standards or expectations- can be
most helpful in dealing with stress.
Adjust your standards
Practice thought-stopping
Reframe the issue
Look at the big picture
Time Management
• is the process of organizing and planning how
to divide your time between specific activities.
– Refers to the way that you are organize and plan
how long you spend on specific activities
• Greater productivity and efficiency.
• A better professional reputation.
• Less stress.
• Increased opportunities for advancement.
• Greater opportunities to achieve important
life and career goals.
• Failing to manage your time effectively can
have some very undesirable consequences:
– Missed deadlines.
– Inefficient work flow.
– Poor work quality.
– A poor professional reputation and a stalled
– Higher stress levels.
Why Employers Want Strong Time
Management Skills?
• Employees who manage their time well are
more productive, more efficient, and more
likely to meet deadlines.
•  They focus on the most important and time
sensitive tasks and limit the amount of time
wasted on non-essential duties.  
Time Management Skills
• Prioritizing
It is usually impossible to do every single that
you need and want to do all at once, but if you
prioritize well, you should be able to complete
the most important tasks in an order that
makes sense.
Time Management Skills
• Scheduling
is important, and not only because some tasks
have to be done at specific times.
Time Management Skills
• Keeping a To-Do List

To-do lists (properly prioritized and integrated

with your schedule) are a great way to avoid
forgetting something important.
Time Management Skills
• Resting
Although working long hours or skipping
breaks can sometimes improve productivity in
the short-term, your exhaustion later will
ensure that your average productivity actually
Time Management Skills
• Delegation

Depending on what type of work you do, you

may be able to delegate some tasks.
Activities for Stress Management
Activities for Time Management

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