Git L

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By Masenyani Mbombi
Expected outcomes

By end of the lesson, a learner nurse should be able to

demonstrate knowledge on the following;
• Have a knowledge about the GIT Structure and its role in
the body
• Understand the general clinical manifestations of GIT
• Understand the common GIT Disorders and how to manage
• Apply the nursing process(ALL PHASES) in managing
What are the components of GIT
How is the nerve supply and blood supply
What are the main functions of GIT

• Is an increased frequency of bowel movements-

• 3 times a day or more
• Increased amount of stools
• Altered consistency of stools
• Characterized by loose, unformed and watery stools.
• Occur frequently or sporadically in reaction to certain foods or
DI….. CON.

• Associated with urgency, peri-anal discomfort,

• Usually results in dehydration

• Diarrhea can be caused by a host of problems,

including stress, poor diet, food allergies or
sensitivities, and intestinal bacteria, parasites,
viruses or other pathogens.
• Any condition that cause increased intestinal
secretions, decreased mucosal absorption and
altered motility

• Secretory: high-volume caused by increased

production and secretions of water and electrolytes
• Osmotic occurs when water is pulled into intestines
by osmotic pressure of unabsorbed particles,
thereby slowing production of water
• Mixed, both effect added by increased peristalsis

• U tell me

• Review the normal function of intestines (small & large)

• Blockage that prevent normal flow of intestinal contents
thru intestinal tract
• Types: 1.mechanical , intraluminal obstruction resulting
from pressure of intestinal wall
• 2. Functional, the musculature cannot propel the
contents along the bowel e.g atrophy or neurologic
• Adhesions
• Intussusception
• Volvulus
• Hernia
• Tumor
• Other medical condition that affect perfusion to the intestines, such
lung diseases
• Paralytic ileus
• Medication that suppress the sympathetic nervous system
Clinical signs

• Abdominal distension
• Constipation
• Nausea and vomiting
• Signs of dehydration such as malaise, thirst,
• Occult blood (melena)
• Weakness and weight loss

• Insertion of NG for drainage

• Iv line for fluid therapy
• Monitoring the abdomen post NG insertion if still
• Preparing for surgical operation according to the need
• Post op care: wound management, nutritional need,
prevention of infection

• Erosion of the mucous lining of the GIT

• Types includes; peptic ulcer (gastric and duodenal
ulcer) stress ulcers, ulcerative colitis
• Define the ulcers
• NB, assessment is a key here, especially in relation to
clinical signs
• Differentiate between gastric and duodenal ulcers in
terms of clinical manifestations
Clinical manifestations of
ulcerative colitis

• Lower left quadrant abdominal pains

• Rectal bleeding or occult blood, accompanied by pallor and anemia
• Anorexia
• Diarrhea
• Weight loss
• Fever
• Vomiting
• Dehydration

• Abnormal infrequency or irregularities of defecation,

abnormal hardening of stools that makes it difficult to pass,
• Retention of stools in the rectum
• Causes, ignoring urge to defecate,
• Certain medication such as antidepresants,
• Hemorhiods
• Intestinal obstruction
• Neurologic conditions, paralytic illeus
• Dilated portions of the veins in the anal canal.
• Increased pressure like during preg
• Classified as internal hemorrhoids and external, mainly derived
from internal and external sphincter
• Causes itching and pain, blood stools , prolapse can occur from
internal ones
• They can results into ischemia due to severe hemorrhage
• symptoms,; discomfort
• Degrees of hemorrhoids, 1st,2nd and 3rd degree hemorrhoids
Prevention of constipation

• Always drink lot of water, 8 glasses a day

• Involved in exercises
• Do not hold the urge to defecate
• Eat a lot of food that contains more fibre or
• Encourage the patient to do lower abdominal
Ileostomy and colostomy

• Insertion of tube in the ileus and colon to assist in

passing of the fecal materials
• The procedure that follows immediately after GIT
operative procedure
• Can be acute or chronic,
• Require sterile monitoring and is a sterile

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