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Asia Police System

Midterms | Topic 1
• Hong Kong Police Force
• Is the largest disciplined service under the Security
Bureau of Hong Kong. It is the world's second, and Asia's
first, police agency to operate with a modern policing
system. It was formed on 1 May 1844.
• 1969, Queen Elizabeth II granted the Royal Charter
to the Hong Kong Police Force for their handling of
the Hong Kong 1967 riots — renaming them: the
Royal Hong Kong Police Force.
• Following the transfer of sovereignty, the Force is once
again named the Hong Kong Police Force
• Structure HKPF
• The Force is commanded by the Commissioner of
Police, who is assisted by two deputy
A. Deputy Commissioner – Operations = supervises all
operational matters
B. Deputy Commissioner – Management = is
responsible for the direction and coordination of
force management including personnel, training,
and management services.
Motto = We Serve with Pride
and Care

The Hong Kong Police Force is

organized into Six Regions:
• Hong Kong Island
• Kowloon East
• Kowloon West
• New Territories North
• New Territories South
• Marine Region
• The Force Headquarters (Management) is made up
of five departments:
• Operations & Support
• Crime & Security
• Personnel & Training
• Management Services
• Finance, Administration and Planning
• Hong Kong Police College = is responsible for
all matters relating to training within the Hong
Kong Police except:
• Internal security
• Auxiliary and Marine Police training
• Training provided by the Police College
includes recruit and continuation training,
crime investigation training, police driver
training and weapon tactics training.
• The information technology training,
command training, local and overseas
management training, some specialist
courses and periodic courses on firearms
and first aid are also provided by the Police
Service Quality Wing = is responsible for
spearheading initiatives to improve services
provided to force customers both external and
internal. The wing comprises three branches:
Performance Review, Research and Inspections
and Complaints and Internal Investigations (C&II)

Complaints and Internal Investigations (C&II) =

includes the Complaints Against Police Office
(CAPO) oversees the investigation and successful
resolution of all complaints made both externally
and internally against members of the force.
• Commissioner of Police (CP))
• Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP)
• Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police (SACP)
• Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP)
• Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP)
• Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP)
• Superintendent of Police (SP)
• Chief Inspector of Police (CIP)
• Senior Inspector of Police (SIP)
• Inspector of Police (IP)
• Probationary Inspector of Police (PI)
• Station Sergeant (SSGT)
• Sergeant (SGT)
• Senior Constable (SPC)
• Police Constable (PC)
• TAIWAN POLICE FORCE = is the unified
police force of Taiwan
• Under the supervision of NATIONAL
POLICE AGENCY which is directly under
• Under effective civilian control
• Utilizes Centralized System
•To maintain public order,
•To protect social security
•To prevent all dangers, and
•To promote the welfare of all people.
•1. Administration Police = are generally referred to
those who are required to wear uniforms to carry out
duties of household visits, patrolling, raid, guarding,
duty officer, and reserves.
•2. Traffic Police = the primary duties of the Traffic
Police are to keep traffic order, to ensure traffic safety,
to prevent traffic accidents, and to smooth traffic flow.
•3. Special Police = are those who are responsible for
protecting the Central Government, establishing contingent
plans and assisting local and specialized police units in
maintaining public order.
•4. Criminal Investigation Police = the primary duties of the
criminal investigation police are to prevent and detect
•5. Specialized Police = main duties are to protect state-run
enterprises and public facilities like railways, highways,
airports, harbors, MRT and Bank of Taiwan.
• Police Supervisor General
• Police Supervisor Rank
• Police Supervisor Rank Two
• Police Supervisor Rank Three
• Police Supervisor Rank Four
• Police Officer Rank One
• Police Officer Rank Two
• Police Officer Rank Three
• Police Officer Rank Four
• Police Rank One
• Police Rank Two
• Police Rank Three
• Police Rank Four
• Myanmar Police Force = formally known as The
People's Police Force (Burmese: Pyi Thu Yae Tup Pwe)
• Established in 1964 as independent department under
Ministry of Home Affairs. It was reorganized on 1,
October 1995.
• There are 14 State and Divisional Police Forces and
three additional State/Division Police Forces
1.Central Training Institute of Myanmar Police Force
2.No.1 Police Training Depot = undertakes Basic Training
Course for Police Sergeant for 2 years; Warrant Officer
and Police Sergeants Course for 12 Weeks; and Basic
Training Course for Constables for 6 Month
3.No. 2 Police Training Depot = undertakes only Basic
Training Course for Constables, which normally takes
around 6 months to complete.
• Indonesian National Police (Kepolisian Negara
Republika Indonesia) = is the official police force of
• Organized 1946
• Also known as Polri
• Markasbesar/Mabes = name of the headquaters of
Indonesian National Police located in KebayoranBaru,
South, Jakarta, Indonesia
1. Kepolisian Daerah or Polda
= provincial police
2. Kepolisian Wilayah or
Polwil = regional police
3. Kepolisian Resort or Polres
= city police
4. Kepolisian Sector or Polsek
= sub-district police
1. Brigade Mobile (BRIMOB) = the most militarized trained to deal
with mass demonstrations
• Paramilitary role to conduct security stabilization operations and
providing security for VIP and vital facilities
2. Anti-Riot Unit (Pasukan Anti Huru-Hura) = received special anti-
riot training
3. Sea and Air Police = responsible patrolling the airspace
4. Plainclothes Unit = assigned in conducting investigations
5. Maritime Police = responsible in protecting the territorial sea
6. Anti-Terrorist Unit = trained in counter-terrorism
7. Forensics = in-charged of laboratory examination of evidence
• Police General = equivalent of Police
General of PNP
• Second Bhayangkara = equivalent of
Patrolman/Patrolwoman of the PNP
• At least sixth-grade education and
should pass the competitive
• After 3 years, personnel with junior
secondary diploma could enter into
Malaysia, PDRM)
• Police force of Malaysia.
• Headquarters is located at Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur
• The constitution, control, employment,
recruitment, fund, discipline, duties and powers of
the police force is specified and governed by the
Police Act 1967
• Motto = TEGAS, ADIL DAN BERHEMAH = Firm, Fair
And Prudent
RMP Organizations
1. Management Department = the Management Department is
tasked with the routine of management and administration affairs
of the RMP. This department is also the nerve centre of the RMP
and acts as the support services platform for the rest of the force.
2. Logistics Department = has the role to provide several
equipments needed in RMP
3. Criminal Investigation Division = deals with the investigation,
arrest and prosecution of hard crimes (murder, robbery, rape etc)
and petty crimes (theft, house-breaking etc).
• This department also specializes in gambling, vice and secret
societies (triads)
4. Narcotics Criminal Investigation Division = this
department's function is to fight against dangerous
drugs by enforcing the law to stop and reduce the
demand and supply of dangerous drugs.
5. Internal Security and Public Order Department =
responsible for traffic control and Search & Rescue (SAR)
6. The Police Field Force (PFF) = organized in battalions
and was a para-military units of the Royal Malaysia
Police. Also known as the Jungle Squad
• Established in 1948
7. Police Counter-Terrorism Unit = an elite unit of RMP
responsible in counter-terrorism operations
8. UNGERIN = Unit Gempur Marin (UNGERIN) (Marine
Combat Unit) was established in 2006 and it was fully
operational by the end of 2007
• First name was Unit Selam Tempur due to the pressing
need to suppress the pirate attacks alongside the coastal
area of Malacca Straits and open sea area of South China
Sea which were continuously widespread from time to time
despite various efforts done to overcome the problem
• Members received training from U.S
9. Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) = (Malay: Pasukan
Simpanan Persekutuan)
• Its role is riot suppression, crowd control, disaster
relief & rescue, as well as special operations assistance
• Organized in 1955
10. C4-i Implementations System = (abbreviation for
Command, Control, Communications, Computer-
Integrated) = based at Police Control Centre in all
police contingents in Malaysia.
• This unit is assigned to patrol the city and the suburbs.
11. The Marine Operations Force or (Malay: Pasukan
Gerakan Marin) = tasked with maintaining law and
order and coordinating search and rescue operations in
the Malaysian Maritime Zone and on the high seas
12. Royal Malaysian Police Air Wing Unit or Unit
Udara PDRM (UUP) = is a special unit of Royal Malaysia
Police with a vital role in maintaining national security
with thorough surveillance and patrol from the air
13. Special Branch = This department is responsible for
collecting intelligence for national security
POLICE = equivalent of
police general (Philippines)
equivalent of
• National Police Agency (NPA JNPA)
• Formerly known as Keihoryo (Police
Bureau within the Ministry of Home
affairs to 1945)
• Formed in 1954
• Law Enforcement is a Civilian Agency
• Parent Agency : National Public
Safety Commission
• Japanese Yakuza = considered as the
center of Asian organized crime
1. National Public Safety Commission = a government body responsible for the
administrative supervision of the police. Under the jurisdiction of the Prime
2. Japan National Police Agency (NPA) = a totally gunless police force, except for its
special attack team.
Organizations Attached to the NPA
• National Police Agency = provides training to police officers and conduct
academic research
• National Research Institute of Police Science = conducts research in police
• Imperial Guards = provides escort to the Emperor, Empress, Crown Prince and
other Imperial family.
• Responsible for the security of Imperial Palace
•3. Regional Police Bureau = exercise control and supervision over
regional police offices and provides support with the prefectural
•Director General = heads each Regional Bureau acting upon orders
from the Commission General of the NPA.
•Regional Police Bureau = the local organizations to carry out part of
the NPA’s functions. There are about 7 Bureaus in the major cities
except for Tokyo and Hokkaido where in Tokyo, Metropolitan Police
department (headed by Superintendent General) has long been
established and shares the same location with the NPA.
•Prefectural Police has the whole of Hokkaido under its jurisdiction.
•4. Prefectural Public Safety Commission (PPSC) = administrative
commission functioning under the representative system which
supervise the prefectural police.
• Under the Jurisdiction of the Governor. Though not empowered
to give order to the Commission.
•5. Koban = a system of policing adopted in Japan, a substation near
major transportation hubs and shopping areas and in residential
districts which forms the first line of police response to the public.
• Koban usually staffed by 3-5 officers and about 7000 residential
police boxes (Chuzaisho- staffed by a single officer). About 20 %
of police is assigned to Koban.
•Commissioner General: the Chief of National Police Agency.

•Superintendent :the Chief of Metropolitan Police Department

•Senior Commissioner: Deputy Commissioner General, Deputy Superintendent General,

the Chief of Regional Police Bureau, the Chief of Prefectural Police Headquarters, others.

•Commissioner: the Chief of Prefectural Police Headquarters.

•Assistant commissioner: the Chief of Police Station (large).

•National Police Agency officers occupy the higher ranks above it.

•Superintendent: the Chief of Police Station (small or middle), the Vice Commanding
Officer of Police Station, Commander of Riot Unit.

•Police Chief Inspector: Squad Commander of Police Station, Leader of Riot Company.

•Inspector: Squad Sub-Commander of Police Station, Leader of Riot Platoon. National

Police Officer 1st class's career start from this rank.

•Sergeant: Field supervisor, Leader of Police box. National Police Officer 2nd class's
career start from this rank.

•Senior Police Officer: Honorary rank of Police Officer.

•Police officer: Prefectural Police Officer's career start from this

• Francis James Bernard = formed the
skeleton force as the heritage of Singapore
Police Force in 1819.
• Singapore Police Force (SPF) is the main
agency task with the maintaining law
and order in the city-state. It is formerly
known as Republic of Singapore Police.
Organized with split staff (15) and line
functions (13) roughly modeled after
the military. Headquarters at New
Phoenix Park in Novena. The highest
rank is Commissioner of Police and the
lowest is Police Constable.
• Section 7 of Police Force Act of 1857 =
constitution of the SPF
•High school graduates who were interested
in law enforcement as a career can be
recruited and those who are selected for
officers had to be approved by the Public
Service Commission.
•Career development course were encouraged
for officer and senior officers are required to
travel oversees for training such as in Police
Staff College in Britain, FBI Nat’l Academy in
US and Police Academy in Japan.
•Nine (9) months training. Newly appointed
officer will be placed on a one year probation
Commissioner of Police =
equivalent of police general in the

Constable = equivalent of
patrolman in the PNP
• Ministry of National Defense = is the top of the
hierarchy with judicial and public security agencies
such as Ministry of Public safety and the Ministry of
State Security.
• Ministry of Public Security= is the principal police
authority of the mainland of the People’s Republic
of China which oversee the day to day law
enforcement. (It is the equivalent of the National
Police Agency in Japan).
• Ministry of State Security = the Chinese
government’s largest and most active foreign
intelligence agency, though it is also involved in
domestic security matters.
In the pre-imperial era Chinese people have the policing of
“groups of families”, responsible for each others good behavior and
share others punishments.”

 Song dynasty (960-1279) institutionalized it on a nationwide basis

in the bao jia (tithing) system. It entailed the organization of family
households into groups of ten, each unit being organized
successively into a larger unit up to the county level of
From 1949 to 1953, the newly established government
of the People's Republic made use of the PLA (People’s
Liberation Army), militia units made up of demobilized
soldiers and other civilians, the police, and loyal citizens
to put down resistance and establish order
Remnants of the Republic of China Armed Forces
remained in pockets on the mainland, and communist
efforts to enforce tax laws and agricultural rules
provoked disturbances and riots.
The PLA and the militia continued to share
responsibility for internal security
Creation of police force in China
1949–1950 : Chinese People's Public Security Force,
under the Ministry of Public Security
1950–1955 : Public Security Force, under the People's
Liberation Army
1955–1959 : Public Security Corps, under the PLA
1959–1963 : People's Armed Police, under the joint
leadership of the MPS and the PLA
1963–1966 : Chinese People's Public Security Force,
under the joint leadership of the MPS and the PLA
1966–1982 : PLA Internal Guard, absorbed into the PLA
in an integrated structure. In 1971 and 1973, some units
were transferred to the MPS
1982–present : People's Armed Police
Kinds of Police
1. People’s Armed Police (PAP), 1980’s deals with domestic disturbances, acts as riot
police and guard’s government compounds and foreign embassies. Usually handles border
defense but is called sometimes to back up local police.

2. State Security Police = (1983) safeguards state security, prevent foreign espionage,
sabotage and conspiracies. Under the Ministry of State Security and directly accountable
to the State council.

3. Prison Police = a part of the correctional arm of the overall police system stationed in
prisons and correction units. This is under the leadership of the Ministry of Justice.
People’s Armed Police Force
A Chinese paramilitary police
 Internal security, riot control,
antiterrorism, law enforcement, and
maritime rights protection in China as
well as providing support to the PLA
Ground Force during wartime
Size or officers of PAP – 1.5 million
Olive green instead of blue uniforms of
People’s police
4. Judicial Police = responsible for maintaining the security and order in courts and
serving instruments and some also executing death sentences.

5. Quasi parapolice (“Cheng guan”) = operate in many places and hired by officials to help carry out
some unpopular actions such as collecting taxes and fines and ousting peasants from seized land.

Special Police College = conducts nationwide recruitment once a year.

Central Military Commission = appoints police in China

People’s Liberation Army = Chinese Armed forces.

Civil Service Promotion Examinations = basis for regulation of the Rank

promotion Examination for police officer.

Commissioner General =
equivalent of Police General in
the PNP

Constable 2nd Class = equivalent

of Patrolman in the PNP
• Royal Thai Police = formerly known as
• In 1998, TNPD was transferred from the
Ministry of Interior of Thailand to be
directly under the Office of the Prime
Minister using the name Royal Thai
• The position of its supreme head was
changed from that of the Director-
General of the TNPD to the
Commissioner-General of the Royal Thai
Royal Thai Police
Headquarters = based in
1. Police General = highest
rank of the Royal Thai
2. Policeman / Constable =
lowest rank
• Royal Brunei Police Force (Polis
Diraja Brunei – PDRB) = created in
1921 which is responsible for
keeping law and order and
providing law enforcement services
throughout Brunei
• Inspector-General of Police =
highest rank
• Lance Corporal = lowest rank

• Republic of Korea’s Police Force – Also known

as the National Police Agency
• In 1974, the government started to study the
police system to revive the proper functionality
of the police
• On May 31, 1991, the Police Law was
established and promulgated
• On the 1st of August 1991, the Korean
National Police Agency (KNPA) was
inaugurated as an independent government
organization which is not a subordinate
organization of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Policing System
• The 1948 Constitution of the Republic of Korea (South
Korea), as amended, recognizes that it is a duty of the
state to "confirm and guarantee the fundamental and
inviolable human rights of individuals". The Constitution
does not explicitly protect the right to life though it is
specified that "No citizens shall be tortured....“ (Art. 12(2),
1948 Constitution of the Republic of Korea. )
• The Constitution refers obliquely to the police, stipulating
that the relatives of a police officer killed in the line of duty
shall not be entitled to claim damages against the state
but does not otherwise refer to a police force or the rules
governing use of force by law enforcement agencies.
• Police forces in South Korea fall under the responsibility of the National Police
Agency. The Agency declares that its goals include “solidifying a culture of
compliance in demonstrations through a consistent and fair enforcement of
the law", by:
• Establishing the rule of law through the management of assemblies and
demonstrations that meets the needs of the public
• Conducting a full and thorough investigation of violent protestors and
• Expanding and securing legal and policy foundations to reinforce the
enforcement of law in the frontline
• The Combat Police division of the National Police Agency, which is
composed of military conscripts, is an anti-riot paramilitary unit.
• Commissioner
General - highest
• Police Officer –
lowest rank
Philippine Police
• During the Spanish Regime
• Maintenance of law and order is a part of the
military system for the defense of the colony;
• Locally organized police forces although
performing civil duties is a direct adjunct of the
colonial military establishments; (policemen in
appearance yet colonial soldiers in the ultimate
• Police functions consisted mainly of (1) suppression of
brigandage by patrolling unsettled areas; (2) detection
of local or petty uprising by spying upon the work and
movements of the people and; (3) the enforcement of
tax collection including church revenues
•Cuardilleros = a body of rural police organized in each town established by
Royal decree of Jan. 8, 1836. It mandates that 5% of the able bodied male
inhabitants of each province where to be enlisted in this police
organization for 3 years..
•Carabineros De Seguridad Publica = Organized in 1712 for the purpose of
carrying the regulations of the Department of State. This was armed and
considered as the mounted police who later discharged the duties of a
port, harbor and river police.
•Guardia Civil = Created by Royal decree on February 12, 1852, to partially
relieve the Spanish peninsula troops of their works in policing towns. It is
consisted of a body of Filipino policemen organized originally in each of
the provincial capital of the province of Luzon under the Alcalde Mayor.)
Philippine Commission Act No. of 175 = (July 18, 1901) an act
providing for the organization and government of an Insular
Sec. 1, Act 255 of October 3, 1901 = renamed the Insular
Constabulary to Philippine Constabulary (a national police institution
for preserving peace, keeping order and enforcing the law.
Henry Allen = the first Chief of the Philippine Constabulary.
Rafael Crame = the first Filipino Chief of the Philippine Constabulary.
Act No 70 = (On January 9, 1901) The Metropolitan Police Force of
Manila was organized
E.O. 389 = Ordered that the PC be one of the four services of the
AFP, dated December 23, 1940.
P.D. 765 = Integration Act of 1975, dated August 8, 1975, established the
Integrated National Police (INP) composed of the PC as the nucleus and
the Integrated local police forces as components, under the Ministry of
National Defense.
E.O. 1012 =transferred to the city and municipal government the
operational supervision and direction over the INP units assigned within
their locality.
R.A. 4864 =It created the POLCOM (Police Commission) as a supervisory
agency to oversee the training and professionalization of the local police
under the Officer of the President. Otherwise known as the Police
Professionalization act of 1966, dated September 8, 1966. It was later
renamed as the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM).
E.O. 1040 = Transferred the Admin. Control and Supervision of the INP
from the ministry of National Defense to the National Police Commission
R.A. 6975 = It is otherwise known as the Department of
Interior and Local Government Act of 1990, enacted on
December 13, 1990. Established the PNP, BFP, BJMP and
the PPSC.
R.A. 8551 Philippine National Police Reform and
Reorganization Act of 1998, enacted 1998, amending the
provision of R.A. 6975
Act No. 181 = created the Division of Investigation (DI) of
the Department of Justice dated November 1938.
R.A. 157 = created the National Bureau of Investigation,
enacted June 19, 1947 and later reorganized by R,A. 2678
•Line and Staff = the organizational
structure of the P.N.P. which is also
adopted by many police organization in
the world.
•P.N.P. = headed by Chief with a rank of
Police General with two (2) Police
Lieutenant General (1) for
Administration and (2) for Operation.
Although there are three (3) Police
Lieutenant General ranks.
•SOP No. 7 = prescribed PNP guidelines
in the conduct of operations against
terrorists and other lawless elements
involved in terrorist activities.
Republic Act No. 11200
• An Act Providing For The Rank
Classification In The Philippine
National Police, Amending For
The Purpose Section 28 Of
Republic Act No. 6975, As
Amended, Otherwise Known
As The “Department Of The
Interior And Local
Government Act Of 1990
• Approved: February 08, 2019

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