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By: Abdul Salam


• Introduction
There are two types of motivation theories.

1. Content Theories
Content model of motivation focus on what people need in their lives.
2. Process Theories
Process theories look at the psychological and behavioral processes that affect and individual’s motivation.

Content models of motivation center on the “what's” of motivation. Content models are right

now exceptionally prevalent in management and leadership preparing and the world of work.
Some famous content models include:
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
• Herzberg’s Two Factors Theory
• McClelland’s Theory of Needs
• Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
• Maslow’s hierarchy of needs could be a pyramid of the
requirements that persuade individuals. People most essential needs, at the base of the pyramid, are
physiological. Once they have satisfied these needs, people move on to their security needs, social well-being,
self-esteem at that point eventually their require for self-actualization.

• Herzberg’s Two Factors Theory

• Herzberg’s two factor model says that essential variables like security and compensation have to be met
to avoid disappointment at work, but that another set of higher order
motivating variables like independence and acknowledgment are required to make genuine bliss at work

• McClelland’s Theory of Needs

• McClelland’s Acquired Needs Motivation Theory says that people have
three sorts of enthusiastic needs: accomplishment, control and association. People can have any blend of these
needs. Their inspirations and behaviors are formed by the quality and mix of their particular needs.

Process theories of motivation center on the “how's” of motivation. By understanding these processes it’s

conceivable to get it the activities, intelligent and settings that motivate individuals’ behaviors.
Some famous process theories of motivation include:
• Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
• Adam’s Equity Theory
• Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
• Vroom’s expectancy theory of motivation says that people are persuaded to do something by three
things. They are motivated when they esteem the compensate related with an activity, believe that
they’ll get the compensate in case they do a great work and accept that they have the capacity to
attain their destinations by working difficult.

• Adam’s Equity Theory

• Adams’ equity theory of motivation says that to be propelled, people have to be see that the rewards
they get for their commitments are reasonable, and these rewards are comparable to those gotten by
their peers. On the off chance that people see that their rewards are not reasonable, they will feel
bothered and attempt to alter things to form a sense of reasonableness.

• A great performance management approach includes five key steps

• Establish Goals
• Develop a plan
• Take Action
• Access Performance
• Provide Rewards

• Here are some real-life examples of performance management approaches

This company has continuously been a trendsetter, and their execution administration handle is one

that depends on information and examination, as well as making beyond any doubt that their directors are well prepared.

Another tech trendsetter, Facebook contains a execution administration handle that puts a overwhelming accentuation on
peer-to-peer input. In semi-annual audits, they are able to utilize that input to see how well groups are performing and get it
where collaboration is happening - and where it isn't .

• Efforts ought to be equipped by the pioneers to energize the interpersonal relationship with the

staff of the organization.
• Yearly merit grant should be built up in each organization to improve greater performance and as
a motivational remuneration program for the finest carried on and highest entertainer of the year
• The democratic and participative leadership styles should be energized, so as to encourage
specialists to take an interest in choice making prepare. Each laborer in an organization ought to
be empowered to work at whatever point he or she is given flexibility to work and permit taking
an interest completely towards the realization of the organization objectives and objectives.

• Amabile, T. & Kramer, S. (2011). The advance guideline: Utilizing little wins to touch off joy, engagement,
and inventiveness at work. Boston, MA: Harvard Commerce Audit Press.
• Aibieyi, Stanley and J.N Egbri (2011), Administration Abilities; A Need for Organizational Goals
Achievement, African Diary of Advanced Society, Dept. of Human science, Nasarawa State College, Keffi
Vol. 2, No 1, Jan – July 2011, p9
• Berry, C. M. (2010). Berry person redresses meta-analysis spreadsheet—Simple artifacts [Excel
spreadsheet]. Unpublished instrument. Gotten from M. McDaniel (Summer 2016), Meta-analysis and
orderly audits: CARMA brief course.

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