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Once there lived a

farmer and his

wife in a village
they had a baby
son , they loved
their son a lot.
One day the farmer
said “ We must have
a pet “ the wife
agreed and the
farmer bought a
baby mongoose “
He will be our
baby’s companion”
said the farmer. The
mongoose had two
shinning black eyes
and a bushy tail
One day the wife wanted to go for shopping she
said to her husband I don’t trust the mongoose
please keep an eye on the baby after she left , The
husband trusted on the mongoose and went to his
field which was not far then he went to his friend
house and did not come for a while.
After the wife returned she saw the mongoose mouth
smeared with blood , the wife shouted you stupid
animal you killed my baby she dropped her basket
filled with food on the poor mongoose she ran crying
inside and found her baby sleeping soundly in the
cradle but a dead snake, oh no what have I done she
started crying.
The moral
Think before you Act
Bhanavi Rao

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