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2 Linear Equations in Two

Identifying a Linear Equation
Ax + By = C
●The exponent of each variable is 1.
●The variables are added or subtracted.
●A or B can equal zero.
●Besides x and y, other commonly used variables are m
and n, a and b, and r and s.
●There are no radicals in the equation.
●Every linear equation graphs as a line.
Examples of linear equations

2x + 4y =8 Equation is in Ax + By =C form

6y = 3 – x Rewrite with both variables

6y =3
on left side … x +


B =0 … x + 0 y =1

-2a + b = 5 Multiply both sides of the equation by -1 … 2a – b = -5

4x  y Multiply both sides of the equation by 3 … 4x –y =-21

 7
Examples of Nonlinear Equations

The following equations are NOT in the

standard form of Ax + By =C:

4x2 + y = 5 The exponent is 2

x4 There is a radical in the equation
xy + x = 5
Variables are multiplied
s/r + r = 3
Variables are divided
x and y -intercepts

●The x-intercept is the point where a line crosses the

The general form of the x-intercept is (x, 0).
The y-coordinate will always be zero.

●The y-intercept is the point where a line crosses the

The general form of the y-intercept is (0, y).
The x-coordinate will always be zero.
Finding the x-intercept
●For the equation 2x + y = 6, we know that y must
equal 0. What must x equal?

●Plug in 0 for y and simplify.

2x + 0 = 6
2x = 6
●So (3, 0) is the x-intercept of the line.
Finding the y-intercept
●For the equation 2x + y = 6, we know that x must
equal 0. What must y equal?

●Plug in 0 for x and simplify.

2(0) + y = 6
●So (0, 6) is the y-intercept of the line.
To summarize….

●To find the x-intercept, plug in 0

for y.

●To find the y-intercept, plug in 0

for x.
Find the x and y- intercepts
of x = 4y – 5
● x-intercept: ● y-intercept:
● Plug in y = 0 ● Plug in x = 0
x = 4y - 5 x = 4y - 5
x = 4(0) - 5 0 = 4y - 5
x=0-5 5 = 4y
x = -5 4
● (-5, 0) is the 5
x-intercept ● (0, is the
Find the x and y-intercepts
of g(x) = -3x – 1*
●x-intercept ●y-intercept
●Plug in y = 0 ●Plug in x = 0
g(x) = -3x - 1 g(x) = -3(0) - 1
0 = -3x - 1 g(x) = 0 - 1
1 = -3x g(x) = -1
 =x ●(0, -1) is the
1 3
●(  , 0) is the y-intercept
*g(x) is the same as y
Find the x and y-intercepts of
6x - 3y =-18
●x-intercept ●y-intercept
●Plug in y = 0 ●Plug in x = 0
6x - 3y = -18 6x -3y = -18
6x -3(0) = -18 6(0) -3y = -18
6x - 0 = -18 0 - 3y = -18
6x = -18 -3y = -18
x = -3 y=6
●(-3, 0) is the ●(0, 6) is the
x-intercept y-intercept
Find the x and y-intercepts
of x = 3
● x-intercept ● y-intercept
● Plug in y = 0. ● A vertical line never
crosses the y-axis.
There is no y. Why?
● There is no y-intercept.
●x = 3 is a vertical line
so x always
equals 3.
● (3, 0) is the x-intercept.
Find the x and y-intercepts
of y = -2
● x-intercept
● y-intercept

● Plug in y = 0.
● y = -2 is a horizontal line
y cannot = 0 because so y always equals -2.
y = -2. ● (0,-2) is the y-intercept.
● y = -2 is a horizontal

line so it never crosses

the x-axis. x
●There is no x-intercept.
Graphing Equations
●Example: Graph the equation -5x + y = 2
Solve for y first.
-5x + y = 2 Add 5x to both sides
y = 5x + 2

●The equation y = 5x + 2 is in slope-intercept form,

y = mx+b. The y-intercept is 2 and the slope is 5.
Graph the line on the coordinate plane.
Graphing Equations
Graph y = 5x + 2

Graphing Equations
Graph 4x - 3y = 12
●Solve for y first
4x - 3y =12 Subtract 4x from both sides
-3y = -4x + 12 Divide by -3

y = -4 x + 12 Simplify
-3 -3
y = 4x – 4
●The equation y = 4x - 4 is in slope-intercept form,
y=mx+b. The y -intercept
3 is -4 and the slope is 4.
Graph the line on the coordinate plane. 3
Graphing Equations
Graph y = 4 x - 4

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